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德文郡Burgh岛的悬崖边酒店规划方案/Carmody  Groarke第1张图片

Carmody Groarke reveals plans for cliffside hotel on Devon's Burgh Island


Carmody Groarke赢得了在Burgh岛上危险的悬崖边设计装饰艺术酒店的竞赛。Burgh岛位于英格兰南部德文郡海岸。

Carmody Groarke has won a contest to design a precarious cliffside suite for an Art Deco hotel on Burgh Island, which is set off England's south Devon coast.

德文郡Burgh岛的悬崖边酒店规划方案/Carmody  Groarke第2张图片


伦敦公司与工程师Price & Myers合作去发展这个项目,避开了竞争对手伦敦工作室dRMM、Featherstone Young Architects和Threefold Architects的设计原理,赢得了RIBA组织的竞赛。

泳池住宅将成为Burgh岛艺术装饰酒店的独立套房,它建于1929年,由业主Tony Orchard和Deborah Clark对其进行了修复。

Designed as an "inhabited bridge" that will span the island's craggy headland, the luxury suite will have a trio of branching wings to frame views in three directions.
The London firm worked with engineers Price & Myers to develop the design, which fended off proposals by rival London studios dRMM, Featherstone Young Architects and Threefold Architects to win the RIBA-organised competition.
The Pool House will form a stand-alone suite for the Art Deco Burgh Island Hotel, which was built in 1929 and recently restored by owners Tony Orchard and Deborah Clark.

“建筑的设计灵感来自其独特的土地形成的自然历史,”Carmody Groarke发表声明,“回应了松软的泥石崖的雕塑形式和组成一系列相互联系的房间,去形成一座可居住的桥,依偎在悬崖两边,将流动的大海和风景尽收眼底。”

"The design of the building takes its inspiration from the natural history of the unique land formation," said a statement from Carmody Groarke, "responding to the sculptural forms of the soft mud-stone cliffs and composing a series of interconnected rooms to form an inhabited bridge, nestling on two sides of the cliff faces, which frame views of the dramatic sea and landscape."

德文郡Burgh岛的悬崖边酒店规划方案/Carmody  Groarke第3张图片

潮汐每六小时出现一次,涨潮时,海水把小岛从陆地分隔开——这一令人不安的特点满足了德文侦探小说家Agatha Christie故事中的理想场景。

“这是一个梦幻的项目——在惊心动魄的海岸边奢华的静居!”英国皇家建筑师协会顾问Jonathan McDowell说。“获胜的设计将为顾客创造一个内敛而又美妙的令人振奋的地方,在这个令人惊叹的地方感到高兴。”


The tide meets and parts every six hours, cutting the island off from the mainland – a disconcerting feature that made Burgh Island the ideal setting for tales by the Devonshire crime novelist Agatha Christie.
Guests are ferried to and from the hotel via "sea tractor" during low tide.
"This is a dream project – a luxury retreat in a breath-taking coastal setting!" said RIBA adviser Jonathan McDowell. "The winning design will create a restrained but sensuously uplifting place for guests to take delight in this stunning location."
Set just along the coast from the Grade II-listed hotel, renderings show the suite finished with a green roof and earth-coloured walls.

德文郡Burgh岛的悬崖边酒店规划方案/Carmody  Groarke第4张图片




The spot is positioned to give views across Bantham Estuary and of the Mermaid Pool – the hotel's private seawater pool.
"Life on a cliff over the sea was magical, momentous and uplifting in turns," said hoteliers Orchard and Clark. "We have been thinking for several years about a site, on the adjacent cliffs, to create a further space for guests to share that experience."


"The hotel itself was in the avant-garde when first built and we see this new project as a 21st century complement to it," they added.





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