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Appreciation towards Gerber Architekten for providing the following description:

德国建筑事务所Gerber Architekten最近一举在麦地那获得国际竞赛二等奖,该奖的第一名空缺,第三名被同样来自德国的gmp事务所夺得。除此之外扎哈哈迪德和矶崎新事务所也得到了表彰。


麦地那是一座呈辐射状规划的城市,是继圣城麦加之后伊斯兰教朝圣最重要的城市。建筑面积约为10万平米的新建筑位于城市东北部,距离机场有12公里,周围是炎热而干涸的大地。就是在这样的环境中,Gerber Architekten事务所创造出一个伊斯兰纹饰图案的新文化绿洲。

Gerber Architekten win competition in Madinah

The winners of the invited international competiton for the .Nobel Quran Oasis“ have been announced in  Madinah. Gerber Architekten convincedthe jury with their landscape focused design and share the second prize with Ricardo Bofill-Taller de Arquitectura. A first prize was not awarded and the third prize was given to gmp. Zaha Hadid and Arata Isozaki & Associates both received a commendation.

The new museum for the Quran, located in the holy city of Al Madinah al Munawarah, makes a contrast to the barren volvanic landscape with its verdant centre – like a modern oasis. Embedded in a Wadi, the design exploits the topography of this dried-up stream and allows it to be re-experienced as a newly-formed oasis. The roof of the .Nobel Quran Oasis“ will be constructed as a three dimensional sculpture of simple geometricfigures reminiscent of traditional Islamic ornamentation and will be entirely covered with gold photovoltaic elements. The landscape design refersto the classical gardens of the Arab world and illustrates central elements of Quran teaching.

Madinah al-Munawarah, also known as the radiant city, is after Makkah the most important city for pilgrims of the Islamic faith. The site of around 200,000 m2 intended for the .Nobel Quran Oasis“ is located to the north-east of the city centre, about 12 km from the Prophet’s mosque and in theimmediate vicinity of the Prince Muhammad ibn Abdul Aziz airport. The surrounding area consists of a volcanic landscape and the dried up Wadi.Using this topography as a starting point, Gerber Architekten have developed a verdant cultural oasis at it‘s centre.

The shape of the building is derived from traditional Islamic ornamentation. Simple geometric figures are combined in concentric rings to create asculptural unity.




The museum will be accessed via two terraced entrance areas at each end of the former Wadi. The visitor enters the underground central plaza, afoyer which extends over all levels as an atrium, receiving natural daylight through the perforated roof.

The heart of the building will be the exhibition space in the first floor. It is based on five cores, the five pillars of islam (Shahada, Salat, Zakat, Sawm und Hajj). The column-free exhibition spaces are organized into three interactive routes, which interpret the history of Islamic culture andthe Quran. The dramatic golden roof landscape produces a variety of lighting atmospheres inside the exhibition areas. Direct, indirect and filteredlight is precisely deployed and the atmosphere is intensified by changing ceiling heights.

A conference centre for trade fairs, a library, an auditorium, seminary rooms, a mediatheque and educational area are placed on two levels around the plaza. Patio courtyards with different themes are placed between the different areas, to function not only as botanical gardens but also to informthe different target groups of visitors about plants in Quran teaching.

The building has a total area of 100,000m2 GFA and the building costs are estimated to be $175 million US.


The Nobel Quran Oasis is envisioned as a unique place, sensitively inserted into the landscape but also visible from a distance as a typographic icon.

MORE: Gerber Architekten




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