5.12汶川地震使德阳市旌阳区孝泉镇民族小学的教学楼变成了危房并且被拆除。学校迫切需要重建。 学校的灾后重建得到包括江苏太仓红十字会,广东四会六祖寺慈善普济会,清华—香港中文大学金融MBA四川援建组,北大汇丰商学院私募股权108基金,侨爱协会及四川省光彩事业促进会等社会各方的爱心捐助。建设内容包括18个班的教学楼、各种活动室、学生宿舍、食堂等,共8800多平米。校园占地面积16826平方米,需要容纳900多学生。
设计在满足校园基本教学功能的同时, 更多从儿童的视角出发,尝试通过创造多样的、有趣的、平等的建筑空间去鼓励小学生的交流和多元的行为模式,一定程度改良传统被动式的教育方式。设计将校园按照秩序、兴趣、释放三种行为分为三个区域,分别是普通分班教室、音乐美术等多功能教室群和室外运动场。给课内课外间的多种活动提供不同的场所。
设计将校园视为一个微型城市,在校园内创造出许多类似于城市空间的场所:街巷、广场、庭院、台阶。这些场所给孩子们提供了不同尺度的游戏角落和迷宫式的空间体验,试图在延续孝泉镇的城市空间记忆的同时,激发孩子们的好奇心和想象力,使他们在游戏中去自我发现和释放个性。 我们希望基于自然生长而形成的城镇所特有的自下而上式的空间复杂性在建筑中得以呈现,并给予个体更多的环境选择。
设计中针对当地气候,对遮阳、通风、隔热作了仔细的考虑;并且充分运用当地材料和工艺,如页岩青砖、木材、竹子等,还包括地震后回收的旧砖,使其参与到重建中获得再生的意义。 建筑结构采用现浇混凝土框架体系,外露的梁柱和部分混凝土墙面以清水方式处理,填充墙为外层清水砖墙和内层保温砌块的复合墙体,门窗采用实木门窗,固定扇为玻璃,开启扇为木头。上述元素在建筑立面上均清晰体现出其交接关系,反映出建构体系的逻辑。整个项目建筑工程造价在1500元/平米以下,很好地实现了整体预算控制。
The old XiaoQuan Elementary School was severely damaged during the catastrophic 5.12 Sichuan earthquake in 2008 and was demolished afterwards. Supported by donations from several sponsors, the project is to build new school in the center of Xiaoquan old town. The program consists of main classroom buildings, classrooms for various activities, teacher’s office, student dormitory buildings, and dining hall. The new school will host more than 900 students.
The design is conceived as a cluster of small buildings to create a micro-city like campus. The fragmentary instead of unified building composition creates many urban like place such us streets, plazas, courtyards, and steps at various scales. These places are intended to encourage diversified and spontaneous activities of children. Small-scale playful corners and labyrinth like space as passage and playground are created to provoke children’s curiosity and imagination. Through this, we also intend to continue the urban space memory of Xiaoquan town in the school building, so as to avoid completely losing the continuity of urban fabric during rebuilding process after earthquake.
The design responds to Sichuan's hot and humid climate. Sunshade device, natural ventilation and heat reduction are important elements considered in design. We also explore to maximize the use of local resource and craftsmanship which can be acquired. Local materials such as wood, brick and bamboo are used for windows, walls, and ceilings. The recycled bricks from earthquake are used in pavement. Cast-in-situ concrete are used for exposed structure. The construction is completely done by a local contractor. The construction cost is well controlled within the budget of RMB1500yuan per square meter.