2014年,AIA评选出18位青年建筑师。大家不免好奇,作为全球颇具影响力的美国建筑师协会(American Institute of Architects ,AIA)对于青年设计师的评判具有哪些标准和依据。是他们设计的建筑有多怪异?还是他们的建筑理念有多新颖?对于新一批的年轻设计师,他们在关注设计能力的同时,更多关注的是他们的社会活动参与性以及他们对社会公益事业的回馈和人本情怀的体现,他们倡导关怀弱势群体、关注女性地位、关心受灾地区重建……说的没错:这就是AIA对年轻设计师评定的标准,人心向善,才会有直指人心的建筑力量……
Illya Azaroff, AIA
Illya Azaroff,普拉特学院建筑设计硕士,AIA会员,+ LAB校长兼纽约市立大学助理教授兼视觉艺术学院做客教师。在桑迪飓风后他被委任为灾区重建负责人。去年5月,Azaroff与共同主持工作的设计风险和重建委员会共同草拟刊发了重建桑迪后的倡议报告。他还创了了帮助受灾建筑师重寻办公室的救助机制。
Thomas Bradley Benjamin, AIA
Joshua Flowers, AIA
Joshua Flowers,田纳西州大学建筑学士、法学博士。是孟菲斯,田纳西州Hnedak波波集团的法律顾问,2013年-2014年出任AIA青年建筑师论坛学科主任,同时也是2012年AIA孟菲斯分会主席,2011年-2012年青年建筑师海湾地区主席。
Wyatt Frantom, AIA
Wyatt Frantom,莱斯大学建筑硕士,洛杉矶詹斯勒建筑事务所合伙人和建筑设计师。2013 – 2014青年建筑师论坛通讯主管,2010 – 2011青年建筑师论坛地区主管。同时,Frantom合作创立了非盈利性机构Houston Mod支持和保护当代建筑。
Nathan Kalaher, AIA
Nathan Kalaher,康奈尔大学区域规划专业学士、建筑学硕士,后成立了Plan建筑事务所,总部位于爱荷华州。他获得过无数奖项,包括2012年和2013年连续获得爱荷华州AIA优秀设计奖。2007年,Kalahar被ABiz杂志公认为爱荷华州创新者,并在2012年入选40岁以下十佳名单。他目前是AIA爱荷华州主席。
Evelyn Lee
Evelyn Lee,杜利大学建筑学学士,南加州理工建筑学硕士,普雷西迪奥硕士学院工商管理硕士。MKthink高级策略师,网站创始人兼运营主管。2014年-2015年担任青年建筑师论坛公共关系主管,她还在AIA加州理事会担任多个职位,同时它还荣获2005国家研究联合会的年度奖。
Timothy W.Maddox, AIA
Timothy W. Maddox,阿肯色大学建筑学士。deMx(原名Denoble)建筑事务所创始人,公司总部位于费耶特维尔,曾获得多个AIA阿肯色州设计大奖。他目前是AIA阿肯色州董事会秘书长,2012年他还获得AIA阿肯色州新兴专业奖项。
Daniel Overbey
Daniel Overbey,波尔州立大学建筑学学士,拉斯维加斯内华达大学建筑学硕士。他是总部位于印第安纳波利斯Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf景观建筑事务所的可持续设计主管。他在几家环保系统机构授课,包括波尔州立大学和波士顿建筑大学。2012年他获得AIA印第安纳青年建筑师奖项,同时是AIA印第安纳波利斯分会主席和USGBC印第安纳分会主席。
Mark Pasnik,AIA
Mark Pasnik,康奈尔大学建筑学学士,哈佛大学设计研究生院硕士。是总部位于波士顿的Over, Under跨学科公司的创始人,同时是Pinkcomma设计画廊的联合创始人。他创办了BSA空间——建筑师社交之家,并成为首届展览的特邀策展人。2012年,他参加了波士顿的第三年度设计双年展,此前,也一直作为该展的工作参与者。
Michael Pfeffer, AIA
Michael Pfeffer,圣母大学的建筑学学士。Skidmore, Owings & Merrill’s芝加哥公司的项目经理和总经理,主要负责于公司实习生的发展计划委员会。他目前是风之城人类家园的董事会成员。
Jason Dale Pierce, AIA
Jason Dale Pierce,杜利大学建筑学和戏剧艺术学双学士。他是总部位于圣路易斯HOK公司的项目设计师。他是AIA加州理事会新兴专业副主席,青年建筑师论坛区域主席。他同时参与了多个组织结构,包括仁人家园和实践管理学社区咨询委员会,AIA圣路易斯理事会主席。
MarkA. Schwamel, AIA
Mark A. Schwamel克利夫兰州立大学建筑学学士,肯特州立大学在建筑和城市设计专业本硕连读。他在Gensler公司规划和城市设计团队担任项目主管。他是AIA伊利诺斯国家联合委员会副主任,并担任AIA芝加哥理事会副主任。2009年,他创立了AIA桥计划,旨在为青年建筑师和AIA协会会员提供有经验的导师。他主动提出承担为芝加哥贫困家庭重建的项目。
Matt Slagle,AIA
Matt Slagle科罗拉多大学企业管理和建筑学双硕士。是TowerPinkster事务所的建筑设计师。研究生第三年他顺利通过建筑师注册考试。Slagle是AIA的Grand Rapids区域服务主管,同时是仁人家园和ArtPrize艺术展的志愿者。他被任命为2013年AIA Grand Rapids区域的年轻建筑师。
ChristianB. Sottile, AIA
Christian B. Sottile,萨凡纳艺术与设计学院建筑学硕士,锡拉库扎大学建筑学硕士。他是萨凡纳艺术与设计学院建筑艺术学校的校长和创始人,是Sottile & Sottile的校长。曾荣获AIA国家城市设计荣誉奖和国会新都市生活勋章。1998年,他被《今日美国》评选为“今日100强学术工作者”。
LorenaToffer, AIA
Lorena Toffer,蒙特雷理工学院建筑学学士,德克萨斯农工大学建筑学硕士。她是达拉斯Corgan公司的建筑设计师。在AIA达拉斯青年建筑师论坛担任主席一职期间,她启动了作品或简历到工作室项目和10个“十以下展览”。AIA公认她为2011年度青年建筑师,2013年她作为地区联络分会的主席。Toffer同时效力于AIA达拉斯拉丁美人分会和建筑学中的女性委员会。她是德克萨斯州和墨西哥的注册建筑师。
Brian Vitale,AIA
Brian Vitale伊利诺伊大学建筑学学士,圣路易斯华盛顿大学建筑学硕士。Vitale是芝加哥办公室Gensler公司的设计主管。2010年,他是AIA伊利诺斯州约翰·魏尔伯奖的学术金奖的获得者,同时他在此期间也获得了他的硕士学位。目前,他还兼职伊利诺斯州大学的设计教授。
KarenE. Williams, AIA
Karen E. Williams,佛罗里达A&M大学建筑学硕士。HKS公司建筑设计师,主要负责公司的商务会议、运动和娱乐团队。她是AIA奥兰多分会的秘书长同时也是建筑中的女性委员会组织领袖。她还参与了ACE导师计划。她同时是弗雷德·普莱尔青年建筑师成就奖获得者。
Jeffrey M.Yrazabal, AIA
Jeffrey M. Yrazabal,华盛顿州立大学建筑学和建筑理论研究双学士,他是SRG合伙企业负责人。Yrazabal是AIA波特兰主席和AIA太平洋新北部青年建筑师地方主席。他还即将就任哥伦比亚河美洲狮俱乐部主席,以及AIA波特兰环境委员会主席。在学校,他和建筑师一道自愿参与重建工作。
The AIA has announced the 2014 YoungArchitect Award recipients. The award acknowledges architects who have beenlicensed for 10 years or fewer and have shown exceptional talent andleadership. The Young Architect Award winners are as follows:
Illya Azaroff, AIA
Illya Azaroff, AIA, is the director ofdesign for +LAB Architects in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was tapped by AIA New York tohead the region's recovery efforts following Hurricane Sandy. Azaroffco-chaired the Design for Risk and Reconstruction Committee, which publishedthe Post-Sandy Initiative Report last May. He also created a program thathelped architects affected by the storm find spare office space in other firms.Azaroff holds a M.Arch from Pratt Institute.
Thomas Bradley Benjamin, AIA
Benjamin is the president and CEO ofRadium Architecture in Greenville, S.C., and a past chair of the AIA’s YoungArchitects Forum. He was president of AIA Greenville in 2009. Benjamin workedto establish regional chapters for Women in Architecture, Architecture forHumanity, and the ArchiLamp mentoring program. In 2007, he was awarded theAIA’s Associate Member of the Year Award. Benjamin has a M.Arch from ClemsonUniversity.
Joshua Flowers, AIA
Flowers is legal counsel for Hnedak BoboGroup in Memphis, Tenn., and the 2013–2014 knowledge director for the AIA YoungArchitects Forum. He also was the 2012 president of AIA Memphis as well as the2011–2012 Young Architect regional director for the Gulf States region. Flowersearned B.Arch and J.D. degrees from the University of Tennessee.
Wyatt Frantom, AIA
Frantom is an associate andarchitectural designer at Gensler in Los Angeles. He was the 2013–2014communications director for the Young Architects Forum and the 2010–2011 Texasregional director for the Young Architects Forum. Frantom co-founded thenonprofit Houston Mod in support of preserving modern architecture. Frantom hasa M.Arch from Rice University.
Nathan Kalaher, AIA
Kalaher co-founded Plan Architecture, aSioux City, Iowa–based firm. He has received numerous awards, includingconsecutive Design Excellence Awards from AIA Iowa in 2012 and 2013. In 2007,Kalahar was recognized as an Iowa Innovator by IABiz Magazine in 2012 and included in thepublication's "10 under 40” list. He is currently the President of AIAIowa. Kalahar earned a Bachelor of Science in Community and RegionalPlanning as well as a B.Arch from Iowa State University and a M.Arch fromCornell University.
Evelyn Lee
Lee is a senior strategist at MKthink.She is the founder and chief curator of the website The Practice ofArchitecture. Lee is the 2014–15 public relations director for the YoungArchitects Forum. She has also held multiple positions with the AIA CaliforniaCouncil, and she received the 2005 National Institute’s Associate of the Yearaward. Lee holds a B.Arch from Drury University, a M.Arch from theSouthern California Institute of Architecture, and a Master of BusinessAdministration degree from the Presidio Graduate School of Management.
Timothy W.Maddox, AIA
Maddox is a founding principal of deMxArchitecture (formerly Denoble Architecture). The Fayetteville, Ark.–based firmhas received numerous design awards from the AIA Arkansas chapter. He currentlyserves on the AIA Arkansas board of directors as the chapter’s secretary. Healso received the 2012 AIA Arkansas Emerging Professional Award. Maddox hasa B.Arch from the University of Arkansas.
Daniel Overbey
Overbey is the director of sustainabledesign practices at the Indianapolis-based landscape architecture firm BrowningDay Mullins Dierdorf. He has taught environmental systems at severalinstitutions, including Ball State University and Boston Architectural College.The winner of the 2012 AIA Indiana Young Architect Award, he has served on theboards of directors for the AIA Indianapolis chapter and the USGBC chapter of Indiana.Overbey earned a B.Arch from Ball State University and an M.Arch from theUniversity of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Mark Pasnik,AIA
Pasnik is the co-founder of Boston-basedinterdisciplinary firm, and the co-founder of an independent design gallery,Pinkcomma. Pasnik also helped launch BSA Space, home to the Boston Society ofArchitects, and served as one of the first guest curators for the inauguralexhibition. He participated in Boston’s third annual Design Biennial, in 2012,for which Over, Under curated works by previous biennial participants. Pasnikreceived a B.Arch. from Cornell University and a Master in Design Studiesfrom the Harvard Graduate School of Design.
Michael Pfeffer, AIA
Pfeffer is a project manager andmanaging director at Chicago office, where he worked on the development of thefirm’s Intern Development Program Committee. He currently is a member of theboard of directors for Windy City Habitat for Humanity. Pfeffer holds a B.Archfrom the University of Notre Dame.
Jason Dale Pierce, AIA
Pierce is a project architect with St.Louis-based HOK. He has served as the vice president of the Academy ofEmerging Professionals for the AIA California Council and the Young ArchitectRegional Director for the Young Architects Forum. Pierce is also involved witha number of organizations, including Habitat for Humanity and the PracticeManagement Knowledge Community Advisory Board. He serves on the board ofdirectors for AIA St. Louis. Pierce holds a B.Arch and Bachelor of Arts inTheatre from Drury University.
Mark A. Schwamel, AIA
Schwamel is a project manager forGensler and serves on the firm's planning and urban design group. He isthe associate director for the AIA Illinois National Associates Committee andhas served as associate director on the AIA Chicago's board. In 2009, Schwamelfounded the AIA Chicago Bridge program to provide experienced mentors for youngarchitects and associate AIA members. He volunteers for the Rebuilding Togetherprogram for underprivileged families in Chicago. Schwamel has a B.Archfrom Cleveland State University and a combined Bachelor and Master inArchitecture and Urban Design at Kent State University.
Matt Slagle,AIA
Slagle is a design architect forTowerPinkster. He became eligible to take the Architectural Registration Examsby his third year in his graduate program. Slagle has served as the AIAGrand Rapids member services director and volunteers with Habitat for Humanityand ArtPrize. He was named the 2013 Young Architect of the Year by AIA GrandRapids. Slagle earned a Bachelor in Business Administration and M.Archfrom the University of Colorado.
Christian B. Sottile, AIA
Sottile is the dean of the SavannahCollege of Art and Design's School of Building Arts and founder and principalof Sottile & Sottile. He has received a National Honor Award for Urban Designfrom the AIA and a Charter Award from the Congress for the New Urbanism. He wasnamed one of the top 100 academics working today by USA Today in 1998. Sottile holds a M.Archfrom the Savannah College of Art and Design and a M. Arch II from Syracuse University.
Lorena Toffer, AIA
Toffer is a project architect for theDallas firm Corgan. She has served as chair of the AIA Dallas YoungArchitects Forum, during which time she launched the Portfolio/Resume Workshopand the 10 Under Ten Exhibition. AIA Dallas recognized Toffer in 2011 as theYoung Architect of the Year; in 2013 she served as director of networks for thechapter. Tofferhas served on both the AIA Dallas Latinos in Architecture andWomen in Architecture committees. She is a registered architect in Texas andMexico. Toffer has a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture fromthe Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education and aM.Arch from Texas A&M University.
Brian Vitale,AIA
Vitale is the design director for theChicago office of Gensler. He was the recipient of the 2010 AIA Illinois JohnWellborn Root Award and received the AIA's Scholastic Gold Medal andCertificate while pursuing his master's degree. He has served as an adjunctdesign professor at the University of Illinois. Vitale has a Bachelor ofScience in Architectural Studies from the University of IllinoisUrbana-Champaign and a M.Arch from Washington University in St. Louis.
Karen E. Williams, AIA
Williams is an architect at HKS workingfor the commercial assembly and sports and entertainment group. She serves asthe secretary for AIA Orlando and has chaired the organization's Women inArchitecture committee. Williams also works with the ACE mentorship program.She is the recipient of the Fred Pryor Young Architects AchievementAward. Williams earned a M.Arch from Florida A&M University.
Jeffrey M.Yrazabal, AIA
Yrazabal is a principal at SRG Partnership. Heis the AIA Portland president and AIA Northwest and Pacific Young Architectregional director. He is the incoming president of the Columbia River CougarsClub, and he co-chaired the AIA Portland Committee on the Environment.Yrazabal volunteers with Rebuilding Together and Architects inSchools. Yrazabal holds a B.Arch and Bachelor of Science in ArchitecturalStudies from Washington State University.
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