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来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第1张图片

Limdim House Studio calms Vietnam apartment with curved walls and arched niches


Limdim House工作室翻修了越南的 Brown Box 公寓,增加了弯曲的墙壁、分层的飞檐和水磨石表面,旨在创造一个“平静”和“温和”的空间。

Limdim House工作室通过拆除墙壁重新组织了以前的“商业”两居室公寓,将其改造成一个名为 “Brown Box ”的宽敞一居室住宅。

Architecture firm Limdim House Studio has renovated the Brown Box apartment in Vietnam adding curving walls, tiered cornices and terrazzo surfaces that aim to create a "calm" and "gentle" space.
Limdim House Studio reorganised the previously "commercial" two-bedroom apartment by removing walls to convert it into a spacious one-bedroom home named Brown Box.

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第2张图片
▲ 顶部:弯曲的拱形墙将开放式生活空间分隔开来。 上图:整个公寓都使用了水磨石
Top: a curving arched wall divides the open plan living space. Above: terrazzo was used throughout the apartment

“这个想法来自房子主人布朗女士的名字,意为棕色。”工作室创始人 Tran Ngo Chi Mai 说,“由于她也喜欢棕色,我们的想法是创造一个像这种颜色本身一样温和和平静的生活空间。”


"The idea comes from the byname of the owner of the house, Ms Brown," studio founder Tran Ngo Chi Mai told Dezeen. "Since she also loves the colour brown, our idea was to create a living space as gentle and calm as this colour itself."
"[We] processed the space with the aim of creating a new colour, a new breath to get rid of the boredom in commercial apartments."

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第3张图片
▲ 操作台上覆盖着水磨石
The island is blanketed in terrazzo



As part of the opening up of the home, the studio removed existing walls and added curving partition walls in their place.
The curved walls were surrounded by stepped cornices as a modern take on crown mouldings that remove the harshness of corners in the open-plan kitchen diner.

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第4张图片
▲ 工作室增加了新的隔墙
The studio added new partition walls


“我们选择棕色和米色周围的色调。”Chi Mai 解释道。,“在使用这种色调进行设计时,我们希望公寓安静、朴素且仍然精致。”

The studio used a natural colour palette throughout, employing light browns, beige and wood tones to create a peaceful yet sophisticated look.
"We choose tones around brown and beige," explained Chi Mai. "when designing with this colour tone, we want the apartment to be peaceful, plain and still full of sophistication."

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第5张图片
▲ 圆形家具和图案参考了公寓的设计
Circular furnishings and motifs reference the design of the apartment





A rounded island at the centre of the kitchen diner was clad in pale terrazzo to provide additional counter space in the one-wall kitchen.
An arched niche frames a sink, terrazzo countertops and a row of taupe brown overhead cabinetry which was arranged in a semicircle to fit within the alcove.
Terrazzo slabs extend across the floors of the apartment and to the living space which is zoned by floor-to-ceiling Melaleuca wood cabinetry and wooden furnishings.
The ceiling above the living area has a curved design and merges into an arched wall that visually separates the living area from the kitchen diner.

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第6张图片
▲ 卧室拥有明亮通风的外观
The bedroom has a light and airy look

“我们从厨房岛一直使用水磨石,就像一条小溪从地板上流下来,到处蔓延。”Chi Mai 说。



"We use terrazzo all the way from the kitchen island, like a stream going down the floor and spreading everywhere," said Chi Mai.
"Choosing this type of material helps the colour in the house to become light and soothing."
"Physically, Terrazzo has good hardness, just enough gloss, and more heat dissipation than wooden floors, so it creates a cool feeling, especially in tropical areas."

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第7张图片
▲ 拱形壁龛内有一面镜子和一把阅读椅
An arched niche houses a mirror and a reading chair



An arched doorway leads from the open-plan living area to the bedroom space. Its walls were covered in a grey plaster-like finish providing a textural quality.
An en-suite next to the bedroom was fitted with a free-standing terrazzo bathtub below a large circular window that looks into the bedroom.

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第8张图片
▲ 连接浴室使用了红砖瓷砖
Redbrick tiling was used in the en-suite

“在我们看来,设计空间时最重要的是创造一种精致的、尤其是给业主带来舒适的全新感觉。”Chi Mai 说。

"The important thing when designing a space, in our opinion, is to create a new, sophisticated and especially to bring comfortable feeling to the owner," said Chi Mai.
"If the owners come back after a hard days work, they don't enjoy the life in this space, this space will forever be just a place to provide basic needs like eating, sleeping and that will be our failure in this project."

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第9张图片
▲ 一扇大圆形窗户连接卧室和套间
A large circular window connects the bedroom and en-suite

Limdim House Studio 是一家位于越南的建筑、设计和室内设计事务所。

其他越南项目包括由Whale Design Lab设计的公寓,该项目参考了路易斯·康的作品,这座度假小屋还有着茅草屋顶。

摄影:Do Sy

Limdim House Studio is an architecture, design and interior design practice based in Vietnam.
Other Vietnamese projects include this apartment by Whale Design Lab which references the work of Louis Kahn, along with this holiday home that has a thatched roof.
Photography is by Do Sy.

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第10张图片

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第11张图片

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第12张图片

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第13张图片

来自空间的舒适与惬意——越南Brown Box 公寓第14张图片




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