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Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第1张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第2张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第3张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第4张图片

  The Zurich Zoo, situated on Zurichberg overlooking Zurich, is one of the most visited sights in Zurich. Due to the continual growing number of visitors, the entrance foyer was re-structured and adapted to current needs. In this process, the need to react subtly to the standing foyer, an excellent project from Dürig Architects in 1999, was applied. A complex, merged facility, embracing diverse areas such as the forecourt, counters, visitors’ centre, Zoo Shop, Zoo Café, volunteers’ centre and also including the station for the new zoo tram was realised in an all-out operation. With flowing forms the new foyer respectfully or ientates itself to the pre-existing structures. Curved walls, display windows and rooves combine in spectacular rolling lines. The flowing forms and a selective light design were implemented intentionally to quickly and intuitively guide the arriving visitors.
Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第5张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第6张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第7张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第8张图片

  Great merit was given to authentic materials in the interior. An especially developed acoustic panel, made from packaging plywood, was put to use in the counter and visitors’ centre area. The natural grain reminding one of animal fur was superimposed with animalistic textures derived from irregularly drilled holes. Thus the guestis presented with an exciting backdrop which is emotionally attuned with the world of the zoo.
Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第9张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第10张图片

  Building constructor: Zurich Zoo AG, Zürichbergstrasse 221, 8044 Zurich
  Architect: L3P Architects ETH FH SIA AG, Martin Reusser, Boris Egli, Markus Müller, Frank Schäfer, Unterburg 33, CH-8158 Regensberg
  Landscape Gardener: vetschpartnerLandscape Gardeners AG, Neumarkt 28, 8001 Zurich
  Engineer: Freihofer& Partner AG, Eichstrasse 27, 8045 Zurich
  Building Physics: WichserAcustic&Building PhysicsAG, Schaffhauserstrasse 550, 8052 Zurich
  Electro-engineer: Schmidiger + Rosasco AG, Leutschenbachstrasse 55, 8050 Zurich
  Sanitary Engineering: GRP Engineers, Grundstrasse 12, 6343 Rotkreuz
  HLKK-Engineer: ahochn AG, Lagerstrasse 14, 8600 Dübendorf
  Interior Design Zoo Shop: Decoris GmbH, Kraftstrasse 4, 8044 Zurich
  Photography: Sabrina Scheja, CH-9435 Heerbrugg
  Completion: Spring 2014

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第11张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第12张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第13张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第14张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第15张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第16张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第17张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第18张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第19张图片

Renovation and Extension of the Zurich Zoo Foyer, 2014 / L3P第20张图片

  via: gooood




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