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Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第1张图片

Rem Koolhaas领衔的OMAPrada基金会所托,在意大利米兰将一座始建于1910年的工业园区改建成为全新的Prada基金会新总部。这座古老的工业园原有7栋仓库与实验室建筑与中间的一个孤零零的院子。OMA大刀阔斧将其整合改建,并新


Rem Koolhaas告诉gooood:“如今艺术领域的改扩建项目数量已有所减少,而废弃的工业用地也已经成为最有吸引力的改建场所,因为其卓越的空间姿态可以完美的承载艺术家的挑战与理念。Prada基金会把新址选在了废弃的工业园区,


Photograph by Bas Princen, Courtesy ofFondazione Prada

It is surprising that the enormousexpansion of the art system has taken place in a reduced number of typologiesfor art's display. To apparently everybody’s satisfaction, the abandonedindustrial space has

become art’s default preference --attractive because its predictable conditions do not challenge the artist’sintentions -- enlivened occasionally with exceptional architectural gestures.

The new Fondazione Prada is projected in aformer industrial complex too, but one with an unusual diversity of spatialenvironments. To this repertoire, we are adding three new buildings -- a large

exhibition pavilion, a tower, and a cinema-- so that the new Fondazione Prada represents a genuine collection ofarchitectural spaces in addition to its holdings in art.

The Fondazione is not a preservationproject and not a new architecture. Two conditions that are usually keptseparate here confront each other in a state of permanent interaction –offering an ensemble of

fragments that will not congeal into asingle image, or allow any part to dominate the others.

New, old, horizontal, vertical, wide,narrow, white, black, open, enclosed -- all these contrasts establish the rangeof oppositions that define the new Fondazione. By introducing so many spatialvariables,

the complexity of the architecture willpromote an unstable, open programming, where art and architecture will benefitfrom each other’s challenges.

--Rem Koolhaas

Photograph by Bas Princen, Courtesy ofFondazione Prada

Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第2张图片

Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第3张图片

“该基金会既不是一个保护项目,也不是一个全新的建筑”,Rem Koolhaas继续说道:“而是两者保持相互独立对立但又永久交互,他们不会凝结成为单一的形象体,他们是合奏体中的独立存在。在这里,新,老,水平,垂直,宽,窄


Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第4张图片

Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第5张图片

Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第6张图片

Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第7张图片

Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第8张图片

Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第9张图片

Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第10张图片

Fondazione Prada complex in Milan / OMA第11张图片

Status: Construction
Client: Fondazione Prada
Location: Milan, Italy

Site: Former distillery at Largo IsarcoNo2, Milan, an industrial complex dating from 1910, comprising seven existingstructures, including warehouse, laboratories, and brewing silos surrounded bya large

courtyard and three new structuresincluding a museum for temporary exhibitions, a transformable cinema buildingand a 10-storey high gallery tower.

Program: Total public area,12300 m2; totalprivate area, 6600 m2; and total built area, 18900 m2

OMA Team
Partner in Charge: Rem Koolhaas, Chris vanDuijn
Project leader: Federico Pompignoli
Preliminary Design: Sam Aitkenhead, DougAllard, Andrea Bertassi, Aleksandr Bierig, Eva Dietrich, Paul-Emmanuel Lambert,Jonah Gamblin, Takuya Hosokai, Stephen Hodgson, Jan Kroman, Jedidiah Lau,Francesco

Marullo, Vincent McIlduff, Alexander Menke,
Aoibheann Ni Mhearain, Sophie van Noten,Jan Pawlik, Rocio Paz Chavez, Christopher Parlato, Ippolito PestelliniLaparelli, Dirk Peters, Andrea Sollazzo, Michaela Tonus, Jussi Vuori, LucaVigliero, Mei-Lun

Progetto Definitivo: Anna Dzierzon, JonahGamblin, Ross Harrison, Hans Hammink, Matthew Jull, Taiga Koponen, VincentKonate, Andres Mendoza, Susanan Mondejar, Vincent McIlduff, Sasha Smolin,Michaela Tonus
Construction documentation: KatarinaBarunica, Marco Cimenti, Cecilia Del Pozo Rios, Anita Ernodi, Felix Fassbinder,Peter Feldmann, Siliang Fu, Romina Grillo, Jonah Gamblin, Clive Hennessey,Taiga Koponen,

Roy Lin, Debora Mateo, Vincent Mc Ilduff,Andres Mendoza, Arminas Sadzevicius, Magdalena Stanescu, Lingxiao Zhang

Construction Administration: Mateo Budel,Marco Cimenti, Andrea Giovenzana, Nicolas Lee, Victor Pricop, Pawel Panfiluk  




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