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玛格丽特亨特希尔大桥,得克萨斯州,达拉斯|Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge, Dallas, Texas. Image © Greig Cranna

How Bridges Evolved Into Signifiers of Urban Identity


在过去的几十年里,建筑师和工程师之间越来越密切的合作关系,让许多优秀的桥梁作品诞生在世界各个城市之中。 有时,桥梁甚至成为城市的标志,引起了当地居民的自豪感,同时也成为人们的旅游胜地。这些因素让摄影师Greig Cranna在世界各地旅行的过程中特别关注各地的桥梁,并通过相机将它们记录下来。

Cranna曾经在Instagram上发表了一些令人惊叹的摄影作品,并在过去的20个月里将它们整理成即将出版的书《天空建筑 ——今日桥梁的魔幻变革》。这些迷人的照片表达了桥梁建筑非凡的影响力,它们既是景观的补充,也融入了当代的城市轮廓中。

Increasingly close collaboration between architects and engineers has caused an explosion in bridge design over the last few decades, resulting in structures that are both bold yet rational. As a result, cities have exploited bridges as great monuments of design, to foster pride in the residents and promote themselves as a destination for tourists. These ideas have inspired photographer Greig Cranna as he travels the world, capturing the elegance of today's bridge infrastructure.
Cranna has been documenting some of his stunning photography on Instagram, collating it over the past 20 months into a forthcoming book, Sky Architecture—The Transformative Magic of Today's Bridges. In capturing these entrancing structures, the photos show the impact of the bridges as an addition to the landscape and revel in their contemporary silhouettes and designs.


Pomeroy-MaSon大桥,Pomeroy, OH|Pomeroy-Mason Bridge, Pomeroy, OH. Image © Greig Cranna

最初桥梁的设计目的只是作为人行通道,后来有了马车,在相对较小的负荷下,整体外观便成为了设计的重点。 以威尼斯16世纪的里亚托桥为例, 它的人体尺度设计使得桥梁看上去十分宏伟,其自身也成为一种独特的标识。

Bridges began their life as simply a safe crossing for those on foot, and later went on to bear horses and carriages. With relatively minimal loads, the focus of the designs could be spent on the overall appearance. Take the ornamentation of the 16th century Rialto Bridge in Venice for example; its human scale design allowed for an experience of grandeur, creating an architectural icon.

东湾大桥,加利福尼亚州,旧金山|East Bay Bridge, San Francisco, Ca. Image © Greig Cranna

Port Mann,加拿大,不列颠哥伦比亚|Port Mann, British Columbia. Image © Greig Cranna


At the turn of the 19th century, industrialization and the invention of the railway demanded bridges with much larger spans to be built that could handle the greater loads. The need for stronger connections between cities led to the emphasis being shifted to the structural qualities of the bridge and aesthetics were arguably forgotten. At this point, bridges were primarily built out of steel for greater structural support and appeared utilitarian in their look. Forth Bridge in Scotland demonstrates this engineering triumph, with its multiple cantilevering sections covering a span of over half a kilometer.

无限大桥,英国,斯托克顿|Infinity Bridge, Stockton-On-Tees, England. Image © Greig Cranna


Today, bridges see much more involvement of architects in their designs. Now more than ever, improving technology has enabled explorations of form and granted opportunities to experiment with structure. The power of bridges to influence people's perceptions of a place has not gone unnoticed by cities as they are "branding themselves around signature structures," explains Cranna.

伊拉斯谟斯大桥,荷兰,鹿特丹|Erasmus Bridge, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Image © Greig Cranna

社会对运输的依赖造就了历史上的著名地标,例如布鲁克林大桥、金门大桥和悉尼海港大桥,这些大桥与其场所相关联。 在那个时期,大胆的设计使现代桥梁在城市中脱颖而出,成为具有识别性的结构体。

Society's reliance on transportation has provided us with famous landmarks in the past such as the Brooklyn Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge and Sydney Harbour Bridge that instantly are associated with the location they belong to. These days, bold design is a requirement for contemporary bridges to stand out in the same way to become a recognizable structure.

Bob Kerrey Bridge,美国,内布拉斯加州,奥马哈|Bob Kerrey Bridge, Omaha, Nebraska.


These distinct forms are apparent in Cranna's photographs; however, it is the pedestrian bridges that he finds most interesting. Harking back to the early stages of the bridge, they are much more personal and human-scale, creating an individual experience going from A to B. As well as the interaction with people, pedestrian bridges present an environmental advantage, encouraging a greener approach to travel.

BP桥,芝加哥|BP Bridge, Chicago, IL. Image © Greig Cranna

在Cranna拍摄的人行天桥中,有芝加哥的BP Bridge,这个作品由弗兰克•盖里(Frank Gehry)设计,它将带你在两个公园之间穿梭并穿行到马路对面。 蜿蜒的路径有意而为,不仅让引桥的坡道更为缓和,也为桥上的人们隔绝了周边的噪音,这种设计方式充分呼应了以人为本的真切需求。

Among the pedestrian bridges photographed by Cranna is the BP Bridge in Chicago. Designed by Frank Gehry, it takes you on a winding journey between two parks and across a road. The serpentine path is deliberately curved to provide a longer, gradual ramp for the bridge to be accessible to all and the broad form acts as an acoustic barrier from the road below. This attention to the human senses and how we perceive such a space is an architectural quality that can only be achieved on infrastructure at this personal level.

盖茨黑德千年大桥,英格兰,纽卡斯尔|Gateshead Millenium Bridge, Newcastle-On-Tyne, England. Image © Greig Cranna

Cranna还拍摄了由Wilkinson Eyre Architects设计的盖茨黑德千禧桥(Gateshead Millennium Bridge),该桥是英格兰纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)泰恩河(River Tyne)的人行天桥。 倾斜的桥梁吸引了众多游客,其动态结构仿佛一艘大船。 与BP Bridge不同的是,这座桥梁看上去更加轻盈,让人们能够充分观赏到河面的美景。

Cranna has also photographed Gateshead Millennium Bridge, designed by Wilkinson Eyre Architects, that responds to the need for pedestrian crossings over the River Tyne in Newcastle, England. The tilting bridge has become an iconic attraction, drawing crowds to watch the dynamic structure move like a blinking eye for larger boats to pass. Unlike the BP Bridge, its minimal design is lightweight and allows views up and down the river as an integral part of the experience for the users.

Ft,温哥华|Ft. Vancouver, Wash.. Image © Greig Cranna

设计师在人行天桥的设计中都充分考虑了人体的关系。除了Cranna拍摄的照片,还有NEXT建筑事务所在 Lucky Knot中设计的抽象形体,这形成了景观亮点,而在RDG规划设计的High Trestle Trail桥中,闪着蓝色灯光的通道在夜间熠熠生辉。

As pedestrian bridges emerge across the world, the way in which they respond to the human senses has led to the more playful forms. Besides those photographed by Cranna, we can see abstract shapes appear in Lucky Knot by NEXT Architects, which creates viewpoints across the landscape, and in RDG Planning & Design's High Trestle Trail Bridge, whose whimsical tunnel of blue lights transforms the space at night.

Bond Bridge,密苏里州,堪萨斯城|Bond Bridge, Kansas City, Mo. Image © Greig Cranna

尽管大型基础设施对车辆的需求仍然非常明显,但我们仍然应当继续发展人行天桥。 我们现在看到,桥梁不仅是一种跨越道路或河流的通道,也是人们想要参观和体验的雕塑艺术。桥梁设计既有利于环境又有利于旅游业,更重要的是我们要继续探索这些空间和感官的体验,同时,也欢迎像Cranna这样的摄影师继续为人们带来更多优秀的桥梁摄影作品。

Although there is still an obvious demand for larger infrastructure to handle vehicles, it is important that we continue this evolving passion for pedestrian bridges. We now see bridges not only as a method to cross roads or rivers but as a sculptural piece of technology that people want to visit and experience. The emphasis on bridges that can improve pedestrian transport has benefits both environmentally and for the tourism industry, so it is important that we continue to create these spatial and sensual experiences—and welcome that such developments are cataloged and celebrated by photographers such as Cranna.

福斯湾,苏格兰,爱丁堡|Firth of Forth, Edinburgh, Scotland. Image © Greig Cranna

Hartman Bridge,得克萨斯州,休斯顿|Hartman Bridge, Houston, Texas. Image © Greig Cranna

Iron Horse Trail Bridge,美国,加利福尼亚,沃尔纳特克里克|Iron Horse Trail Bridge, Walnut Creek, Ca. Image © Greig Cranna

Lanier Bridge,格鲁吉亚,Brunswick|Lanier Bridge, Brunswick, Georgia. Image © Greig Cranna

Port Mann,加拿大,不列颠哥伦比亚|Port Mann, British Columbia. Image © Greig Cranna

Puente de Andalucia,西班牙,科尔多瓦|Puente de Andalucia, Cordoba, Spain. Image © Greig Cranna

Rich St. Bridge,俄亥俄州,哥伦布|Rich St. Bridge, Columbus, OH. Image © Greig Cranna

步道桥,爱荷华,得梅因河|Riverwalk Bridge, Des Moines, Iowa. Image © Greig Cranna

Sundial Bridge,加利福尼亚,雷丁市|Sundial Bridge, Redding, Ca.. Image © Greig Cranna

Three Bridges,荷兰,Hoofddorpt|Three Bridges, Hoofddorpt, Netherlands. Image © Greig Cranna

阳光高架桥,佛罗里达州,坦帕湾|Sunshine Skyway Bridge, Tampa, Fla . Image © Greig Cranna





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