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Dariel Studio最新完成的私人住宅项目可谓是奏响了一部现代感的幻想曲。这个1500平米大的公寓坐落于繁华的北京三里屯地区,超凡的装饰设计完全体现出业主不凡的性格。
楼顶最上面的两层总共12个小公寓被全部打通组合成一个复式公寓,通过创造大容积的布局,设计师Thomas Dariel给予了这个室内设计巨大的空间感。
The last on-to-date residential project designed by Dariel Studio is a truly modern fantasy. Located in the vibrant Sanlitun area, this 1500 sqm apartment features an extra-ordinary décor that pays homage to the client’s eccentric personality.12 apartments spread over the two last floors of the building have been reunited to give shape to the current penthouse. Thomas Dariel ‘s new interior creates volumes that offer a sense of space, a feeling of immensity.

制造开放性的空间是首当其冲。一楼就是一个巨大的开放式区域,没有任何隔断。没有保留墙体,Thomas Dariel运用不同的纹理、材质、颜色、线型和造型来区分不同的空间,让每个空间诉说不同的故事。
Openness is indeed the first statement. The first floor is a vast open space. No partition. Instead of walls, Thomas Dariel plays with textures, materials, colours, lines and shapes to create spaces that tell each a different story.

The living room features a huge void with supporting spindle-like columns and transversal mirror-covered beams that reflect first and second floors at the same time. Looking at the reflection, ones have difficulty to know where the space starts and ends. While having a rather low ceiling,the entrance also uses an optical illusion that brings the same spatial feeling. When entering, a dark wooden path guides the visitor through the main hall, surrounded by spiralling black and white glossy reflective stripes. Ones have difficulty to position themselves in this psychedelic space.
In the perspective, an impressive and once again seemingly endless round-shaped staircase yet helps the visitor to find his path up to the core ofthe apartment. Masterpiece in itself, the staircase is located at the center of the penthouse, opening, connecting and leading to all rooms. It is thepith of the space structure, the heart of the design.

Thomas Dariel的空间布局方式也奠定了整个设计的基调。可以看见,这个新项目向后现代主义致以崇高的敬意。明亮强烈的色彩,装饰性的表面纹饰,不对称的线型和形状都蓄意带来一种奇特而有趣的氛围,这些转化成室内设计的元素都十分具有后现代孟菲斯运动的特质,其中更是受到Ettore Sottsass的灵感启发。“我被孟菲斯运动和当时的设计影响了很多,我将这些在我儿时记忆中产生的积极影响运用到了我的设计中”。
The way Thomas Dariel plays with the space sets the tone for the whole design. Indeed, this new project is a clear homage to the extravagance of post-modernism. Bright and strong colors, decorative surface patterns, asymmetric lines, shapes that have little reference to function, deliberate eccentricity and playfulness, all these elements featured in the apartment’s interior design are very much characteristics of the post-modern movement known as Memphis and represented, amongst others, by Ettore Sottsass. ‘ I was influenced a lot by the Memphis movement and the designs from that period, these are positive memories from my childhood which I wanted to bring them back into the design’.

整个空间的设计是优雅而精致的,所有天花,墙壁,柜子,家具都私人定制以符合设计目的。 Thomas Dariel将空间打造成一个能带给人真实体验同时又感到舒适的家。 各种不同的颜色碰撞出的火花实现了这一设计初衷。对设计师来说,色彩是表达情绪的最好媒介,通过对应的色彩可以很顺理成章地定义不同的功能区域。
“眼见的外表形式只是带来愉悦,而真实的本质才带来生活” (蒙特里安)。源于生活, Thomas Dariel在此给出了一个趣味的,奇特而诗意答案,将生活的烟火气藏进了一个童话世界。
The whole space is elaborated and sophisticated, featuring an utterly designed environment where ceilings, walls, storages, furniture have been customized to serve this design purpose. Thomas Dariel creates spaces that offer a real experience and that make people feel at ease. Colours are strong tools to achieve that goal. Always associated with emotions and feelings, colours help to define the space functions and their related sensibility.‘The surface of things gives enjoyment, their interiority gives life’ (Mondrian). Life. Thomas Dariel designs here a playful, eccentric and poetic décor that tells us a story, bringing life to a fairy tale.

风格化的当代艺术作品不时的点缀着整个空间,带来了无与伦比的艺术气息,也更好的反映了客户热爱艺术和设计的生活态度。入口处摆放的由艺术家 Aurele带来的“ Lost dogs”作品,与黑白条纹所营造出来的当代感相得益彰,犹如置身某个艺术展的错觉。而其他的区域放置的艺术作品又带来完全不同的气场,如一组知名设计师Claudio Colucci的“Squeezes”灯光作品,其流线型的造型柔化了大空间的空旷感,营造了独特而不张扬的平衡之美。
Contemporary art pieces are displayed throughout the space, reflecting the client’s passion towards art and design. The “Lost dogs” from Aurele, placed right at the entrance as if ones were entering an art exhibition, complement and contrast with the firmly modern atmosphere. In the art display zone, the emblematic Claudio Colucci “Squeezes” are subtlety enlightening the space with gracefulness and mystery.

If the style is extravagant, the master plan of the apartment answers the client’s needs and requirements. While the first floor resumes the publicfunctions of the apartment – entrance, living room, dining room, kitchen, guest bedrooms/ bathrooms, kids playground and art display area - the second floor accommodates more private and intimate ones – master bedroom/ bathroom, kids bedrooms/bathrooms, family area, dressing roomand study. Each space itself and the way they related to one another were thought and designed in collaboration with a Fengshui master to ensuresmooth flow and harmony.
‘This project is for me then ending chapter of my design before my 30s. I gathered all my design signatures, references and styles and expressed them through a design, referring to who I am. ’

京城幻想曲设计公司:Dariel Studio设计师:Thomas DARIEL项目经理:侯胤杰项目大小:1500m2完成时间:2014年5月
BEIJING FANTASYDesign Company: Dariel StudioDesigner: Thomas DARIELProject manager: Nathan HOUArea:1500 m2Completion Time: May, 2014
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