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Joliark建筑事务所的Per Johanson一直怀揣一个孩提时代未曾实现的梦想,即建造一所自己的娃娃屋。如今在这栋金属公寓大楼内,他终于看到自己的梦想实现了。这栋公寓楼位于斯德哥尔摩城外,过去那里是一块工业用地。 这一设计项目包括规划在两栋楼体内的44所住宅。设计进程中的动力之一在于保留金属材质纯粹简洁的表现力。木料、混凝土和钢铁被紧密压缩组合,以确保建筑的整体感。
Having nourished an unfulfilled dream of his own doll’s house since boyhood, Per Johanson of Joliark has finally seen it take real shape in this metallic apartment complex on a former industrial site outside Stockholm.
The project comprises 44 dwellings organised within twovolumes. A driving force in the design process has been the preservation of a pure and simple material expression. Rigorously composed meetings between wood, concrete and steel ensure the maintenance of a sense of whole.
建筑物外层覆裹架构,就像一张镀锌薄钢板制成的保护篷,丰富精确的设计细节又强化了这一形象。与坚固稳定的主题风格并行的是西面立视图中双高阳台隔间明确营造的娃娃屋的美学标准。用娃娃屋来比喻这栋建筑尤其合适的一点还在于,此建筑和娃娃屋一样,阳台限定了每户住宅的范围,行人能够清楚地看到其内部布置。 这些单元被组合式装配,23间占两层楼的公寓套房叠成一栋较高的楼体,还有一栋较矮的楼体,公寓套房和单层公寓皆有。朝南的公用花园分开了两栋被金属材质覆盖的建筑,将两栋建筑相连的是一座安装了玻璃的流通角楼,通过一套阳台系统分散通往公寓的入口。这些阳台入口被策略性地布置在花园和厨房之间,成为了公寓楼里的人们互相交往的天然场所。
The façade wraps around the structure like a protective cloak of galvanised steel sheet, an image emphasised by flush precision detailing. The thematic solidity of the project is juxtaposed by its western elevation where double height balcony compartments create the explicit doll’s house aesthetic. As a metaphor the doll’s house also relates particularly well to the legibility of the buildings, the internal arrangement manifesting itself clearly to the passer-by as the balconies define the scope of each dwelling. The units are modularly assembled into a taller volume stacking 23 maisonettes and a shorter one where maisonettes and single storey apartments collaborate. A south facing communal garden separates the two metal clad buildings that are connected by a glazed circulation tower distributing access to the apartments by a system of balconies. Strategically positioned between the garden and the kitchen these access terraces become a natural place for social interaction.
直接简单的方式分开了公寓中的私人区域和更为公共的区域,即公寓套房内,卧室统一布置在楼上,单层住所内,卧室均面北。内墙上的开口为中心区域提供光照,制造出体积上更强烈的通透感而不有损隐私。 开放是自始至终的普遍主题,模糊了内外部的界限。框起阳台隔间的铸型翼墙从内部看,仍是一面露天混凝土墙。窗台上的天然石板也排布在地面,暖气装置通过石板横饰分布安装,与木板位于同一平面上。木料转而超越了室内区域的功能,为阳台形成一个温暖的背景。
The private zones of the apartments are set apart from the more public areas by straightforward means, collecting the bedrooms upstairs in the maisonettes or facing north in the single storey dwellings. Internal wall openings illuminate central spaces to generate a greater volumetric transparencywithout compromising the sense of privacy.
Openness is a common theme throughout, blurring the boundaries between inside and outside. The cast fin walls framing the balcony compartments continue internally as an exposed concrete wall. Natural stone slabs in the window ledges spill down on the floor where the heating is distributed via a stone frieze sitting flush with the timber boards. The wood in turn transcends the domestic realm to form a warm backdrop within the balconies.
The seamless character of the snug metal envelope holding theproject elements together has been achieved through meticulous technical solutions. Roof gutter and drainpipes have been carefully integrated into the surface, the galvanised fabric folds sharply over corners, tucks away window framesand pleats into a weather bar. Perforated sheet make up the metal balustrades and coats the freestanding escape towers to further the smooth material impression. The façade panels are welded to a framework that connects directly to the concrete wall, their rhythm harmonizing with the spacing of windows and is reflected in the glass pane arrangement of the maincirculation tower.
Joliark / Tappen
Type: Housing
Location: Mariehäll, Stockholm, Sweden
Year: 2014 - 2015
Area: 5750 sqm
Architect: Per Johanson (architect in charge)
Stina Johansson
Amanda Hedman
Client: Reinhold Gustafsson Förvaltnings AB
Photo Credits: Joliark/Torjus Dahl (exterior), Joliark (interior)
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