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Spanish creative consultancy Masquespacio present their last project Nozomi Sushi Bar. The project realized in Valencia consists in the branding and interior design for the new sushi restaurant from José Miguel Herrera and Nuria Morell, both passionate by the Japanese culture and specialists in authentic traditional sushi.
The project in which Masquespaciobegan to work in January 2014starts with a previous study of Japanese culture and the origin of sushi. A study in which was involved the whole team of the Spanish creative consultancy to understand and represent the Japanese culture through the brand image and specially through the interior of the new restaurant from José Miguel Herrera and Nuria Morell. The brand name Nozomi was chosen by the founders of this project being a ‘Japanese high speed bullet train’ and at the same time meaning ‘fulfilled dream’; two significances with which with José Miguel and Nuria felt identified and that create a duality present continuously through the whole project: “Emotional classic’ and ‘Rational contemporary’.

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第1张图片

↑ 整个餐厅的面积233平方米。入口的屋檐,灯笼,玄关以及清水混凝土体现了浓郁,古典同时现代的日式风情。

Starting with the brand image we can see how this duality is represented on one way as ‘Rational contemporary’ through the Western typography, while on the other the hiragana (Japanese writing) shows the “Emotional classic’ touch through its logo.
Now talking about the interior design of this local of 233 m2 we can see how it plays more intensely with the expressed duality. On one hand being ‘Rational contemporary’ through the pure state of concrete and grays, mainly present in the most structural parts such as walls, ceilings and floors. On the other hand the ‘Emotional classic’ aspect makes its introduction thanks to the carpentry, its hand finishes and the warmth of natural wood.

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第2张图片

↑ 进入餐厅后,首先看见的是一个体现日本建筑与城市街景风情的木质长体量小建筑。人们经过它和等候区进入餐厅用餐区。这个小建筑不仅是餐厅重要的装饰元素,也承担了卫生间和仓库的功能。

Arriving to the restaurant you can see how these two aspects are attracting the attention. The concrete from the façade and the entry that clearly represents the classic Japanese carpentry.  Walking through the door of the restaurant it can be appreciated how a central cube creates two corridors toward the central lounge that incorporates both decorative elements as well as the bathrooms and the warehouse, creating a continuous and open flow very typical for the architecture of the Eastern country. On the aesthetic level we can see how a Japanese village street has been reinterpreted through different modules, traduced here into a market, pharmacy, doors and windows. The rooftops in turn interpret the most contemporary and rational part with a clearly Japanese inclination.

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第3张图片

↑ 入口休息区

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第4张图片

↑ 设计希望给客人仿佛走在日本古代街道上的感受。药房,窗户,门,屋顶等要素都真实却又全新的展示给人们。小建筑不仅是餐厅重要的装饰元素,也承担了卫生间和仓库的功能。


Ana Milena Hernández Palacios: “We have been studying photography from the most authentic Japanese streets with the aim to create a reinterpretation on a metaphoric way of those streets. During the execution of the project many people has been nominating it as a typical street from Kyoto, something that happened mainly because it is where the most traditional Japanese houses are preserved today.”
The idea behind the first part of the restaurant is to make the customer live the experience of walking through a Japanese street, while he is being stunned by its beauty and getting excited about the construction details of Japanese carpentry, before reaching the principal lounge where he could enjoy not only an authentic sushi, but at the same time a unique experience below a cherry-tree as if he sits in a Japanese courtyard. From his seat each diner looks up at the show created in the sushi bar that reinterprets a traditional sushi peddler, known as the first mobile fast food stall. In the meantime the cherry-tree’s flowers, inspired by the origami, bloom naturally.

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第5张图片
↑ 吧台

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第6张图片
↑ “樱花树下”的主用餐区

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第7张图片
↑ 设计师希望营造出客人坐在樱花庭院的氛围,所以在天花板上安放了的樱花折纸艺术品。折纸樱花,绽放出自然。

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第8张图片
↑ 餐厅的厨房是开放式的,一侧的台阶通往亲密用餐区。

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第9张图片
↑ 从开放用餐区看向亲密用餐区。

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第10张图片

↑ 亲密用餐区具有可以灵活移动的木质通透隔断。折纸樱花,绽放出自然。


Last but not least the private zone allows separate environments for major intimacy, without isolating the diner from the show projected more below and maintaining the shadows generated by the lightings, also inspired by the more minimal Japan, highlighting the irregular and unique carpentry.
Through this project Masquespacio illustrates its ability to work on projects from different cultures, showing their interest to study each project meticulously with the aim to create a unique history for clients and their consumers.

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第11张图片
↑ 从私密用餐区看开放用餐区

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第12张图片
↑ 私密用餐区拥有可移动的通透门窗木质隔断(图为窗户向开放用餐区打开)

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第13张图片
↑ 私密用餐区拥有可移动的通透门窗木质隔断(图为窗户向开放用餐区关闭)

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第14张图片
↑ 木材,和风,樱花

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第15张图片
↑ 移动隔断靠墙收拢时

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第16张图片
↑ 卫生间

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第17张图片
↑ 品牌包装设计

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第18张图片
↑ 品牌包装设计

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第19张图片
↑ 品牌包装设计

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第20张图片
↑ 品牌包装设计之菜单

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第21张图片
↑ 品牌包装设计之菜单

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第22张图片
↑ 品牌包装设计之菜单

NozomiSuhi Bar / Masquespacio第23张图片
↑ 品牌包装设计之菜单

Completion: 19 de diciembre 2014
Surface:233 m2
Client: Nozomi Sushi Bar
Design:Masquespacio (
Creative Director: Ana Milena Hernández Palacios
Creative junior: Nuria Martínez
Architect junior: VirgíniaHinarejos
Graphic junior: Jairo Pérez, Ana Diaz
Construction: Helix (
Photography: David Rodríguez y Carlos Huecas (
Chairs & upholstery: Missana (
Wood: Cerejeira / Roble
Fabrics chairs: Kvadrat




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