设计单位:埃里克欧文莫斯建筑事务所 Eric Owen Moss Architects
位置:美国 加利福尼亚州 卡尔佛
原 名 称:Multi-media Tower
Eric Owen Moss Architects designed a multi-media tower which will sit at the primary entrance of the re-developed zone in Culver City, California. The objective of the tower is to distribute art and other relevant content to the local and in-transit audiences passing by the site.
The re-developed zone already attracts in-car audiences who pass the site regularly on local thoroughfares. The site will become even more popular for pedestrian traffic due to the construction of a new light rail line.
The tower is constructed with five circular steel rings that are approximately 30 feet in diameter. These rings are stacked vertically at 12 foot floor to floor intervals with five circular staircases connecting the levels. The rings are staggered in plan in order to establish different viewing angles.