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德国艺术家Carsten Nicolai开始了他名为Unidisplay的音像装置在米兰HangarBicocca的安装。这条四十米长的长条状装置能够将感知到的声响转化到视觉,将声音转化为各样黑白图案。 在这个装置中更倾向于抽象和无限的概念,其中包括装置使用时间与空间作为他的设计主旨。 让我们想起了池田亮司的“超限”
German artist Carsten Nicolai has inaugurated his audiovisual installation titled Unidisplay at HangarBicocca in Milan. The 40-meter long piece has the ability to make sound perceptible on an optical level with minimal aesthetics translated into variations of black and white along with acoustics. There’s a propensity towards abstraction and the infinite in this installation, as well as play with the concepts of time and space. Brings to mind Ryoji Ikeda’s The Transfinite.
I find these kinds of exhibit incredibly soothing in person, in addition to enjoying the immersive quality.