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Chris Precht以及 Penda还曾分享过:The Snow Apartement 张家口滑雪度假公寓Hongkun Art Gallery 拱之舞,位于中国北京的鸿坤美术馆,来自penda Austrian Expo Pavilion 米兰2015年世博会奥地利馆'the O' 大O,索尔福德草甸人行桥 'between earth and sky' - a campus landmark 天地之间,南方科技大学入口方案 The Cola-bow 位于中国的动感可乐瓶子装置 New Contemporary Museum of Buenos Aires 与桥共舞S.DEER - world 中国南京服饰品牌S.DEER总部方案 奥地利国家图书馆扩建方案 National Library of Austria extension  theNYBILLBOARD ,ISOVER可持续竞赛一等奖。纽约新天际线

Appreciation towards Penda for providing the following description:


"one with the birds" by penda for AIM "legend of tent" -  competition

Our design for the AIM “legend of tent” competition is driven by 3 main principles: an ecological understanding of the project, a flexible structure, which can be adapted to different surroundings and creating a comfortable atmosphere in a unique environment.


Ecological understanding:the design uses natural and local materials as a structural element. The focus was to create a connection which leaves no impact on the site, nor any harm on the bamboo itself, so after the temporary hotel is deconstructed, the materials can be reused as scaffolding on a construction site or reused as another temporary hotel on a different location.


Flexible structure:The structure is inspired by the tipis of native Americans, which did not leave any harm on the site, nor on the material itself, because the joints were connected with ropes, so the tents were easy to construct, deconstruct and carried. A truly flexible system.


For our structural system, a stick of bamboo gets rotated, mirrored and connected with a horizontal element, which creates the possibility to grow in height. The columns get mirrored again, which fixes the beam in their center. Depending on the height and span of the grid, the rows of columnscan be doubled, which results in a very clean joint. A rope can tie the connection, so no screws or nails are used. The bamboo stays in its initial stateand can be reused afterwards.




The same knots of bamboo can be added in every direction, which creates the same knot on every connection and stabilizes the whole system. A newhorizontal layer can be implemented and connects the beams, which creates a base for people to use the structure.

The width of the grid is 470cm with a floor to floor height of 400m. The base of the structure is elevated, so the foundation can adapt to any givenlandscape.

By adding the same joints of bamboo and connecting them with each other, we get a structural grid where triangulated pots can be implemented: Sleeping pots of different sizes, larger pots for families, connected pots for larger functions like lobby or restaurant and pots for a bathroom or toilette.


We see the structure not just as an element which inhabits typical functions of a hotel and is connected to nature, we also see it as an element, wherenature can be implemented and after a certain time, those plants can grow take over the whole structure.





Comfortable uniqueness:The 3rd key principles of our design is to create a comfortable environment in a unique experience. Hiking through the woods, one is normally surrounded by treetrunks, lacking a sense of orientation and visibility. When we were kids, we used to experience our environment differently. We used to connect to nature in a more direct way, climbing trees, enjoying unique views and exporing a different wildlife. We were connected to our environment in a 3 dimensional way. We were one with the birds...

This feeling of leaving city-life behind and getting connected to nature and experiencing our natural environment is the driving idea of our proposal.

With a flexible structural system and connected it with comfortable spaces, we have the opportunity to create a variety of buildings of different sizes.Depending on the needs, the size and amount can grow: from single rooms to a family structure, to a size of a clubhouse or even up to larger scales, which combine more functions of a typical hotel like a lobby or restaurant within one structure.

All is depending on the needs and on the demands, but each building connects in a very responsible dialog to our natural environment.

MORE: Penda




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