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Tallinn Architecture Biennale exhibition explores "notion of food both literally and metaphorically"




An edible building envelope and curved mycelium bricks feature in the curatorial exhibition at this year's Tallinn Architecture Biennale in Estonia, which explores the future of architecture through the lens of food.
Named Edible; Or, the Architecture of Metabolism, the exhibition physically and metaphorically investigates the relationship between architecture and food at varying scales.

▲ 策展在塔林建筑双年展开幕
The curational exhibition has opened at Tallinn Architecture Biennale

它于去年 9 月 7 日在塔林爱沙尼亚建筑博物馆向公众开放,标志着第六届塔林建筑双年展 (TAB) 的开始。

该展览由建筑师和学者 Lydia Kallipoliti 和 Areti Markopoulou 策划,它回应了这次的主题。

It was opened to the public on 7 September at the Museum of Estonian Architecture in Tallinn, marking the beginning of Tallinn Architecture Biennale's (TAB) sixth edition.
Curated by architects and academics Lydia Kallipoliti and Areti Markopoulou, it responds to this year's theme, which also goes by the title Edible; Or, the Architecture of Metabolism.

▲ 它通过食物的镜头探索建筑
It explores the architecture through the lens of food



“我们在字面上和隐喻上都在接近食物的概念。” Kallipoliti在参观展览时说。

The curational exhibition is divided into four sections over two floors, with installations by designers, architects and scientists.
They examine everything from how natural processes such as consumption, growth and decay can be transferred to the built environment, to how we design our global food production networks and infrastructure.
"We're approaching the notion of food both literally and metaphorically," Kallipoliti told Dezeen during a tour of the exhibition.

▲ 特色产品中有一个可食用的立面原型
Among the featured products are an edible facade prototype


“通过在不同项目中的这些研究,我们探索建筑如何能够提取更少的资源并成为脱碳的一种主要因素。”Kallipoliti 补充道。


While some of the installations are conceptual, the curators highlighted that others are available for use now to help the architecture industry and built environment become more sustainable.
"Through these interrogations in different projects, [we] explore how architecture can extract less resources and become a kind of major factor of decarbonisation," Kallipoliti added.
"We think of everything as real and possible for implementation very quickly. It's not the technology that is unavailable, it is really about changing the way that we think and operate."

▲ 食用膨化大米集群旨在将生物多样性吸引到城市地区
The Edible Puffed Rice Clusters are designed to attract biodiversity to urban areas


在这里,策展人 Kallipoliti 和 Markopoulou 汇集了七个不同的展品,每个展品都代表一个家庭空间,作为“生活生态系统”的一部分。

One of the four sections, which also forms the centrepiece of the exhibition, is named the Metabolic Home.
Here, curators Kallipoliti and Markopoulou have brought together seven different exhibits that each represents a domestic space, staged as part of a "living ecosystem".

▲ 一个展览重新构想了传统餐桌
One exhibit reimagines the traditional dining table

亮点“客厅”展示了由建筑研究小组 Terreform One 设计的可食用和可生物降解的建筑围护结构。


Highlights include the "living room", where an edible and biodegradable building envelope designed by architecture research group Terreform One is displayed.
Named the Edible Puffed Rice Clusters, the pixelated-looking panels are formed from puffed rice. They are intended as a low-cost building material that can be used as a building facade that small mammals, insects and birds can consume.

▲ 它的特点是设计能够更加契合使用者手指的餐具
It features cutlery designed to slot on a user's fingers



Backed with insulating foam backing and easily replaced, the aim is for these panels to attract different organisms and help boost biodiversity in urban areas.
Opposite the panels is an installation that represents a dining room. It reimagines the traditional banquet table as a platform for diners to engage with the food production process.

▲ 一张桌子旨在鼓励食客参与食品生产过程
A table was designed to encourage diners to engage in the food production process

这款名为“Everything's On the Table”的产品具有不同寻常的餐具,更好地契合用户的手指,除此之外还有由 Hayley Eber 和 Mae-Ling Lokko 开发的无定形和沉浸式炊具。


Named Everything's On the Table, it features unusual cutlery that slots onto users' fingers and amorphous and immersive cookware developed by Hayley Eber and Mae-Ling Lokko.
The prototype table itself incorporates planters while hanging overhead are test tubes and vessels intended for users to harvest and cultivate their own food and waste.

▲ 展览的核心是新陈代谢之家
The centrepiece of the exhibition is the Metabolic Home


这包括设计工作室 Myceen 用蘑菇菌丝体(一种可生物降解的真菌材料)制作的弯曲砖块。 在它们旁边,一个内衬冷凝水的玻璃室隐藏着一种正在生长的蘑菇,它有朝一日将变成其中一个块,展示了生产过程。

Other standout exhibits in the show include those in the From Bricks to Soil section, which displays a number of building material prototypes that are compostable, some even edible.
This includes curved bricks that design studio Myceen has crafted from mushroom mycelium – a biodegradable fungal material. Beside them, a glass chamber lined with condensation conceals a growing mushroom that will one day be turned into one of these blocks, demonstrating the production process.

▲ Rootskin是一种由植物根制成的建筑材料
Rootskin is a building material made from vegetable roots

除了这些砖块外,还有一系列华丽的 Rootskin 面板,这是 IAAC 的研究人员使用机器人和植物根开发的一种产品,希望有朝一日可以用作建筑材料。

在这一部分,展览的参观者还可以看到鱼群在 Yfaloid 周围,Topotheque 设计研究工作室为展览目的而将人造鱼礁原型浸入鱼缸中。
Yfaloid 结构采用数字制造,从混凝土浇铸而成,尺寸和复杂性各不相同。 这个想法是模仿天然珊瑚环境,可用于珊瑚礁生态系统受损的地区,以鼓励海洋生物再次繁衍生息。

Markopoulou 表示,希望展览能够鼓励公众、政策制定者和创意人士采取行动。

Beside these bricks are a series of ornate panels of Rootskin, a product developed by researchers at IAAC using robotics and vegetable roots that is hoped to one day be used as a building material.
In this section, visitors to the exhibition can also see fish swarming around a Yfaloid – an artificial reef prototype that Topotheque Design Research Studio has immersed in a fish tank for the purpose of the exhibition.
The Yfaloid structures are cast from concrete using digital fabrication and vary in size and complexity. The idea is that they mimic natural coral environments and can be used in areas with damaged reef ecosystems to encourage sea life to thrive again.
According to Markopoulou, the exhibition is hoped to encourage action from the general public and policymakers as well as creatives.

▲ Myceen 的菌丝体砖正在展出
Mycelium bricks by Myceen are on display

“我们相信我们现在正处于关键时刻,没有太多时间让人思考和讨论,我们真的需要采取行动。”Markopoulou 在开幕式上说道。


"We believe that we are now at a critical moment and that there is not much time for anybody to just think about it and discuss it, we really need to act," Markopoulou told Dezeen during the opening.
"We hope that some of this work raises awareness to everybody. We don't want to speak only to the design community, we want to involve decision makers, we want to involve citizens being individuals, the industry, and we hope that this would actually open up possibilities of how certain things could be done differently in our urban environments and in our built environment."

▲ Topotheque 设计研究工作室正在展示其人工鱼礁原型 Yfaloid
Topotheque Design Research Studio is exhibiting its artificial reef prototype Yfaloid


该展馆名为 Fungible Non-Fungible Pavilion,由 Iheartblob 工作室使用社区铸造的 NFT 对象的物理版本建造。它旨在促进表达建筑理念。

Outside of the Museum of Estonian Architecture, a pavilion has also been installed as part of this year's TAB that was developed in line with this year's theme.
Named Fungible Non-Fungible Pavilion, the pavilion was built by studio Iheartblob from physical versions of NFT objects that were minted by the community. It is intended to promote the ideas of decentralisation and slowness in architecture.
Tallinn Architecture Biennale takes place from 7 September to 20 November 2022 at various locations across Tallinn, Estonia. See Dezeen Events Guide for an up-to-date list of architecture and design events taking place around the world.

















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