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Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第1张图片



V_Itaim is a small building with 10apartments in São Paulo designed by studio mk27. Its simplicity and the searchfor generous spaces in a careful composition of material oriented thearchitectural project.

The façade of the building is done inexposed reinforced concrete and wooden panels, conceived to shade the innerenvironments and which the residents can move according to their desires. Inthis way, the users can optimize their comfort depending on their use and theincidence of the sun.

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第2张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第3张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第4张图片


The wood in the elements have perforatedsquared patterns and do not block the wind, just as the Arabian muxarabis,brought over for Brazilian colonial architecture and then was later used aswell by the modernists. This solution results in very pleasant temperatures.

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第5张图片

裸露的钢筋混凝土方案参考了圣保罗粗犷的建筑风格。木材质镶板仿佛具有生命,就像巴西现代主义建筑大师Lina Bo Bardi所说的那样,是“活着的有机体”。当太阳光照射时,木板条上的打孔纹理便形成令人惊叹的诗意效果。

The exposed concrete refers to thebrutalist-type buildings of São Paulo. The material done in the shape of woodhas its own life, “a living organism” as Architect Lina Bo Bardi, the master ofBrazilian modernism said. The texture of the slats – when lit by the sun –produces a surprising and poetic effect for the larger gables.

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第6张图片



The versatility of the apartments makes itpossible for the plant to be rearranged according to the needs of the family,just as much in a totally open loft or one floor with two bedrooms. The livingroom – facing east – has large panes of glass which increase the relation withthe outside. This environment integrates fully with a terrace that measures 3mby 3.7m, as it lengthens the living area of the apartments. One of the woodenelements slides to this terrace to shade the environment or give greaterprivacy to the space, without any closing configuration and in this way givesthe feeling of an external space.

Joined to the great span of the living roomand bedrooms there is a rigid nucleus of vertical circulation and utilities.This nucleus was positioned near the side of the building to minimize theinterference of the elevators or stairs on the floor plan.

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第7张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第8张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第9张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第10张图片



The ground floor is lifted on slendercolumns allowing this floor to also have greater integration between theindoors and outdoors – the garden.

V_Itaim is an urban contemporary buildingof only 13 floors which, through the use of the material as well as thearchitectural solutions of the plant and façade, create versatile and dynamicarchitecture, comfortable and functional for the dwellers with greatintegration of the spaces with the outside.

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第11张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第12张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第13张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第14张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第15张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第16张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第17张图片

Vertical Itaim   Studio MK27第18张图片

projeto > edifício vertical itaim
local > são paulo . sp . brasil
projeto > fevereiro . 2011
conclusão > setembro . 2014
terreno > 620 m2
área construída > 3.045 m2
apartamento tipo > 144 m2 (área útil)

créditos essenciais:
arquitetura > studio mk27
autor > marcio kogan
co-autora > carolina castroviejo
equipe de projeto > carlos costa .fabiana stucchi . fernanda palmieri . laura guedes mariana simas . oswaldopessano




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