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巴黎“木”尽其用——Wood Up塔楼背后的可持续故事第1张图片
Wood Up timber tower in Paris, by LAN 由 LAN 设计的巴黎木结构塔
Image credit: Daisy Reillet

Explore wood architecture, Paris' new timber tower and how to make sustainable construction look ‘iconic’



提到巴黎,人们首先想到的可能是米色石灰岩建筑,而非木结构。但一座新落成的50米高公寓楼或将开启新潮流。这座名为“Wood Up”的建筑是欧洲首批木塔之一,由法国LAN建筑事务所(Lan Architecture Network)设计,该所由Benoît Jallon和 Umberto Napolitano领衔。开发商是专注木结构建筑的REI Habitat。

A new timber tower brings wood architecture into sharp focus in Paris and highlights ways to craft buildings that are both sustainable and look great: we spoke to project architects LAN, and explore the genre through further examples
Think of Paris and more cream-coloured limestone than wood architecture comes to mind. But a new 50m-tall apartment building might just start a trend. Named 'Wood Up', it's one of the first wood towers to grace a European skyline. The project was designed by French architectural firm LAN (Lan Architecture Network), headed up by Benoît Jallon and Umberto Napolitano, and developed by REI Habitat, which specialises in wood.


Wood architecture sets a trend in Paris

巴黎“木”尽其用——Wood Up塔楼背后的可持续故事第2张图片
Image credit: Charly Broyez

Wood Up坐落在巴黎与伊夫里郊区之间的塞纳河畔,位于正快速发展的第13区边缘地带。这座方正的建筑拥有宽大的窗户,沙色木柱与横梁交错。这片区域有着繁忙的城市环路、一座焚化炉,以及Jean Nouvel设计的倾斜的双子塔,让这座建筑显得格外醒目。



Wood Up sits next to the Seine between Paris and the suburb of Ivry, in a far-flung yet quickly developing corner of the 13th arrondissement. A boxy structure with big windows criss-crossed by sand-coloured wood columns and beams, it stands out in a landscape where neighbours include the city's busy ring road, an incinerator, and Jean Nouvel's off-kilter Tours Duo.

Tour LAN's Wood Up timber tower
This is a mass timber building, meaning that wood layers are bonded using either a glued laminated timber (glulam) or cross-laminated timber (CLT) process, giving it the structural strength of concrete. All the wood came from French forests, and was transported via the Seine. The external columns are Douglas fir, for its moisture resistance; the interior columns are beech, for its compressive strength; and the beams are spruce, for its bending resistance. LAN used the leftover wood scraps to make furniture.

巴黎“木”尽其用——Wood Up塔楼背后的可持续故事第3张图片
Image credit: Charly Broyez

Napolitano 表示,建筑师们在设计时不仅追求创新和生态,还要确保建筑极具吸引力——甚至要成为“地标”,因为它的滨河位置使其从四面八方都清晰可见。从宽敞的窗户到连接各层的外部楼梯,透明度是重中之重。“我们希望人们在日常生活中能感受到这座建筑的基础架构。”他说。

LAN成功地让Wood Up具有足够的吸引力,吸引人们搬到城市周边区域——从单间到三居室的132套公寓已全部租出。每套公寓都配有落地窗和私人露台,部分单元还拥有挑高的客厅。整体布局采用模块化设计,小户型位于大户型之上,未来可以合并(这些公寓未来可能会出售)。

Napolitano says the architects conceived the building to be not only pioneering and ecological, but highly attractive –even 'iconic', as its riverside location makes it visible from all around. Transparency was a priority, from the generous windows to external staircases connecting the floors. 'The idea was that people would feel the infrastructure in their daily lives,' he notes.
LAN succeeded in making Wood Up tempting enough for people to move to the city's edge – every one of the 132 apartments, from studio to three-bedroom, has been rented. Each apartment features floor-to-ceiling windows and private terraces. Some units have double-height living areas. The overall layout is modular, with small apartments above larger ones, so they can one day be combined (the apartments might be sold at a future date).

巴黎“木”尽其用——Wood Up塔楼背后的可持续故事第4张图片
Image credit: Charly Broyez



Rather than air conditioning, the building benefits from a sophisticated thermal management system. Deep exterior columns filter sunlight coming through the windows. The glass is treated with a solar coating, the curtains have a reflective silver layer, and there is plenty of natural ventilation.
A sense of community is built into the structure, too, with 500 sq m of shared terrace, including a huge, partly covered space on the eighth floor, where hundreds of residents can come together to practice yoga, watch a show, or throw a party. Vegetables and herbs will grow in a communal garden on the roof.

巴黎“木”尽其用——Wood Up塔楼背后的可持续故事第5张图片
Image credit: Charly Broyez

建筑一侧可以欣赏巴黎全景,从先贤祠到埃菲尔铁塔再到拉德芳斯区。另一侧则朝向伊夫里的烟囱和塔楼,展现出独特的工业魅力,“就像在看一座德国城市。”Napolitano 说,塞纳河蜿蜒流过两侧。

Wood Up是2017年一场竞赛的重要成果,这场竞赛由巴黎市政府发起,源于巴黎气候协定(COP21)的相关承诺。这个项目展现了木结构建筑的复兴,体现了城市在寻求应对气候变化的努力。Wood Up获得了多项认证,包括BBCA(低碳建筑认证)和“Bois Français”认证,后者专门为该项目创立。

One side of the building offers an expansive view of Paris, from the Pantheon to the Eiffel Tower to La Défense. The other looks out at the smokestacks and towers of Ivry, with its own kind of gritty urban charm, 'like looking at a German city', says Napolitano. The Seine is visible snaking past both sides.
Wood Up is the long-awaited result of a 2017 competition, sponsored by the city of Paris and spurred by the commitments of COP21. It exemplifies how wood construction is experiencing a renaissance as cities seek ways to mitigate climate change. Among the many labels that Wood Up has earned are BBCA (low carbon) and Bois Français (French wood), the latter created specifically for it.

巴黎“木”尽其用——Wood Up塔楼背后的可持续故事第6张图片
Image credit: Charly Broyez

“从碳排放角度来看,木材是一种极具价值的材料。”Napolitano解释说,“因为树木在生长过程中会吸收二氧化碳,并在整个生命周期中持续封存。而且木材不需要制造,只需要加工转化即可。”Wood Up所用木材来自可持续管理的森林——每砍伐一棵树,就在附近种植一棵新树。Napolitano表示,即便将河运木材和回收木料等环节计算在内,该建筑在50年使用期内的碳排放量仍比同类混凝土建筑低80%。

但木材建筑也面临着挑战。2019年巴黎圣母院木质屋顶梁被大火吞噬的事件,就凸显了这一问题。Napolitano回忆说:“那次事件之后,法国开始深入反思木结构建筑的问题,因为此前并没有专门的监管规范。”Wood Up项目使用的各类木材都经过多次测试,确保能抵抗火灾至少八小时。建筑的外部立柱采用“三明治”结构——木质核心和外层之间设置了防火板。此外,每层还设置了金属隔断等细节设计,防止火势沿外立面向上蔓延。

'Wood is an extremely interesting material in terms of carbon emissions,' explains Napolitano, 'since trees capture carbon in their lifetime, and continue to sequester it throughout their life cycle. And you don't have to manufacture the material, you simply transform it.' The forests used to build Wood Up are managed sustainably – for every tree that is cut down, another is planted nearby. Napolitano estimates that the building will emit 80 per cent less carbon than a comparable concrete structure over a 50-year life cycle, once you account for actions such as transporting the wood by river and recycling the wood scraps.
But wood presents challenges, too. One of these hit home when fire tore through the wooden roof beams of Notre-Dame Cathedral in 2019. Napolitano recalls: 'After that, there was a great deal of reflection around timber construction, which had not been specifically regulated in France.' The different woods used for Wood Up were tested repeatedly to prove they could withstand fire for at least eight hours. The building's external columns consist of a wood core and an outer layer, with a non-combustible panel between them. Details such as metal ridges at every level are meant to stop a fire from travelling up the façade.

巴黎“木”尽其用——Wood Up塔楼背后的可持续故事第7张图片
Image credit: Charly Broyez


Wood is also more expensive than other materials; the architect says this building cost €2,700 per square metre, compared to €2,500 for concrete. But he has no doubt the material is worth the investment, and that beautiful wood towers will inspire others. 'Fundamentally, the ecological question has to be reframed as a question of aesthetics,' he says. 'Something that's not punishing, but positive.'


瑞典斯德哥尔摩木城(Stockholm Wood City)

Explore more wood architecture examples
Stockholm Wood City, Sweden

瑞典大胆启动了全球最大规模的木结构建筑项目——在首都打造一个全木结构的城市区域。斯德哥尔摩木城的首批住宅将于2026年竣工,考虑到项目规模,这个工期堪称记录。项目方解释说,这得益于木结构建筑的预制件优势和高效的物流特点。项目预计将创造7,000个就业岗位和2,000套住房。项目由当地开发商Atrium Ljungberg负责开发,该公司首席执行官Annica Ånäs表示:“我们希望引领下一代城市开发项目,将人的福祉放在首位。这需要在气候、社会和经济方面实现可持续发展。我们正在将这一愿景变为现实。”

Sweden has daringly embarked on the world's largest timber construction – an entire urban section made out of wood architecture in its capital. Stockholm Wood City's first residential buildings are set to be completed by 2026 – a record time for a project of its scale, thanks to, its authors explain, the prefabrication elements and swift logistical features building with timber can offer. The scheme is set to create some 7,000 new workplaces and 2,000 new homes. Local developers Atrium Ljungberg are behind it, and its CEO, Annica Ånäs, says: 'We want to lead the way for the next generation of urban development projects, placing human well-being at the centre. This requires climate, social, and economic sustainability. We are now turning that vision into reality.'

法国巴黎 |  Moreau Kusunoki建筑事务所木结构住宅塔楼

Residential timber tower by Moreau Kusunoki, Paris, France

巴黎“木”尽其用——Wood Up塔楼背后的可持续故事第8张图片
Image credit: Maris Mezulis

这座木结构住宅塔楼是 Moreau Kusunoki建筑事务所在巴黎的最新代表作之一。项目位于巴黎东南部的一处新兴居住区,是当地新兴高层建筑群的组成部分。建筑高50米,提供70多套住宅单元。建筑采用简洁、规整的极简主义风格,立面以严谨的网格划分,赋予建筑庄重感,同时引导视线向上延伸。乍看之下,这些都很普通。但仔细观察就会发现,这些网格并非用混凝土浇筑,也不是常见的石材外墙。这是一座真正的全木结构高层建筑。

One of Moreau Kusunoki's recent works in Paris includes this residential timber tower. Set in a newly established residential centre at the southeastern end of Paris, it forms part of an emerging landscape of towers, and spans some 50m high and includes more than 70 homes. Its volumes, in clean, orthogonal, minimalist architecture, are defined by a strict grid, which gives the whole an element of monumentality and lifts the eye upwards. So far, so normal. Yet upon closer inspection, this grid is not made of concrete, nor clad in stone, as is often the case in similar works. This is a high-rise made entirely out of wood.

英国伦敦 | Waugh Thistleton建筑事务所黑白大厦

The Black & White Building by Waugh Thistleton, London, UK

巴黎“木”尽其用——Wood Up塔楼背后的可持续故事第9张图片
Image credit: Catherine Hyland

黑白大厦于2023年竣工,是伦敦市中心最高的大型木结构办公建筑,同时也是办公空间运营商TOG首个完全自主开发的项目,更是该公司在可持续建筑领域最具代表性的作品。项目设计方Waugh Thistleton建筑事务所是木结构建筑设计的行业领军者,他们的代表作包括备受赞誉的北伦敦Bushey公墓和Leamington温泉城的维措工厂。开发方与建筑师团队致力于打造一个创新且可持续的办公空间,在这片细长的基地上,最终建成了一座七层高(含可进入的空中花园)、进深44米的建筑。

When it opened in 2023, The Black & White Building was the tallest mass-timber office building in central London, as well as the first office development that workspace provider TOG had built entirely from scratch, and its most impressive yet in terms of sustainable architecture. Its architects, Waugh Thistleton Architects, are an industry leader in designing with timber, with projects such as the award-winning Bushey Cemetery in north London and Leamington Spa’s Vitsœ factory under their belt. The client-and-architect team set out to create a truly innovative, sustainable piece of workspace architecture within the relatively narrow but long site, landing at a volume seven storeys high (if you also count the accessible, planted roof) and 44m deep.




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