
(上海)戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 David Chipperfield Architects – 项目建筑师 Project Architect / 渲染图设计师 Visual Artist / 建筑实习生 Intern Architect

戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 | David Chipperfield Architects

从事建筑设计,室内设计,城市规划,产品及家具设计的事务所,分别在伦敦,柏林,米兰和上海设有办公室。作品涵盖了文化,住宅和商业等多个领域。事务所在中国的主要建成项目主要有:位于杭州的九树公寓、西溪天堂-悦庄、壹向大厦和良渚文化博物馆;位于上海的洛克外滩源项目,包括外滩美术馆和其它十处近代历史建筑的修缮改造设计。目前事务所已赢得了超过五十个国家和国际级的大型设计竞赛,和超过一百个国际设计大奖及提名,包括 RIBA、RFAC 和 AIA 大奖,以及2007年英国皇家建筑师协会的斯特林大奖 (RIBA Stirling Prize) 和2011年欧盟当代建筑大奖-密斯·凡德罗奖(Mies van der Rohe Award)。事务所的国际声誉一方面来自于我们不遗余力地投身于建筑创作的各个层面,另一方面来自于我们对设计理念完整实现的追求,使最终设计作品成为在建筑、社会和文化层面和谐的解决方案。

David Chipperfield Architects was founded in 1985 and has offices in London, Berlin, Milan and Shanghai. The practice works internationally on cultural, residential and commercial projects providing full architectural and interior design, master planning, product and furniture design services. Among the practice’s major works in China are Ninetree Village, Xixi Wetland Estate, Office Building Moganshan Road and Liangzhu Museum, all located in Hangzhou; the Rockbund Project in Shanghai, including the restoration and retrofit of Rockbund Art Museum and the other 10 historical buildings. The practice has won more than 50 national and international competitions and 100 international awards and citations for design excellence, including RIBA, RFAC and AIA awards, as well as the RIBA Stirling Prize in 2007, and the European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecture – Mies van der Rohe Award in 2011.The reputation of the office is established by both a commitment to the collaborative aspect of creating architecture and a strong focus on refining design ideas to arrive at a solution which is architecturally, socially and intellectually coherent.

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(上海)戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 – 项目建筑师/ 渲染图设计师/ 建筑实习生第1张图片

公司项目 | Projects

▽海浦沃斯美术馆 The Hepworth Wakefield, United Kingdom
(上海)戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 – 项目建筑师/ 渲染图设计师/ 建筑实习生第2张图片

▽胡美兹美术馆 Museo Jumex, Mexico
(上海)戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 – 项目建筑师/ 渲染图设计师/ 建筑实习生第3张图片

▽美洲杯帆船赛大楼 America’s Cup Building, Spain
(上海)戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 – 项目建筑师/ 渲染图设计师/ 建筑实习生第4张图片

▽诺贝尔中心 Nobel Center, Sweden
(上海)戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 – 项目建筑师/ 渲染图设计师/ 建筑实习生第5张图片

▽西岸美术馆 West Bund Art Museum, China
(上海)戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 – 项目建筑师/ 渲染图设计师/ 建筑实习生第6张图片

▽西溪天堂悦庄 Westbrook Resort Estate, China
(上海)戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 – 项目建筑师/ 渲染图设计师/ 建筑实习生第7张图片

▽壹向大楼 Eshine Tower, China
(上海)戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 – 项目建筑师/ 渲染图设计师/ 建筑实习生第8张图片

▽猪名川陵园礼堂与访客中心 Inagawa Cemetery chapel and visitor centre, Japan
(上海)戴卫·奇普菲尔德建筑事务所 – 项目建筑师/ 渲染图设计师/ 建筑实习生第9张图片

招聘职位 | Job vacancy

O 项目建筑师 Project Architect
We are looking for passionate project architects to lead dedicated project teams on mid-large scale projects.
Applicants must have a developed sensitivity towards architectural details and material, and demonstrate an aptitude in conceptual thinking. The tasks include team management and overseeing design development, schedules, drawing packages, meetings and reports. We require a minimum of 6 years work experience, including an established portfolio of built or to be built works, good verbal and written communications skills in English. Chinese speaking applicants will be preferred.

O 渲染图设计师 Visual Artist
The Visual Artist must have a strong aptitude in architectural representation and visualization, with a keen eye for composition, materiality, lighting, and commands high end rendering and post production techniques.
Candidates should have expertise in Maxwell, Photoshop and Rhinoceros. Applicants, who have a degree in architecture, are proficient in English and demonstrate strong interests in related artistic disciplines ranging from photography, art, film to graphic design are preferred.

O 建筑实习生 Intern Architect
能熟练运用AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, Rhinoceros 和 Maxwell,并能流利使用英文的申请者优先。实习期通常为6至12个月。
David Chipperfield Architects Shanghai is currently offering internships to students or recent graduates. Candidates must be able to work in a demanding collaborative environment, and have talent in architectural visualization and conceptual thinking.
Applicants with expertise in AutoCAD, Adobe Suite, Rhinoceros and Maxwell with proficiency in English are preferred. Internships are typically offered for a period of 6-12months.

应聘方式 | How to apply


Please limit your application to a pdf less than 15mb, including a cover letter clearly stating your availability, contact details, CV and a summary of works. Applicants for position of Intern Architect and Visual Artist please send your application to; applicants for other positions, please address your application to Liping Xu at our Shanghai office: We regret that we are unable to reply to all application sent to us. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted, within three weeks of receipt of your application.




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建筑实习生 (13 articles)

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