Emmerik has been invited to participate in the 2019 garden festival at the Hortillonnages in Amiens.
Landscapes are forever changing, it is their nature. Over time the production landscape of the Hortillonnages changed into an archipelago of pleasure gardens where every gardener is creating a private paradise. Rows of leeks, cabbages and carrots are replaced by ornamental trees, plaster statues and colourful flowers.
Meanwhile, spread around the Hortillonnages, hunters are patiently waiting for waterfowl. They have covered their hunting cabins with a camouflage of branches, leafs and erratic patterns to make them blend in with the surrounding landscape.
Chasse Aux Fleurs这一项目中则提出了一种新的伪装概念,可以满足园丁的需求,并将猎人遮蔽起来。花园中的植物搭配色彩鲜艳的一年生植物,在其种植排列和选择计划中就已经考虑到了未来的形态构图。俯瞰水面的狩猎小屋将会被这些一年生植物完全覆盖。
But does this camouflage still function if the landscape has changed so much? Won’t this type of camouflage stand out between all those colourful flowers, paradoxically revealing the cabins instead of hiding them?
Chasse aux Fleurs proposes an updated camouflage which can satisfy the pleasure gardeners ánd hide the hunters. The garden is constructed with colourful annuals, referring in its organisation and planting scheme to a camouflage pattern. The hunting cabin, overlooking the water, is completely covered in annuals.
Chasse Aux Fleurs的设计理念结合了狩猎的行为和对一年生花朵的美丽形态和纯真无暇的特质的感知。有了这一现代的手法,该项目平衡了不断变化的园艺景观和使用者的日常需求。
Chasse aux Fleurs combines the act of hunting with the perceived sweetness and innocence of the annual flower. With this contemporary camouflage, Chasse aux Fleurs addresses the changing landscape of the Hortillonnages and the delicate balance between its users.
The festival will open on 8th of June 2019 and close on the 20th of October.
委托方:Paul Casteleijn Hoveniers
一年生植物提供方:Blooming Business
绿墙设计:Universal Greenfields
contractor Paul Casteleijn Hoveniers
annuals Blooming Business
green wall Universal Greenfields