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冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第1张图片



Every year around this time, I have made it a tradition to illustrate a winter scene. With the holidays around the corner, this weekend seemed like a good time to try out some different ideas and techniques related to snow scenes. Sitting down this morning, I didn’t really have a clear plan on how I wanted to tackle this illustration. The goal was to create a winter site plan with snow, something I have never done before. I am also making some final touches on “project portfolio updgrade” and I am in need of a few more renderings for the Cranbrook project. I thought why not kill two birds with one stone on this one.
A couple of decisions I had to make early on were how much snow was going to be on the ground and what time of day. I was looking for something with a lot of texture. Therefore, a light dusting where the grass showed through the snow seamed like a good idea.

1. 和往常一样,我从一张 SketchUp 模型的基础渲染图开始。

1. As always, I started with a basic rendering of the Sketchup model.

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第2张图片

上图是 SketchUp 模型,下图为一张 Kerkythea 基础渲染图。

Above, the Sketchup model followed by a Kerkythea base rendering below.

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第3张图片

2. 我需要一些环境作为参照,所以我在 Photoshop 中导入了一张航拍图,把它放在了我设计的建筑图下层。尽管这张航拍图的大部分会被覆盖,但是它可以在添加树和纹理的时候提供尺度感。同时,我还将建筑的饱和度降低了大约 50%,以降低鲜艳的橙色和绿色。

2. I needed some context for reference so I brought in an aerial image and placed it underneath my design in Photoshop. Though most of this aerial image will get covered up, it helps provide a sense of scale when Photoshopping in trees and textures. I also destaturated the building by about 50% to tone down the strong orange and green colors.

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第4张图片

3. 我开始在网上寻找雪和树的纹理图。好的雪的背景起到的作用很重要,所以一开始我用一张基本的白色纹理来覆盖地面的绝大部分。我同时也添加了被雪覆盖的道路,以此打断雪的基本纹理,帮助突显道路的位置。我并没有花很多的时间来让每个事物变得完美,因为还有很多纹理要叠放到这张图上。

3. I began rummaging the internet for snow textures and trees. A good snowy base was crucial, so I started by filling covering much of the grounds with a basic white texture. I also added snow covered roadways to break up the base snow texture and help illustrate the location of the roads. There will continue to be many textures layered on top of this image so I didn’t spend too much time getting everything perfect.

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第5张图片

4. 接下来就是雪要覆盖屋顶。这一步操作很简单,只需将所有屋顶用多边形工具选出,然后用笔刷工具把它们涂白。接着我叠加了一些在网上找到的雪的纹理,用来让白色增加深度。

4. Next came the snow cover roofs. This step simply involved selecting each section of the roofs with the polygonal tool and painting them white with the brush tool. I then followed that by overlaying some more snow textures found online to give the white paint more depth.

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第6张图片

5. 我花很多时间来寻找呈现俯视角度的冬天的树。幸运的是,在渲染图中插入树的图片很简单,因为他们仅仅是轮廓。冬天的树图没有叶子,而且因为雪呈现白色的背景。我所需要做的是把图层的混合模式改为“正片叠底”,通过这种方式来在保留树及其阴影的同时去掉背景。

5. I spent a lot of time looking for winter trees in plan view. Luckily, inserting the tree images into the illustration is simple because they are essentially silhouettes. Images of winter trees have no leaves and white backgrounds because of the snow. All I needed to do was set the layer blend mode to “Multiply” to get rid of the background but still keep the tree and shadow.

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第7张图片

6. 我很是喜欢将草地和景观从雪中透露出来的想法。我在网上找到的一张纹理能表现出这种效果。我把这张纹理复制几次得到了一张更大的纹理。从屋顶花园开始,把这个纹理运用在了整个场景中。

6. I liked the idea of letting the grass and landscape peak through the snow and I was able to find a texture online that gave me this look. I copied it several times to generate a larger texture. I started on the roof garden and carried this texture throughout the site.

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第8张图片

7. 一般情况下,这时我开始调色了。在这个方案中,我想让这张图色调偏冷,所以我增加了大量的蓝色。但是,同时我叠加了一个黄色图层,以此来缓和冷色调并形成对比。同时我还希望室内能有热闹的气氛,所以我也给这个区域增加了暖色调。

7. It’s usually around this time that I begin tweaking the colors. In this case, I wanted the image to read largely cool with lots of blues. However, I added a yellow color overlay to offset the cool tones and give some contrast. I also wanted the interior of the building to pop so I amped up the warm tones in these areas as well.

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第9张图片

8. 我准备通过增加飘落的雪花来大大降低地基础图的清晰度和细节。我使用了Topaz Labs Photoshop 插件来增加细节和纹理来缓和这种稀释后的效果。最终我使用 Topaz Adjust 滤镜中的“Clarity”预设来得到了下面的最终成果。

8. I plan to add falling snow which significantly reduces the clarity and detail of the base image. I jumped into my TOPAZ LABS Photoshop plugin to increase the detail and texture to help offset this dilution. I endued up using the “Clarity” preset within TOPAZ ADJUST to get the below result.

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第10张图片

9. 最后,一个冬季场景渲染图没有飘落的雪的话是不能算完成了。因为角度的原因,在我以前渲染图里用到垂直飘落的雪花不适用在这里。所以我使用了径向模糊滤镜创造出一种有趣的效果。纹理看上去很棒,并且完美的定下了场景的基调。如果想学习如何制作飘落雪花,请点击这里的教程。

9. Finally, a winter scene would not be complete without some falling snow. Because of the view, vertically falling snow that I have used in past illustrations would not work here. Instead, I used the radial blur filter which created an interesting effect. The texture is great and really sets the mood for the scene. A detailed tutorial on how to create falling snow can be found HERE.

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第11张图片

冬季景象 3:克兰布鲁克最终渲染图 by Alex Hogrefe第12张图片





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