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白塔寺再生计划以白塔寺历史胡同街区为背景, 结合公众参与、建筑及基础设施升级改造等形式, 用一种温和的发展方式将设计思维和文创理念融入城市更新计划之中。

9月22日-10月7日北京国际设计周期间, 白塔寺再生计划的活动将分为3个板块展开, 分别为

Baitasi Remade is a program of urban renewal tasked to integrate communal engagement, architectural and infrastructural upgrading by way of soft-strategies of development taking design thinking and cultural making at their hearts.
The theme has three parts in the period of BJDW from Sep, 23 to Oct, 8.



白塔寺新邻里关系媒体见面会|Baitasi: Towards New Neighbourhoods Media Reception

时间: 09.22 / 15:00

Time: 09.22 / 15:00
Place: Main Venue
Invatation Only

白塔寺:社区演进中的人类学国际研讨会|BAITASI: Anthropology Undergoing the Evolution of Communities International Symposium

时间:09.23 / 10:00-17:00
策展人: 张利

Time: 09.23 / 10:00-17:00
Place: The Main Venue
Host: Beijing HuarongJinying Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Organizer: World Architecture Magazine
Curator: ZHANG Li

院落‧胡同‧片区‧邻里国际研讨会|Courtyard‧Hutong‧Area‧New Neighbourhoods International Symposium

时间:10.03 / 10:00-17:00
地点:宫门口菜市场 主会场

Time: 10.03 / 10:00-17:00
Place: The Main Venue of Goumenkou Market
Host: Beijing HuarongJinying Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Organizer: World Architecture Magazine

院落‧胡同‧片区‧邻里国际研讨会旨在交流国际有关旧城改造的经验, 探讨如何在有限的片区空间内, 依托现有的建成环境提升居民生活水平, 研讨将围绕如下议题:全球扩展下的城市建设与城市共享的参与尝试/ 院落改造、胡同提升、片区更新的旧城更新模式的建立/ 居民主导、社会参与的社区营造发展模式/ 如何以增强社会再生能力为目的而重构空间。

Courtyard‧Hutong‧Area‧New Neighbourhoods InternationalSymposium will discuss the following questions:Participation experiments in urban construction andurban sharing under the background of global expansion/ Establishment of an old city upgrading mode forcourtyard transformation, Hutong improvement andneighbourhood upgrade / Establishment of communitybuilding and development mode, led by residents,socially participated and demonstrated by its subjects /Reconstructing spaces in aiming to enhance the ability of remaking society from a broader urban perspective.


共享城市中的共享院落|Shared Courtyard in a Shared City

时间:09.22-10.07 / 10:00-18:00
地点:前抄手31 号
策展人:和马町, 黄鹤, 张悦

这些设计作品是新加坡国立大学与清华大学共同设计的关于城市复兴问题的成果, 重点讨论了共享经济对城市发展的影响。

“共享城市”设计课题旨在为新兴的共享概念提供解决方案, 并从社会、经济和人文角度回应公共空间共享和可持续城市发展的想法。设计课题简介旨在讨论分享八个不同主题的想法 共享居住、共享办公、共享交通、共享教育、共享文化、共享遗产、共享商业和共享设施。

Time: 09.22-10.07 / 10:00-18:00
Place: No.31 Qianchaoshou Hutong
Host: Tsinghua University, School of Architecture
Curator: Martijn de Geus, HUANG He, ZHANG Yue
The design proposals are the outcome of a joint design research cooperation between National University of Singapore and Tsinghua University, regarding the topic of urban regeneration, with a specific focus on the influence of the sharing economy on urban development.
The "Sharing Cities" studio aims to provide solutionsto emerging concept of sharing, and responds to the idea of public space sharing and sustainable urban development from social, economic and humanitarian perspectives. The studio brief has been designed to discuss the idea of sharing in eight different themes; sharing housing, sharing workspace, sharing transportation, sharing education, sharing culture, sharing heritage, sharing commerce and sharing infrastructure.



社区设计 |Native Design

2017白塔寺国际方案征集 / 设计市集|BAITASI 2017 International Design Competition / Design Fair

终评时间:09.28 / 10:00-18:00
主办:西城区新街口街道办事处, 北京华融金盈投资发展有限公司

此次公开的国际方案征集旨在为白塔寺片区内的胡同公共空间征集设计作品。入围作品将在北京国际设计周期间模拟实施, 由专业评委与社区居民评选出优胜作品, 为白塔寺片区、北京更广泛的旧城区域甚至中国众多城市中旧城区域的更新发展提供参考。

Time: 09.28 / 10:00-18:00
Place:The Main Venue of Goumenkou
Time: 9.22-10.7
Place: Funeibeijie Gongmenkou DongXicha
Host: Xinjiekou Sub-district Administrative Office,Xicheng District, Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co., Ltd.
Organizer: World Architecture Magazine
This open international competition aims to collect design works of public space for hutongs in Baitasi neighbourhood.Shortlisted works will be implemented in a simulated way during Beijing Design Week, and the winning designs will be selected by professional Jury and residents in the neighbourhood and will be made available as reference of the revitalization development in Baitasi neighbourhood, in a broader old-town area of Beijing and even in old towns throughout China.


胡同乐园|Hutong Playground

地点:东夹道56 号
承办:Politecnico di Torino, DAD-Department of Architecture and Design (PoliTO).
协办:Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, Centre for Area and Cultural Studies, College of Humanities (EPFL).
策展人:Michele Bonino (PoliTO)
其他:Alberto Bologna, Silvia Lanteri, Marta Mancini, Maria Paola Repellino with Enrica Perrot and Lidia Preti (PoliTO). Florence Graezer Bideau (EPFL).

这个装置的主旨是为白塔寺不同年龄段的居民提供一个综合性功能的空间: 它将现有的空间通过一系列的变换得到一个新的活动场所, 通过加入各种中国和欧洲的游戏和活动, 强调了人的尺度在空间内的重要性。

Time: 09.22-10.07
Place: 56 Dongjiadao
Host: Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Organizer: Politecnico di Torino, DAD-Department of Architecture and Design (PoliTO)Co-organizer / Ecole Polytechnique
Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, Centre for Area and Cultural Studies, College of Humanities (EPFL).
Curator: Michele Bonino (PoliTO)
Others: Alberto Bologna, Silvia Lanteri, Marta Mancini, Maria Paola Repellino with Enrica Perrot and Lidia Preti (PoliTO). Florence Graezer Bideau (EPFL).
The installation creates a new aggregative space for the inhabitants of all ages in Baitasi: it transforms the existing space in a new place, where the human scale is exalted through the arrangement of different games from China and Europe.


微++: 院落功能植入与居住开间更新探索|Maximize the Minimum: courtyard and kaijian in_lls for better living

时间:09.25-10.07 / 09:00-18:00
地点:福绥境50 号
主办:北京华融金盈投资发展有限公司, 清华大学建筑学院, 北京建筑大学
策展人:张悦, 郝石盟, 聂聪, 李静涵, 陈成
城市更新设计团队:张悦, 吴俐颖, 聂聪, 曹梦醒, 王钰, 李清纯, 张阳
示范工程设计团队:张悦, 郝石盟, 李培铭, 刘雁鹏, 訾滨阳, 聂聪

主要内容:①历史城市片区交通微循环、小市政公共设施系统协同提升策略。②传统院落成套化功能模块的植入。③传统建筑开间改造模式, 居住品质提升的适用性策略。④社区公众参与与全产别院落的实施路径。

Time: 09.25-10.07 / 09:00-18:00
Place: 50 Fusuijing Hutong
Host: Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment& Development Co., Ltd. ; School of Architecture, Tsinghua University; Beijing University of Civil Engineering and ArchitectureSponsor:Beijing Huarong Jinying Investment & Development Co., Ltd.
Curator: ZHANG Yue, HAO Shimeng, NIE Cong, LI Jinghan, CHEN Cheng
Urban Renewal Design Team: ZHANG Yue, WU Liying, NIE Cong, Cao Mengxing, WANG Yu, LI Qingchun, ZHANG Yang
Demonstration Engineering Design Team: ZHANG Yue, HAO Shimengww, LI Peiming, LIU Yanpeng, ZI Binyang, NIE Cong
Co-organizer: sumstudio
Theme: Explore the micro-renewal design strategy of the “kaijianrenewal + modules infills” in the historicdistrict.
Main content: 1. Strategies of traf_c micro-circulation,small municipal public facilities system enhancement in Historic District.2. Infillsof sets of functional modules in chinese traditional courtyard.3. Applicable strategies for improvement of living quality by the kaijian renewal design in chinese traditional building.4. Community public participation and the implementation path for courtyards in all ownership types.
Targeted people / Citizens and related government enterprises.


编织白塔|Weaving Baitasi

时间:09.22-10.07 / 09:00-18:00


Time: 09.22-10.07 / 09:00-18:00
Place: Public Space
Host: Beijing HuarongJinying Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Organizer: World Architecture Magazine
Co-organizer: Kaka Hand
Curator: ZHANG Li
Select objects in public spaces at meaningful points along hutongs and weave them into beautiful works of art.The purpose is tofacilitate the active participation of local residents, feel the achievements in transformation and updating, and embody the vitality of communities; to present the achievements in the combination between Baitasi Remade and the design in a diversi_ed manner, to design the events in which local residents are able to participate, to motivate the enthusiasm of residents for participation, and let them share the design.



白塔之旅|Tour of BAITA

白塔寺社区会客厅|Baitasi Living Room

时间:09.27-10.07 / 09:00-18:00
地点:东岔81 号
策展人:刘伟, 王海元

西城区民政局、新街口办事处、华融金盈公司和熊猫慢递以多元主体共同促进的方式, 在白塔寺东岔81号建立“白塔寺社区会客厅”, 以老街坊再会、老味道再品、老照片再拍、老物件再买、老电影再赏、老手艺再现等服务形式, 让白塔寺的社区人文记忆得以重生, 让我们新的日子过出旧的温暖。

Time: 09.27-10.07 / 09:00-18:00
Place: 81 Dongcha
Organizer: Beijing Shangyiyou Culture Media
Co-Organizer: Beijing Sixi Food  
Curator: Liu Wei, Wang Hai Yuan
Xicheng District Civil Affairs Bureau, Xinjiekou of_ce,Huarong company and Pandamandy to multiple subjects to jointly promote the way in the 81 Baitasi Dongcha to establish "the Baitasi community reception hall", in the old neighborhood, the old _avor products, then will take old photos and old objects to buy old movie again, the old craft tours, reproduction and other forms of service, let the Baitasi community cultural memory of rebirth, let us in the days of the new old warm.


黑匣子|Black box

时间:09.27-10.07 / 10:00-16:30
地点:宫门口东岔94 号
主办 :ThatLab

THAT-LAB在此次展览中制造了一个记忆与情感的“黑匣子”,17m2的狭小空间内布满过往的影像与声音, 邀请观展人置身其中, 并通过特定互动形式来检索和追溯出一段段故事、 一段段情感、 一段段时光, 从而引发对“关系”的思考。

Time: 09.27-10.07 / 10:00-16:30
Place: 94 Gongmenkou Dongcha
Host: ThatLab
Curator: ThatLab
THAT-LAB created a memorial and emotional 'BlackBox' in the exhibition. The previous image and soundfilled in the limited place 17 square meters involved
you into it. Its specic interaction could retrieve and recall pieces of stories, emotion, and beautiful moment,which would provoke the meditation of ' relationship'.




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