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在建项目设计时间: 2012年项目地点: 中国.渭南规划面积: 约3.6平方千米项目业主: 少华山旅游发展有限责任公司 设计团队:彭勃先生 余定先生 胡彦先生 胡耀英先生 牛超先生 甘慧盈小姐 张哲小姐
Conceptual Planning & Architecture Design of Qianlong Temple Scenic Area, Shaohua Mountain National Forest Park, ShanxiUnder ConstructionDesign: 2012Location: Weinan, ChinaSite Area: 3.6 sq.kmClient: Shaohua Mountain Tourist Co.LtdTeam: Paul Bo Peng, Stoney Yu, Yen Hu, Yao Hu, Chao Niu, Abbey Gan, Wendy Zhang
项目背景 Project background
Originating from a famous historical story, Qianlong Temple is located in the Mihu valley of Lotus Temple in Hua County, which is a scenic area inthe east of Huashan Mountain Forest Park. Emperor Liu Xiu of the Eastern Han Dynasty was hidden there to rid the troops of Wang Mang. Later he successfully restored the Han Empire. His son Liu Zhuang built Qianlong Temple on the top of Panlong Mountain, where Liu Xiu had taken refuge, to repay the grace of his father’s survival. Qianlong Temple is one of the oldest Buddhist temples in China and it has been “The Buddhismcenter in eastern Shaanxi”

规划将分析提炼的“奇、难、险、峻”的景观特色,真正地通过场地设计展示出来。项目力求通过空间形态的提升加强景区的整体感,更为突出的是,对于节点空间的提升而言,在控制好尺度的同时,意境的营造变得尤为重要。 The Breakthrough of the project lies in the creation of space and conception.
We refined the “Spectacular, Rugged, Dangerous and the Steep” of the location and demonstrated those features via the site design. The project seeks to enhance the integrity of the space and to strengthen the overall image of the scenic area. For advancing the detailed design, appropriate control is required preserve the essence of the historic site.

项目的空间布局与文化主题的游览线索紧密关联。Project layout connects with Cultural Tourism.
Centered with the thousand-year-old Qianlong Temple, the tourist space of the scenic area stretches out with 2 main lines, namely the BuddhistCulture Line “Buddhist Cultural Center- Qianlong Temple- Dragon Bridge- Dragon Head Pavilion- Tianxian Pavilion” and Mountain SightseeingLine “Entrance Plaza-Buddha Center- Qianlong Temple- Viewing Platform on Peak- The cableway station”. It also highlights the spatial positionof Qianlong Temple.
Matching the scenic planning with tourism marketingPlanning and marketing go side by side. Marketing focuses on the concept of “9 architectures and 18 spectaculars”. The planning was developedfrom a single concept of sightseeing tourism to multiple options of sightseeing, relaxation, worship and meditation and vacation.
Sightseeing program- “spectacular, rugged, dangerous and steep” sightseeing program, Qianlong Cultural tourism program and Ancient temple worship and meditation program.Relaxation and vacation program- mountain tourism and festival tourismAdvanced worship and meditation program- Traveling and Learning in the mountain, Tailored meditation tourism and Experienced meditationtourism program.

建筑设计 Architectural design
Development of the scenic area is based on resources of Buddhist tourism culture and the historical background of the eastern Han emperor takingrefuge there. The main architecture is Qianlong Temple, which is the first Buddhist temple in Shaanxi with a history traced back to the Eastern HanDynasty. Therefore, the design respects the ancient style of Han Dynasty and accommodates with modern architectural elements to maintain its original style.
We refer to the architectural style in Han Dynasty and add some modern elements. The shape and layout of the buildings perfectly blends into themountain environment. The zones are connected with stone paths, pavilions and corridors. We focus on the expression of the details, highlightingthe architectural elements such as brackets, the platforms, sloping roof, and also refine them with modern approaches to make the zones simple butbreathtaking. In terms of the material, we suggest the use of local stones and woods, which is natural and environmental friendly.
龙首阁龙首阁作为龙道在迷糊峪御道的崭新开端,其作为龙头北临佛头崖,南连潜龙寺,重新定义了潜龙寺 - 佛头崖路径的重要性。开发这一条神秘且刺激的全新登山道(龙首阁)的功能在于设置了全新的游客休息站点以及观景点,可以西眺潜龙寺景区、俯瞰迷糊峪,仰望佛头崖。

蟠龙道蟠龙道连接潜龙寺与佛头崖,是景区标志性景观。 该部分景观与上站遥遥相对,地势险峻,景色壮观。设计引入蟠龙的形态,龙首阁是蟠龙之首,是游客停留休息和观景之地,形态栩栩如生。龙形栈道是蟠龙之身,顺着山势,回转于山脊两侧,设计既能让置身其中的游客充分领略其独特的自然景观,又让远处的游客感受到蟠龙蜿蜒磅礴的气势。


祖龙上苑 对东西两侧进行公共与私密区域的划分,西南部分满足公共餐饮,参观,休憩观光等需要的同时,尽量减小体量减弱对周边环境的不协调影响;东南侧采用单元组合式的设计以满足市场对于建筑体量的动态需求,同时用内圈廊道串连整组建筑,缩短交通流线的同时不影响观景界面的展开。根据现场需求,考虑集水井,泵房等后勤保障设施的空间利用需求。材质选用:主体部分采用钢筋混凝土结构,建筑屋面及立面表皮材质采用钢构件及木构件。




