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莫桑比克马普托Casas Melhoradas Reimagines 经济适用房第1张图片

Casas Melhoradas Reimagines Affordable Housing in Maputo, Mozambique


为了在莫桑比克首都马普托建造经济适用房,我们开展了Casas Melhoradas项目,希望能够为清楚了解城市贫民窟状况做一定研究。该项目由丹麦皇家建筑艺术学院、莫桑比克NGO、爱德华蒙德拉纳大学建筑与城市规划学院以及丹麦无边界建筑师组织联合组织的,项目致力于研究南半球城市的发展。

In an effort to create affordable housing in Maputo, Mozambique, Casas Melhoradas is an applied research project aimed at eliminating city slums. Organized by the Institute of Architecture, Urbanism & Landscape, at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation, in collaboration with the Mozambican NGO Estamos, the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (FAPF) and the Danish branch of Architects Without Borders (AUG), the project is part of research initiative on urban development in the Global South.

莫桑比克马普托Casas Melhoradas Reimagines 经济适用房第2张图片
Street view. 街景  Image © Johan Mottelson

Casas Melhoradas项目有三重目标:发展一种替代性的建筑结构以增加建筑质量并且降低建造成本;发展出一种新的房屋类型,能够有效利用空间和公共设施,以保持可持续的城市更新;在公共-私人合作形式探讨一种租房模式,使更多人能享受新建住房。

Casas Melhoradas has a tripartite focus: the development of alternative construction methods to improve building quality while decreasing the cost of housing; the development of new housing typologies, which utilize space and infrastructure more economically for more sustainable urban development; the construction of affordable rental housing through public-private partnerships to enlarge positive effects.

莫桑比克马普托Casas Melhoradas Reimagines 经济适用房第3张图片
Old house prior to vertical addition. 老房子比竖向加建房更早存在 Image © Johan Mottelson


“The project develops multi-story housing typologies, rooted in the local socio-economic and cultural conditions, seeking to utilize space more efficiently, in order to contain the urban sprawl and use the infrastructure more economically,” say the project organizers. “Thereby, the project seeks to facilitate the development of more compact urban environments in the slums and make future infrastructure investments more cost-effective. On this background, the project seeks to improve mobility, improve the access to infrastructure and economize space.”

莫桑比克马普托Casas Melhoradas Reimagines 经济适用房第4张图片
Street view. 街景 Image © Johan Mottelson

几年前这个项目就在Archidaily上有所反响。最近的项目由Johan Mottelson和Jørgen Eskemose主持,以在原有建筑上添加竖向的加建物为特点。该项目位于马普托市中心(部分贫民区就是有名的Polana Canico),于2016年建成。为了实现加建的目的,设计师采用混凝土柱作为基础,支撑上部的木材建筑。整个项目利用的预制木元素都来自于当地的木材加工坊,因此能够短时间利用人力将部件运送到场地。

Previously featured on ArchDaily, this newest example of the Casas Melhoradas project, designed by Johan Mottelson and Jørgen Eskemose, was built in 2016 and features a vertical addition to an existing house near the center of Maputo; part of a slum area known as Polana Canico. The expansion was achieved by using concrete supports at ground level to create a foundation for the first floor timber expansion. The project utilizes prefabricated wood elements that were made at a local timber workshop, brought to the site on foot, and assembled on site in a short period of time.

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The old house is the common “Casa de Blocos” (local housing type consisting of concrete blocks). 原有的建筑是传统的Casa de Blocos(由混凝土砖搭建的一种当地民居)Image © Johan Mottelson

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“Casa de Madeira e Zinco” (local housing type consisting of a timber and corrugated iron sheets).  “Casa de Madeira e Zinco”(由木材和波纹钢板搭建的当地民居) Image © Johan Mottelson

在一座没有有效城市规划、严格的建筑法规和基础设施的城市,新出现的casas Melhoradas仿效马普托传统民居形式(包括Casa de Blocos—仅仅由混凝土砖建造的民居;Casa de Madera e Zinco—一种木结构建筑覆以波纹钢板的民居),并直接在其上加建。这些建筑有特色的地方要数覆以隔热层的胶合板天花、自然通风窗上的防蚊罩、在老建筑上添加的新窗以及朝向私人院落的架空廊(同时作为门廊)。

In a city not known for effective planning, regulation enforcement, or infrastructure, this newest Casas Melhoradas example riffs on local Maputo tradition, adding to what was strictly a Casa de Blocos construction – a house built with only concrete blocks – and creating a variant on the Casa de Madera e Zinco typology of timber housing clad in corrugated iron sheeting. Some of the house’s notable features are a plywood ceiling with insulation foil, mosquito net coverings over natural ventilation openings, new windows added to the old ground floor, and a gallery oriented towards a private outdoor area, which also serves a covered porch.

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View from private outdoor space. 从私人室外空间看建筑 Image © Johan Mottelson


Maputo has a population of 2.5 million with approximately eighty percent of inhabitants living in slums. The city’s population has been expanding at a pace of approximately five percent a year, with new buildings that are overwhelmingly on the horizontal plane. As Maputo’s footprint increases and puts greater strain on existing and yet-unbuilt infrastructure, land values at the city center have grown, adding incentive for greater in the future.

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Small scale public space added to the street. 路边小尺度的公共空间 Image © Johan Mottelson

Casas Melhoradas 房屋单元全部租售,并且使用者享有10-15年的使用权。为了完成使命,项目组织者采用公私合租的形式,以为未来合作吸引投资。

Casas Melhoradas’ housing units are rented out and fully financed over 10 to 15 year periods. To complete the work, project organizers rely on public-private partnerships, and are seeking donors and investors for future collaboration.

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View from private outdoor space. 私人户外空间 Image © Johan Mottelson

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Gallery access system. 门廊 Image © Johan Mottelson

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Interior view. 室内 Image © Johan Mottelson

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Image Courtesy of Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

莫桑比克马普托Casas Melhoradas Reimagines 经济适用房第13张图片
Image Courtesy of Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

建筑事务所:Johan Mottelson and Jørgen Eskemose,城市、建筑、景观机构,丹麦皇家城建筑艺术学院
摄影:Johan Mottelson

Architects: Johan Mottelson and Jørgen Eskemose, Institute of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape, TheRoyal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Design, and Conservation
Location: Polana Caniço, Maputo, Mozambique
Area: 30 m2
Year: 2016
Photo Credits: Johan Mottelson





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