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"Radical goth" Odile Decq is challenging architectural education in France



Profile: Odile Decq has been awarded with the Jane Drew prize for promoting the role of women in architecture, but with the launch of her own architecture school, her impact on French architecture could be much wider .


简德鲁奖以第一位入选英国皇家建筑师协会的女性现代主义建筑师Jane Drew的名字命名,日前欧蒂娜•戴克被授予了这一奖项。


The Jane Drew Prize, named after the English Modernist architect who was the first woman to be elected to the Royal Institute of British Architects' council, was awarded to Decq earlier this month.
Speaking at the ceremony, which took place at Claridges hotel in London's Mayfair, Odile Decq said it was "a great honour to walk in her path".

欧蒂娜•戴克工作室在巴黎的货运建筑项目,2016,摄影Roland Halbe/Cargo in Paris by Studio Odile Decq, 2016. Photograph by Roland Halbe



The citation praised Decq for being "a creative powerhouse, spirited breaker of rules and advocate of equality", which is all the more remarkable for an architect from a country that did not admit women into the prestigious École Polytechnique university until 1973, and where 80 per cent of French women in the workplace say they experience sexism on a regular basis.
And this is not the first time Decq, 60, has picked up an award for being a strong role model for women in architecture. Three years ago she was named French Female Architect of the Year.

2015年南京汤山方山国家地质公园博物馆项目,Odile Decq建筑工作室,图片由工作室提供。/Fangshan Tangshan National Geopark Museum in Nanjing by Studio Odile Decq, 2015. Photograph courtesy of Studio Odile Decq

Decq于1955年出生在法国布列塔尼Laval的一个小城镇,在雷恩市学习建筑,后来到巴黎。她的伙伴和丈夫Benoît Cornette也由医学转行学习建筑,当Decq在1979年开始自己的建筑实践的时候,Benoît Cornette正在学习。

这对夫妇在上世纪九十年代初期对法国当时一度消沉的建筑界产生了直接的影响。建筑评论杂志的前任主编Cathy Slessor在Dezeen的采访中回忆起他们刚刚进入到杂志社的时候,“非常激进,年轻且叛逆,像一股清新的空气。”

Born in the small French town of Laval in Brittany in 1955, she studied architecture first in Rennes and then in Paris. Her partner and husband, Benoît Cornette, had switched from medicine to architecture and was still studying when she opened the practice in 1979.
The couple made an immediate impact on the rather dull architecture scene in France in the early 1990s. Cathy Slessor, the former editor of the Architectural Review, remembers them coming into the magazine's office around that time. "They were very radical, young French goths and it was like a breath of fresh air," Slessor told Dezeen.

2015年Seyssins Saint-Ange 住宅项目,Odile Decq事务所,摄影Roland Halbe/Saint Angelo residency in Seyssins by Studio Odile Decq, 2015. Photograph by Roland Halbe

工作室的第一个大型项目是法国雷恩的Banque Populaire de l'Ouest,该项目囊括了八个奖项。Egret West的创始人Christophe Egret赞扬Decq夫妇将福斯特和罗杰斯的高技派建筑语言带到了法国,“并赋予它们充满活力的色彩”—Decq在过去的建筑设计中经常使用大量幽邃、震撼人心的红色系。


The studio's first big project was the Banque Populaire de l'Ouest in Rennes, won in 1988, that netted them eight awards. Christophe Egret, founder of Studio Egret West, credits the couple with bringing the high-tech language of Foster and Rogers to France, "and giving it a twist by adding the vibrancy of colour" – the lashings of deep, shocking red that Decq has used repeatedly in her buildings.
After that, more public buildings followed until Cornette was tragically killed in a car accident in 1998, when Decq was also badly injured.

2014年里昂GL EVENTS总部大楼,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/GL Events Headquarters in Lyon by Studio Odile Decq, 2014. Photograph by Roland Halbe



People who knew them as a couple say that his death "knocked her for six". She has described working with Cornette as "enriching... one had to convince the other that something was a good idea".
Decq continued to practice but said that in the years after his death, buildings designed by her were still being credited to them jointly. She didn't change her firm's name to Studio Odile Decq until 2013, spurred she said by her portrayal in the media. "They were still referring to my work from the time I was with Benoît, and I was fed up. It was a sort of sexist attitude that didn't recognise the work solely as mine."

1990年雷恩Banque Popularie de l'Ouest项目,Odile Decq事务所,图片由事务所提供。/Banque Popularie de l'Ouest in Rennes by Studio Odile Decq, 1990. Photography courtesy of Studio Odile Decq


这似乎已经更能彰显Decq的特征,尽管Decq已经有了一系列令人印象深刻的作品,其中包括罗马当代艺术馆、巴黎加尼尔歌剧餐厅和FRAC Bretagne当代艺术博物馆。

Despite all this, Decq said: "I enjoy so much being an architect. This is my life". She still continues to dress all in black, like a goth – a style she adopted in the 1980s after spending time in London.
For some, this has come to define the architect more than her buildings, despite Decq having delivered a series of impressive projects, including the Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome, a restaurant for Paris' Opera Garnier and FRAC Bretagne.

2010年罗马当代艺术馆,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Luigi Filetici/Museo d'Arte Contemporanei di Roma by Studio Odile Decq, 2010. Photograph by Luigi Filetici



A recent story about Decq on Dezeen prompted a lengthy debate about her appearance in the comments, with one reader writing: "If she were a man, we would simply discuss her work".
Another reader, who had undertaken a summer internship at Decq's studio in 2007, said her work was often overlooked and described his time at her office as "the best experience I have had in architecture".

2011年巴黎加尼尔歌剧餐厅项目,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/Phantom Restaurant Opera Garnier in Paris by Studio Odile Decq , 2011. Photograph by Roland Halbe

Decq 已经越来越多的投身于教育事业,开始在伦敦Bartlett建筑学院,后来到巴黎的法国建筑专业学校(ESA),2007年成为主任。


Decq教过的学生Rebecca Levy表示:“她相当积极,你可能很喜欢她抑或讨厌她,不过我非常喜欢,她竭尽所能的帮助着自己的学生。” Rebecca Levy目前成为了一名建筑师,在伦敦工作。


But increasingly, Decq has been drawn to teaching, first at the Bartlett in London and then in Paris at the École Spéciale d'Architecture (ESA), becoming its director in 2007.
The privately run school had a reputation for being "old fashioned and insular" according to former students, and Decq shook it up, pulling in outsiders from Harvard and London and encouraging students to present in English.
"She has this incredibly positive attitude," recalled one of her former students, Rebecca Levy, now working as an architect in London, "but you either liked her or hated her and I liked her. She would do anything for her students".
Yet her reforming zeal also brought her enemies, and with fees rising it sharpened the split between those who supported her moves to make the school more international and the old guard, who wanted her out.

2012年雷恩FRAC Bretagne当代艺术馆,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/FRAC Bretagne Contemporary Art Museum in Rennes by Studio Odile Decq, 2012. Photograph by Roland Halbe

在学校的围墙花园里,学生们的示威活动高涨,Levy回忆道:“学生们对她出言不逊,Decq试图为自己争辩。” 那场景让人联想到玛丽•安托瓦内特被判处死刑时也不曾低头时的骄傲和尊严。


学院设在一幢经Decq改造过的旧铁路建筑大楼里, Confluence原是里昂的港口区,Rhone河与Saone河的交界处——政府花费了数百万欧元对此进行了改建,如今这里有着许多令人瞠目结舌的建筑。

Passions ran high with demonstrations in the school's walled garden. "Students were insulting her and she was trying to defend herself," recalled Levy, who said it reminded her of the guillotining of Marie Antoinette.
If Decq's architecture has remained faithful to its high-tech roots, her decision to launch her own school mixing architectural teaching with other disciplines such as neuroscience, physics and sociology is the start of something very new.
Based in an old railway building that she has converted, the Confluence is in Lyon's former dock area, Les Confluences – the meeting place of the Rhone and the Saone rivers – where the city is spending millions of Euros regenerating with eye-popping buildings.

2016年戛纳“泡泡宫”修复项目,Odile Decq,建筑工作室,摄影Yves Gellie/Renovation of the Antti Lovag Bubble House in Cannes by Odile Decq, 2016. Photograph by Yves Gellie pour le fonds de dotation Maison Bernard



Decq has ploughed her own money into the school, giving it five years to succeed, according to her close friend and one of its visiting professors, Peter Cook, who founded radical 1960s architecture group Archigram.
So far, her school only has 20 students including some who have de-camped from ESA, disillusioned with the conservative regime that took over when she left.

2015年Soleil Noir项目设计,Odile Decq工作室,照片由工作室提供/Soleil Noir by Studio Odile Decq, 2015. Photograph courtesy of Studio Odile Decq

尽管法国对此看法不一,但学校的确拥有着一些杰出的顾问委员,其中包括建筑师Beatriz Colomina、彼得•艾森曼、藤本壮介,当然还有库克。


Reaction in France has been mixed, but the school boasts an illustrious advisory board including architects Beatriz Colomina, Peter Eisenman and Sou Fujimoto, as well as Cook.
"If anyone can do it, she can," said Cook. "She's very professional and very tough but she's exhausting herself."

2014年里昂Confluence学院,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/Confluence School in Lyon by Studio Odile Decq, 2014. Photograph by Roland Halbe

知名英国建筑师和设计师Nigel Coates表示:“这可谓一个创举,这在法国相当罕见,因为目前法国大多数的教育体系都是庞大而又陈旧的。”

在法国,大部分人并不看好建筑教育:作出一个切实可行的抉择可能会是她现在最大的挑战。然而Decq的准则是—“一点点的天赋加最大程度的努力,所能做到的事是不可估量的” —对此,她坚信不疑。

"It's a brave idea," agreed Nigel Coates, the British architect and designer who is chair of the new London School of Architecture's Academic Court. "And it's a quite a rarity in France, which has big lumbering institutions for the most part."
Few people have a kind word to say about architectural education in France: offering a viable alternative could well be her biggest challenge yet. But Decq's maxim – "with a little bit of talent and maximum of determination you can get a lot done" – will stand her in good stead.

2014年里昂Confluence学院,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/Confluence School in Lyon by Studio Odile Decq, 2014. Photograph by Roland Halbe

2014年里昂Confluence学院,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/Confluence School in Lyon by Studio Odile Decq, 2014. Photograph by Roland Halbe

2015年南京汤山方山国家地质公园博物馆项目,Odile Decq建筑工作室,图片由工作室提供。/Fangshan Tangshan National Geopark Museum in Nanjing by Studio Odile Decq, 2015. Photograph courtesy of Studio Odile Decq

2015年南京汤山方山国家地质公园博物馆项目,Odile Decq建筑工作室,图片由工作室提供。/Fangshan Tangshan National Geopark Museum in Nanjing by Studio Odile Decq, 2015. Photograph courtesy of Studio Odile Decq

2015年南京汤山方山国家地质公园博物馆项目,Odile Decq建筑工作室,图片由工作室提供。/Fangshan Tangshan National Geopark Museum in Nanjing by Studio Odile Decq, 2015. Photograph courtesy of Studio Odile Decq

1990年雷恩BPO办公总部,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Studio Odile Decq/Banque Popularie de l'Ouest in Rennes by Studio Odile Decq, 1990. Photograph courtesy of Studio Odile Decq

1993年欧蒂娜•戴克还负责多项展览和艺术品,如格勒诺布尔的Hypertension,摄影Studio Odile Decq/Decq has also been responsible for a number of exhibitions and artworks including Hypertension in Grenoble, 1993. Photograph courtesy of Studio Odile Decq

2010年罗马当代艺术馆,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Luigi Filetici/Museo d’Arte Contemporanei di Roma by Studio Odile Decq, 2010. Photograph by Luigi Filetici

2010年罗马当代艺术馆,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Luigi Filetici/Museo d’Arte Contemporanei di Roma by Studio Odile Decq, 2010. Photograph by Luigi Filetici

2012年雷恩FRAC Bretagne当代艺术馆,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/FRAC Bretagne Contemporary Art Museum in Rennes by Studio Odile Decq, 2012. Photograph by Roland Halbe

2012年雷恩FRAC Bretagne当代艺术馆,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/FRAC Bretagne Contemporary Art Museum in Rennes by Studio Odile Decq, 2012. Photograph by Roland Halbe

2012年雷恩FRAC Bretagne当代艺术馆接待处,Odile Decq建筑工作室,图片由工作室提供。/FRAC Bretagne Contemporary Art Museum reception desk by Studio Odile Decq, 2012. Photograph courtesy of Studio Odile Decq

2011年巴黎加尼尔歌剧餐厅项目,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/Phantom Restaurant Opera Garnier in Paris by Studio Odile Decq, 2011. Photograph by Roland Halbe

2011年巴黎加尼尔歌剧餐厅项目,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/Phantom Restaurant Opera Garnier in Paris by Studio Odile Decq, 2011. Photograph by Roland Halbe

2014年里昂GL EVENTS总部大楼,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/GL Events Headquarters in Lyon by Studio Odile Decq, 2014. Photograph by Roland Halbe

2014年里昂GL EVENTS总部大楼,Odile Decq建筑工作室,摄影Roland Halbe/GL Events Headquarters in Lyon by Studio Odile Decq, 2014. Photograph by Roland Halbe

2015年Seyssins Saint-Ange 住宅项目,Odile Decq事务所,摄影Roland Halbe/Saint Angelo residency in Seyssins by Studio Odile Decq, 2015. Photograph by Roland Halbe

2015年Seyssins Saint-Ange 住宅项目,Odile Decq事务所,摄影Roland Halbe/Saint Angelo residency in Seyssins by Studio Odile Decq, 2015. Photograph by Roland Halbe

2016年戛纳“泡泡宫”修复项目,Odile Decq,建筑工作室,摄影Yves Gellie/Renovation of the Antti Lovag Bubble House in Cannes by Odile Decq, 2016. Photograph by Yves Gellie

2016年戛纳“泡泡宫”修复项目,Odile Decq,建筑工作室,摄影Yves Gellie/Renovation of the Antti Lovag Bubble House in Cannes by Odile Decq, 2016. Photograph by Yves Gellie

2016年戛纳“泡泡宫”修复项目,Odile Decq,建筑工作室,摄影Yves Gellie/Renovation of the Antti Lovag Bubble House in Cannes by Odile Decq, 2016. Photograph by Yves Gellie


1985:Decq和丈夫Benoît Cornette共同创立了Odile Decq Benoit Cornette 事务所
2001:纽约哥伦比亚大学建筑学院执教 2003年同
2004:杜塞尔多夫艺术学院执教 2005年同
2013:工作室更名为Studio Odile Decq
2014:在里昂创立Confluence Institute,推行具有革新精神和创造力的教学方法
2016:完成为期五年的Maison Bernard “泡泡宫”翻新项目设计

Odile Decq
1955: born in Laval, France
1978: graduates from l’Ecole d’Architecture de Paris with a degree in architecture
1978: launches first studio
1979: diploma in urbanism and planning from the Institut d'Etudes Politiques
1980s: temporary move to London
1985: Decq and husband Benoît Cornette launch architecture firm ODBC
1988: first social housing project in Paris
1990: completes Apple showroom in Nantes
1990: Banque Populaire de l'Ouest in Rennes completed
1992: becomes professor at Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris
1995: second social housing project in Paris
1996: Motorway bridge and control centre in Nanterre, France, completed
1996: ODBC wins Golden Lion at Venice Biennale
1998: trio of buildings for the University of Nantes
1998: professor at The Bartlett in London until 2000
1998: car accident kills Cornette and injures Decq
2001: made Commandeur de l'ordre des Arts et Lettres
2001: professor at Columbia School of Architecture, New York (also 2003)
2003: becomes Chevalier of the Legion d’Honneur
2004: professor at Art Academy of Vienna
2004: professor at Art Academy of Düsseldorf (also 2005)
2007: third social housing project in Paris
2007: elected dean of architecture at Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture
2010: completes extension to MACRO contemporary art museum in Rome
2012: completes FRAC Bretagne
2012: resigns from Ecole Spéciale d’Architecture
2013: rebrands firm as Studio Odile Decq
2013: named designer of the year at Maison & Objet trade fair
2014: launched Confluence Institute for Innovation and Creative Strategies in Architecture in Lyon
2015: completes Fangshan Tangshan National Geopark Museum in Nanjing, China
2016: awarded Jane Drew prize
2016: completes five-year renovation of Maison Bernard "bubble house"





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