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Image © Roberto Conte

来自摄影师Roberto Conte和Stefano Perego镜头下的格鲁吉亚苏联建筑遗产
Georgia's Soviet Architectural Heritage Captured by Photographers Roberto Conte and Stefano Perego


格鲁吉亚共和国的过去充满了动荡和斗争。格鲁吉亚因其为Joseph Stalin的诞生地而闻名于世。这个国家的历史从未平静过,但其国家的历史遗迹却让我们感到惊艳。

格鲁吉亚残存的苏联地标建筑风格独特,介于传统与现代之间。意大利摄影师Roberto Conte 和Stefano Perego将格鲁吉亚的苏联建筑遗产通过相机捕捉下来,在下面的文章中与大家分享。

The Republic of Georgia’s past is defined by turbulence and a struggle for identity. A former republic of the USSR, Georgia is perhaps best known as the birthplace of Joseph Stalin. The nation's history has been anything but calm, and remnants of the architectural past provide a glimpse into the nation that was.
The country's remaining Soviet landmarks give Georgia an air of being caught between the past and the present. Italian photographers Roberto Conte and Stefano Perego capture this in their photo series, Soviet Architecture Heritage in Georgia, with a compilation of photos that highlights the existing Soviet heritage in Georgian architecture today.

Image © Stefano Perego

追溯到公元一世纪,现代格鲁吉亚首都第比利斯是欧亚草原上的重要贸易点,也是伟大的丝绸之路的先驱。该地区周围环绕有蒙古、波斯、奥斯曼帝国,因为第比利斯地区的主要信仰是基督教,所以由于宗教原因,他们常常受到周边伊斯兰人的入侵[ 1 ]。到十八世纪末,这里已变成废墟。

Dating back to the 1st century, the modern-day Georgian capital, Tbilisi, existed as an important trading point on the Eurasian Steppe Route, a precursor to the Great Silk Road. Mongol, Persian, and Ottoman empires surrounded the area, and because Tbilisi was also the Christian outpost in the region, the city repeatedly suffered from invasions by their hostile Islamic neighbors [1]. By the late 18th century, the capital was in ruins.

Image © Roberto Conte


In 1921, Russians intervened in Tbilisi and cut Georgia’s Islamic ties, declaring the fragile nation as a Soviet state. Architecture became one of the Soviets' key tools to exercise their ideology. The city of Tbilisi was regulated by masterplans, and monuments and buildings glorifying the Soviet Union surfaced on every street corner.

Image © Stefano Perego


Although the Soviet Union fell in 1991, their monuments survived. Constant reminders of the country’s Soviet past remained and populated the country's built environment. After the fall, Georgia reverted to being a weak, unstable state. The country struggled through the arduous process of seceding from Russia and forming an independent nation. A wave of civil wars and political strikes swept through the area and left the country, once again, in ruins [2].

Image © Roberto Conte


Today, remnants of a Soviet-occupied Georgia are still scattered throughout the country. Conte and Perego traveled throughout Georgia to locate these Brutalist and Constructivist landmarks. Although the country has tried to modernize and forget the past, the Italian photographers view Georgia’s Soviet architecture as an important feature of the country’s urban landscape. Many examples of Georgia's Soviet architecture, including Andropov's Ears, have been destroyed. Others remain, however, and have been renovated to take on a new form.

Image © Stefano Perego

Conte和 Perego运用他们镜头下的作品,让人们关注到苏联建筑的表现主义,由Berdzenishvili设计的Marneuli雕像、俄罗斯和格鲁吉亚的友谊纪念碑等建筑遗迹都具有这些特点。人类形体也出现在许多苏联公共建筑的壁画上,如工业技术学院礼堂或考古博物馆。

Conte and Perego use their images to bring attention to the expressionist style apparent in the country’s Soviet architecture. This can be seen in the use of human forms in the statue by Berdzenishvili in Marneuli and Russian Georgian Friendship Monument near the Georgian border. Human forms also appear in murals painted on the side of many Soviet public buildings, such as the Auditorium of the Industrial Technical College or the Archeological Museum.

Image © Roberto Conte


The Archaeological Museum also exhibits the use of an almost circular plan. This was a common design decision in many examples of Georgian Soviet architecture and can also be seen at the Djorbenadze’s Palace of Rituals.

Image © Stefano Perego

苏联时期的一个重要里程碑是伊比利亚(Iberia)酒店。该建筑建于1967年,后来由格鲁吉亚建筑师G. Chakhava和Z. Jalghania改建为Radisson Blu酒店,改建之后,这座大楼的外观完全改变了。

这两位摄影师对于Ministry of Highway Construction项目特别感兴趣。这个项目是一个融合历史传统的建筑,其中融合了格鲁吉亚的传统屋顶、新陈代谢派风格特点,以及El Lissitzky的水平天际线,该建筑在近期也将通过修复与改建,从而用作格鲁吉亚银行总部。

An important Soviet landmark was the Iberia Hotel. Constructed in 1967, it was later transformed by Georgian architects G. Chakhava and Z. Jalghania. The building's exterior was completely altered and today is being used as a Radisson Blu Hotel.
The pair was especially interested in the Ministry of Highway Construction. This particular project was the culmination of a fusion of several architectural influences of the Georgian past—traditional Georgian architecture roofs, metabolist utopias, and the horizontal skyscrapers of El Lissitzky. The structure has also been restored and converted—today, it serves as the Bank of Georgia's headquarters.

Image © Roberto Conte


Although the Republic of Georgia strives to advance to modern society, Conte and Perego choose to highlight the past. The Brutalist and Constructivist monuments which continue to occupy much of Georgia’s landscape offer a brief glance into a small part of the nation's long history. The fragments which remain serve as reminders and reflections of the urban conditions of the Soviet era.

Image © Stefano Perego

1、Shavishvili, Nick. "View from Tbilisi."《建筑评论》第213刊,总第1275刊 (05, 2003): 32

1.        Shavishvili, Nick. "View from Tbilisi." The Architectural Review 213, no. 1275 (05, 2003): 32
2.        Ibid.

Image © Stefano Perego

Image © Roberto Conte





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