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Donmar Warehouse是位于伦敦科文特花园的一家领先的戏剧制作公司。在购得附近Dryden街上一家19世纪的小型仓库建筑后,剧院让Haworth Tompkins建筑公司将它改建成用于排演、教育和配套设备的场地。设计的难题是在一笔有限的预算内,在一块四周被紧密围绕的场地,设计一个轻松欢乐、又有创意的专业化工作环境。

The Donmar Warehouse is a leading producing theatre company located in London’s Covent Garden. Having acquired a small 19th Century warehouse building in nearby Dryden Street, the theatre asked Haworth Tompkins to convert it for rehearsal, education and support facilities. The challenge was to design a convivial and creative professional working environment within the constraints of a limited budget and a tightly enclosed site.

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通过移除现有的楼层,延伸屋顶空间,重新设计室内交通线,新的建筑被规划成一个两层楼高的排演室,大小和Donmar Warehouse主戏台一样,一个面向街道的演员休息室,管理办公室,屋顶梁上的一间大型教育工作室和一间给客座艺人居住的新的阁楼公寓。

By removing existing floors, extending the roof space and re-planning the circulation routes, the new facility yields a double height rehearsal room of a similar size to the main Donmar stage, a street fronting green room, administration offices, a large education studio in the roof rafters and a new attic apartment for visiting artists.

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墙皮脱落,部分被毁掉的墙壁和天花板保留着原来的状态未作修缮,作为Donmar Warehouse运作生涯中合适的戏剧背景幕布。一个新的多色楼梯,由Haworth Tompkins建筑公司定期合作的艺术家Antoni Malinowski手工上漆,作为建筑温暖的中心。舞台美学师和制作设计师Lucy Osborne密切配合修整和布置房间,增强了戏剧制作公司的集体意识,就像建筑项目一样。

Stripped back and partially demolished walls and ceilings have been left raw as a suitably theatrical backdrop to the Donmar’s working life, with a new polychromatic staircase, hand painted by Haworth Tompkins’ regular collaborating artist Antoni Malinowski, as the warm heart of the building. Scenographer and production designer Lucy Osborne has collaborated closely on finishing and furnishings, reinforcing the collective sense of a theatre production as much as a construction project.

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因为Haworth Tompkins建筑公司在现有建筑中设计了许多创造性工作空间,新的增加物以临时的、配合松散的表现方式在新旧之间建立了一种流动的、有适应力的关系,从而确立了这栋历史建筑的风格。新增的材料简单明确——白色涂料粉刷过的胶合板,上了漆的木横梁和墙面材料,打了蜡的低碳钢——用于补充建筑表面覆满绿锈的质地。设计目标更像是对建筑物的良性占用,而非消除原有建筑结构。
As for many of Haworth Tompkins’ creative working spaces in existing buildings, the personality of the historic architecture has been allowed to set the tone, with a provisional, loose-fit language of new additions setting up a fluid, adaptable relationship of new and old. Materials added have been simple and straightforward - whitewashed plywood, painted timber beams and wall coverings, waxed mild steel - to complement the richly patinated texture of the found surfaces. The aim is very much for a benign occupation rather than an obliteration of the original fabric.

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Haworth Tompkins 建筑公司负责人Steve Tompkins说:“Dryden街道项目是在一笔紧张的预算下,在一栋伦敦的普通建筑里,发挥最大创意潜能的联合设计活动。与Josie Rourke以及她的团队一起工作很有乐趣,与艺术家Antoni Malinowski进行的再次合作对设计极为重要。”
Steve Tompkins, Director of Haworth Tompkins said: "The Dryden St project has been a joint exercise in wringing the maximum creative potential from an ordinary London building on a tight budget. Working with Josie Rourke and her team has been great fun and, once again, our ongoing collaboration with artist Antoni Malinowski is central to the design.”

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Donmar Warehouse的艺术总监Josie Rourke说:“Dryden街道项目对Donmar Warehouse的生命有直接的、变革性的影响力。这栋建筑温暖大胆又实用的精神改变了我们的工作生涯。房间里有一种宽容的家庭精神,这栋建筑还能很好地激发创意和交流。每个在这里工作的人都更为高兴了,在第一个月里,来这栋建筑工作的艺术家都对这种氛围感到喜出望外。”
Josie Rourke, Artistic Director, Donmar Warehouse said: "Dryden Street has had an immediate, transformative effect on the life of the Donmar. The warm, adventurous and pragmatic spirit of the building has changed our working lives. There is a generous and familial spirit to the rooms, and the building is a great invitation to creativity and communication. Everyone goes into work that bit happier, and artists working in the building have - in our first month - been overjoyed with the atmosphere.”

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Address: 1-3 Dryden Street, London, WC2E 9NB
Start Date: January 2013
Completion Date: March 2014
Contract Type: JCT Major Project Construction
Construction Cost: £3,100,000
Gross Internal Area: 863 m2
Architect: Haworth Tompkins
Client: Donmar Warehouse
Contractor: 8build
Project Manager: Vincent Wang
Structural Engineer: Price & Myers
Services Engineer: Skelly & Couch
Acoustic Consultants: Gillieron Scott Acoustic Design
Quantity Surveyor: Gardiner & Theobald and Jackson Coles
Theatre Consultant: Charcoalblue
CDM Coordinator: PFB Construction Management
Planning Consultants: DP9
Artist: Antoni Malinowski
Scenographer: Lucy Osborne   




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