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这座由Nestor Sandbank设计的住宅有着别具一格的空间组织特点。该住宅共三层,分别为地上两层,地下一层,每个空间都配备了个性化的设施。环绕式集中在大草坪边缘的住宅实际上包含四个单独的建筑模块,一层的过渡区域将这四个单元连成整体。该住宅位于特拉维夫市的郊区。其主楼包含所有主要公共空间,公共区域之上是主卧套间。其他三个儿童卧室分别位于三个完全相互独立的建筑单元内。建筑事务所根据多年设计公寓住宅群及其他住宅群的经验将儿童的卧室设计成几乎独立的构体。成排分布的三个儿童房间由单独走廊连接起来,与主卧套间垂直,其一楼是个性化的起居区,二楼为卧室。每个卧室都有各自的阳台,可以观赏草坪景色,主楼的主卧有一个大阳台,可以看到旁边的三个建筑单元和楼下的活动空间。绿色植被精心装点着整个庭院,现代风格的户外家具将庭院与住宅的设计风格融为一体,成为整个住宅区域中重要的活动空间。

Designed by Nestor Sandbank Architecture, this family home takes an eclectic approach to the organization of its various spaces. The house is composed of two stories above ground and one below, with individualized amenities for each occupant. While the house as a whole is focused around a large lawn at the rear, its construction actually consists of four separate modules joined by first-floor transit zones. Built in Tel Aviv,the suburban masterpiece features a main wing containing all its main public rooms with a master suite above it, then spreads its three remainingbedrooms into an entirely separate wing. Drawing from the architecture firm's experience with apartment complexes and other multi-residentialproperties, each child's bedroom is nearly autonomous, occupying an almost autonomous freestanding structure. Linked by a single hallway, thethree children's rooms sit in a row perpendicular to the main house, with individualized living space on their first floors and bedrooms above. Every bedroom has its own deck overlooking the lawn as well, including the master bedroom's large balcony in the main wing, built with a strategicview of all the smaller bedrooms of the house and the living spaces on the level below. The yard is carefully landscaped and populated with contemporary outdoor furnishings to truly integrate it with the design of the residence, keeping it an essential part of the house's living space.

The main entrance on the ground for cars and people is very wide and consists of concrete rectangular floors separated by lawn. The parking is covered by a white metal building with an opaque glass ceiling to allow natural light. At night, the ceiling lights with LEDs and gets to be a giantlamp noticed from all over the place.

住宅内部的大面积白墙上装饰着大量艺术作品。主楼梯和客厅上方的室内阳台则采用截然不同的黑色金属感饰面。泳池甲板上布置的桌椅构成了小型的“起居室”和“餐厅”,天气好的时候可以在此休闲和就餐。每个儿童房间都有各自的装饰风格和独特的视觉效果,因此形成了不同的个性特点。 主客厅内部由两个重要元素构成:大型开放式书柜和上部带黑色金属饰面的阳台。主客厅高两层,光线主要来自地面层以及上层的透明玻璃门以及侧面的开口处。

Inside, the largely white walls of the dwelling are accented by large works of art and by a nearly opposite dark metal tone used to finish the house'slarge main staircase and an indoor balcony above its living room. Each public area is generally lined up with a similar space outside on the pool deck, allowing living and dining to expand outdoors during good weather. Each child's room has its own decor elements and unique visual cues, giving it an individualized personality.
The principal living room of the house is dominated by two elements: a vast open array of bookshelves and a balcony overhead characterized by its dark beaten metal finish. The room is two full stories tall, allowing light in from the bank of windows on the main floor in addition to a setabove and smaller openings on the far edge.
The main seating area is set apart from the rest of the long space it occupies by the installation of a large rectangular rug underfoot, giving it a more comfortable atmosphere than the wood floors around it. Its furnishings combine midcentury sculpture with contemporary design, coming off as both comfortable yet undeniably modern.
At the edge of the room, the balcony's metal hues extend downward in the form of a bold staircase, with blank wallspace at its side covered byintriguing contemporary art. On the opposite end, a kitchen and dining area is set off from the living room by its placement in an area of the spacelimited to a single story in height.

The home's lawn is spacious and immaculately landscaped, with wide concrete slab pathways framing rectangular garden plots and various outdoor amenities. Near the children's bedrooms, a large mirror-finished orb is a sculptural additional feature of the lawn. Most of the home is focused on this impressive outdoor space, where much of its social activities take place.Each facet of the residence's outdoor space is designed to extend the elegant modern style of the building outward.

Along one edge of the property, a long stone bar provides a dining and drinking place for more than half a dozen residents and guests.Beneath themaster bedroom's balcony, the house's most formal outdoor dining space features an eight-person configuration made with furniture that is contemporary without being impractical. Beyond, a chic outdoor living area occupies the shady spot between the home's two wings and under acanvas awning.

The pool, like many contemporary landscape features, is designed for the water it contains to sit at the same level as the deck and lawn around it,draining into small cracks along each edge. On the side near the children's bedrooms, an additional modern sculpture (this one white and irregularlyshaped) doubles as a bench. Near the pool's end, the lawn drops off abruptly, and the concrete frame of the water ceases, creating an infinity edge and a smaller, lowered reflecting pool as an extension of the swimming space.

Though its rooms are focused around the lawn, the house must function on its own as well for days that outdoor access isn't available. Inside, spacious pathways have been created to connect the main portion of the dwelling with its three semi-independent satellite structures. A number of the house's large window banks include wide sliding glass doors, allowing its main rooms to open up and combine with the lawn for larger, more airy entertaining spaces than are built into the floorplan alone.

Architects: Néstor Sandbank Spot: Ramot HaShavim, IsraelUndertaking Region: 3,000 sqmTask 12 months: 2013Pictures: Itai Sikolsky
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