Anne Ten Donkelaar水中的奇妙花卉艺术摄影作品展示
anne ten donkelaar captures delicate flower arrangement submerged underwater
艺术家兼产品设计师的Anne Ten Donkelaar最新展出“水下芭蕾”系列,该系列作品飘渺美妙,一朵朵精美的花朵被淹没在水中。艺术家解释说,花朵漂浮在水中的样子,仿佛一个沉稳的舞者。
artists and product designer anne ten donkelaar‘s latest project, ‘underwater ballet’, is an ethereal photo series featuring delicately arranged flowers that have been submerged in water. the artist explains that the flowers ‘float gracefully around in the cold water, capturing a silent image of a spirited dance.’
Anne Ten Donkelaar曾经致力于花卉制作,后来的“花卉结构”系列作品发展成为一种创新的摄影方式。 在她最新的“水下芭蕾”系列中,每一个花束都用一条细小的彩色绳子捆绑起来,而这条绳子的另一头被一个浸没在水底的小金属饰品所牵拉。以这样的方式拍摄照片,能够让花儿具有优雅的浮动姿态。
having perviously worked with cut-out flower arrangements, anne ten donkelaar’s ‘flower construction‘ series further develops into an innovative approach to photography. in her latest ‘underwater ballet’ series, each posed bouquet of flowers is tied down using a thin, colored rope, which is sunk by a small metal trinket. the scene results in an elegant choreography of swaying flowers captured in a single photograph.