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  时间: 11月03日 周二 18:30-20:00
  地点: 上海 杨浦区 同济大学(四平路校区)建筑城规学院B楼钟庭报告厅
  费用: 免费
  类型: 讲座
Fragment and Inclusion in Contemporary Barcelona第1张图片


  题目:Fragment and Inclusion in Contemporary Barcelona

  主讲人:宋玮(Wei SONG)
  (加泰罗尼亚理工博士、EMBT建筑事务所中国区负责人/Ph.D, Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya; Staff architect, Miralles Tagliabue EMBT)



  [Brief Introduction]

  If we follow the idea that “craft” is similar with “bricolage” defined by Claude Levi- Strauss in the book La Pensée Sauvage, it means that craft is a kind of attitude and manner when we face a problem. For short, two core issues behind it: what we can use and how to use it. In this lecture, the speaker will try to expand this idea, to discuss the method of building relationships between architecture and city through analyzing projects by Barcelona contemporary architects.

  There are two hypotheses of the thesis: fragment and inclusion. “Fragment” refers to the idea of being part of the city. Here fragment not only means artifact, but also can be those topographic elements. “Inclusion” concludes the result of the operation of recomposing. It means the way architects include the fragment into their projects during the process of practicing. It is not only a theoretical discussion about the importance and value of building the relationship between building and place, but more to discuss the process of how to select, translate and realize the implantation of fragment into the project when architects are facing to the storehouse of quite amount of fragments.



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