Appreciation towards Archi-Union Architects for providing the following description:
The design of Zhangmiao Exercise Park shows our attitude towards the city. Through the self-generating energy, it shapes the form of urban space. The design is under the guidance of Landscape Urbanism. With the combination of runway, square and landscape, an ecological system is built atthe corner space of the city.

风力和太阳能的使用提供了整个场地的夜间光源供给;立体化的草坡植被创造了不同尺度的空间可能性;结合科普宣传的廊道空间又成为市民遮阴避暑的活动空间;而塑胶铺设的市民健身步道更是成为了整个地区最为热闹的夜间休憩活动场所。城市空间的民主性、公民性和公共性在这小小的街角得到了充分的体现。 The street corner was only filled and leveled up to meet the basic requirement of the citizens, but did not provide more choice of public activities tothe whole area. Through the process of design, we not only consider the functional requirement, but also integrate the urban dynamic element into it.
The application of wind and solar energy provides the night lighting. The vertical grass vegetation creates different scales of spatial possibility. The corridor space combine with the publicity function, becomes a sheltering space for citizens. The jogging path, which is paved with plastic cement, even becomes the liveliest space in the whole area for people taking a rest (hanging out) at night. The democratic, civic and public property of themodern city space is fully represented in this street corner.

项目地点:上海市宝山区项目规模:4000平方米建筑师:袁烽设计团队:上海创盟国际建筑设计有限公司 概念设计:韩力、华绍良、何福孜 施工图设计:何福孜、赵巍巍 设备配合:李凤英、张新华设计/竣工时间:2011/2013
Location: Baoshan District, ShanghaiArea: 4000 sqmArchitect: Philip F. YuanDesign Team: Archi-Union ArchitectsSchematic Design: Alex Han, Shaoliang Hua, Fuzi He Construction Design: Fuzi He, Weiwei Zhao MEP: Fengying Li, Xinhua ZhangDesign/Completion: 2011/2013

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