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Gateway Green


Gateway Green项目占地25英亩,位于波特兰东部两条主要高速公路交汇处。这片从未被开发利用过的绿地景观将面临着一系列复杂的挑战,这使得在这里创建一个公园似乎是一个不可能实现的任务。该片区的领导和倡导者也注意到了重新利用这一被遗忘的景观的潜力,他们帮助制定了对该片区改造的计划,并对将该场地开发表达支持。

Gateway Green is a 25-acre site located in East Portland at the confluence of two major freeways. This previously unused remnant landscape has a host of complicated public access challenges making the prospect of creating a park seemingly impossible. Community leaders and advocates who saw a potential for reclaiming this forgotten landscape have been instrumental in framing a vision and rallying support for developing the site into a usable park space.


而这个Gateway Green公园项目所面临的挑战,不只是在于规模和其独特的地形上,同时它离轻轨很近,时也缺乏足够的行人通道。因此,越野骑行被认为是该场地的主要使用方式之一。2017年,临时的越野自行车道被建造,它也成为了一种激活场地并减少该地块内的无家可归者露营的策略。骑行设施被当地居民所接受,也为该项目带来了地方和国家的认可,反过来,波特兰市和项目合作伙伴也得到了激励和支持,以推动项目的长期规划愿景。


Because of the challenges Gateway Green presented—its size, unique terrain, close proximity to light rail, and lack of adequate access for pedestrians—off-road cycling was identified as one of the many viable, long-term uses envisioned for the site. In 2017, temporary off-road bike trails were constructed as a means to activate the site and deter homeless camping. The immediate success of the bike facilities has brought local and national recognition to the project, which in turn has given the City of Portland and the project partners motivation and support to push forward with refining the long-term vision to include other uses.
A plan has recently been developed to guide future work to restore habitat, improve access, and enhance other recreational activities. The crux of the design challenge has been to create a plan that balances active and passive uses along with innovative urban habitat restoration.


活跃组织Friends of Gateway Green(FoGG)领导了对该场地开发利用。从2008年开始,FoGG就把绿色通道设想成一个可以为波特兰东部的越野自行车和其他户外娱乐提供必要需求场地的地方。FoGG的倡导和伙伴关系的建立也促使该项目一步步落成。

Robust support for developing the site has been led by the highly visible and active group, Friends of Gateway Green (FoGG). Since 2008, FoGG has envisioned Gateway Green as a place that could provide a much-needed site for off-road cycling, and other outdoor recreation in East Portland. FoGG’s advocacy and partnership building has made the project become a reality.




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