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Constructed with recycled steel bars, the modular dividers shelving plants, books and lights give Home Café a hybrid of industrial and horticultural touches.
Beijing, China, 2014/08/25 – Penda has been commissioned by the Beijing-based property developer Hongkun to lay out a concept for its café
brand Home Café with potential to spread it throughout China. The café chain will incorporate various concept versions to offer spaces to breathe
in heavily polluted areas of China. Two debut locations opened its doors in Beijing and Tianjin. With air pollution being a major issue in Chinese
cities, Penda decided to create a café for visitors to take a deep breath of clean air.
Steel bars are upcycled to become a main interior design feature.
Commonly hidden within a building’s structure, steel bars are brought to light as a main design feature in Home Cafés. The reused steel bars are
painted black, connected with each other and constructed as a grid that defines the appearance of the cafés.

钢筋通常隐藏于建筑结构墙体中不被人所见, 然而在重新涂成黑色并交叉搭建成网格系统后在鸿咖啡里却成为室内的焦点。使家具结构与建筑结构融为一个整体。塑造了空间整体性同时也让有限的空间变得更加深邃。
构架里种植了丰富的绿色植物来营造一个田园的氛围,其中的植物选择如吊兰、绿萝和剑蕨等都易打理、同时带有空气净化功能, 还有一些箱子里种植了调味用的香草。这些植物与新鲜调制的咖啡一起为鸿咖啡创造香气芬芳的舒适环境。粗糙的混凝土墙面、皮制的沙发和木质桌椅还有新鲜调制的咖啡为顾客带来一种回归自然的感官体验,使鸿咖啡成为城市中的一片小绿洲,不仅能吸引顾客前来品尝咖啡,并能在舒适健康的环境中度过一个悠闲的下午。
A modular grid system and its various fillings offer flexible reconfiguration for the café.
The steel bars create a series of cubic frameworks, which can be combined to shelves of different sizes. This gives the owner freedom of reorganizing
the grid or even reusing its parts for a different location.
The structural grid offers a space, where various cubic elements can be implemented. Boxes of plants, books, and lights on different levels create
various densities for the interior. By organizing the cubes, the modular system allows a flexible assembly for different occasions.
The plants in the café offer visitors a space to breathe within a polluted city.
Many of the wooden pots are filled with air purifying and easy-to-grow plants such as spider plants, sword fern and marble queen. Other pots contain
a wide range of herbs, along with freshly brewed coffee to produce an aroma-rich environment. The space connects directly to all human senses: rough
plaster wall, leather seatings and wooden furniture - touch, premium coffee and cakes - taste, the plants and herbs that offer visual and aromatic
highlight. The café will welcome people to come in not only for quality coffee, but also to enjoy a green oasis in the midst of a polluted city.

The growth of the plants will offer a varying appearance for returning costumers.
Vine plants and ivy are seeded inside some pots. As they grow along the framework and slowly take over the steel, the plants will become a main design feature of the cafes and attract customers to return to a constantly alternating space.

HOME CAFé is a brand coffee chain by Beijing-based investment company Hongkun, whose broad portfolio of diverse business interests include
art, pharmaceutical, mining and property. The company has previously commissioned Penda to do a not-for-profit art gallery situated in one of its
Beijing high-end compound.
Penda was established 2012 by Chris Precht and Dayong Sun. The studios are internationally located in Vienna and Beijing.
We see architecture as a statement that always starts with questions about the content and the context, about identity, density and the community
of a specific site. That is why we treat each and every project in a unique and fresh way and therefore the outcome is always costum-made.
槃达建筑成立于2012年,其主持建筑师为孙大勇和Chris Precht,分别毕业于中央美术学院及维也纳应用艺术大学。槃达建筑融合了东西方文化的特点,以生命建筑观为理念创作了一系列有代表性的建筑作品,并获得多项国际竞赛奖项包括2015米兰世博会奥地利国家馆候选方案、襄阳紫薇花国际竞赛金奖、上海金外滩奖等。作为80后国际新锐建筑师的代表,作品获得众多国际专业媒体报道关注与报道。
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