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该项目是由Leonardo Glass Cube 3deluxe在德国奥斯纳布吕克修建的Kaffee Partner总部大楼。建筑具有很强的设计感和形式表现力。Kaffee Partner是德国顶级的商用咖啡机制造商。2012年2月,耗时16个月的工期结束,总用地面积28,600 平方米、楼层建筑面积9,800平方米的总部大楼顺利竣工。该大楼是由三个单元构成的建筑群。项目设计将成本压缩至最低,建筑不仅具有雕塑般的美学性,而且具有很高的商用功能性。该设计旨在将物流大厅和工作车间统一在同一个建筑群内(此前由奥斯纳布吕克地区建筑协会igk Krabbe GmbH & Co. KG规划),因此在外立面设计了悬浮的带状元素。流畅的线条展现了Kaffee Partner公司的核心价值:活力、轻盈、创新。大楼内部和外商十分契合的整体形象。

   Following the international award-winning Leonardo Glass Cube 3deluxe have once again completed a piece of corporate architecture with an
ambitious design and expressive formal language. The client was Kaffee Partner, a leading supplier of commercially used coffee brewing machines
in Germany. In February 2012, following a construction period of just 16 months, a tripartite building complex with 9,800 sq.m. of floor space was
completed on an area of 28,600 sq.m. in Osnabrück. The extremely cost-effective design unites the aesthetic impact of a sculptural architectural
object with the efficient functionality of commercial buildings. The concept for the administration tract aimed to harmoniously integrate the
logistics hall and workshop in the building complex, which has previously been planned by the Osnabrück-based engineering association
igk Krabbe GmbH & Co. KG. Individually produced elements hanging in front of the fa?ade proved to be the solution; their flowing forms expressing
the vitality, lightness, and power of innovation that are Kaffee Partner’s corporate values. The colour concept for the architecture and interior design
of the new headquarters combines white as the main colour with near-natural hues from the world of coffee and here too helps create an holistic
image of the company.   

   ↑ 白色与咖啡色组合,总用地面积28,600 平方米、楼层建筑面积9,800平方米的总部大楼 The headquarter combines white as the main colour with
near-natural hues from the world of coffee; the complex is 9,800 sq.m. of floor space on an area of 28,600 sq.m.      

   ↑ 白色与咖啡色的搭配,丝带元素的运用让建筑轻盈富有活力 Combination of white and coffee; the ribbons makes the buildings light and vital.      

   ↑ 如同雕塑的建筑 Sculptural building     


On all storeys, asymmetrically curved ribbons on the fa?ade link the three edifices that make up the u-shaped complex with one another. They
elegantly conceal the orthogonal grid of the concrete skeleton structure. Accurately assembled from 150 custom-made prefabricated concrete parts,
each weighing six tons, the fa?ade ribbons structure the corporate headquarters’ 100-metre elevation facing the road while creating a sense of depth
and dynamics. The latter culminates in the animated, vertically staggered composition of the administration wing: With its ceiling slabs, differently
shaped and cantilevered on each floor, the corner building of the complex represents a prominent eye-catcher. From the perspective of passers-by,
the under surfaces of the overlapping storey slabs and fa?ade ribbons present a varied interplay between shape, light, and shadow. At times, the light
reflecting off the copper-coloured window frames give the white surfaces a gentle metallic shimmer.   

   ↑ 引人注目的建筑,每一层的悬挑外边界线都不一致,外形出挑,层次鲜明,光影丰富 Eye-catching building with different hanging curved ribbon
on each storey; unique shape, distinct structure and varied interplay between light and shadow.      

   ↑ 混凝土框架的建筑,动态条带元素让其具有层次感与动感 Concrete skeleton structure;  flowing ribbons creating a sense of depth and dynamics       引人注目的角落建筑单元不仅具有极佳的视觉体验,还是整个总部的功能中心。该建筑单元除了具备独立办公室和会议室之外,还包括公共休息室,公司员工可以在这里轻松交谈。董事会成员办公室位于顶层,外表皮为白色金属板,轮廓为建筑群的的基本结构—矩形。其内部采用定制家具和高端设施,并继续延续整个建筑群的设计语言。

   The strikingly designed corner building is not only the visual, but also the functional centrepiece of the corporate headquarters. In addition to
individual offices and conference rooms it also includes communal lounge areas for informal conversation. The offices for members of the
management board are located in a roof-top edifice that is clad with white metal panels and whose shape adopts the basic rectangular structure
of the building complex. The executive suite features custom-made furniture and high-end fittings, whereas architectural elements recur in the
interior design.   

   ↑ 让建筑具有层次感与动感的带状元素由预制的混凝土板组成,顶层是董事会成员办公室,外表皮为白色金属板 The ribbons creating a sense of

depth and dynamics are made of concrete slabs. The top is the offices for members of the management board, which is clad with white metal panels.   

   ↑ 平均每个单元重6吨的预制混凝土板组成外表看起来十分轻盈的带状元素
The light ribbons are actually made of prefabricated concrete parts (each weighing six tons).      

   ↑ 平均每个单元重6吨的预制混凝土板组成外表看起来十分轻盈的带状元素
The light ribbons are actually made of prefabricated concrete parts (each weighing six tons).      

   ↑ 外立面 External facade      

   ↑ 夜景外观 Facade (nighttime)      

   ↑ 延续外部设计语言的内部空间 Interior design continues the design language of the facade.      

   ↑ 延续外部设计语言的内部空间 Interior design continues the design language of the facade.      

   ↑ 延续外部设计语言的内部空间 Interior design continues the design language of the facade.      

这座亭阁状的大楼和谐地融入周边环境中,但同时极富表现力的设计又让其脱颖而出,为经过的路人留下深刻印象。Kaffee Partner的新总部大楼为其300名员工、客户及当地居民呈现了一个友好而现代的环境、一个建筑和设计成为产品不可或缺的一部分的当代世界以及真切的企业文化。

   The pavilion-like building blends in harmoniously with the overall ensemble but, thanks to its expressive design, makes for a striking venue for
pedestrians and motorists. Taken as a whole, the new Kaffee Partner corporate headquarters represent a friendly and contemporary working world
for the some 300 employees of the medium-sized company, its clients and the inhabitants of Osnabrück – a world, in which architecture and design
are an indispensable element of a product and corporate culture that is authentically lived out.   

   ↑ 外观 Facade   




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