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ALJ总部大楼/andrew bromberg of Aedas第1张图片

andrew bromberg of Aedas masterplans ALJ headquarters in jeddah


项目位于沙特阿拉伯西部港市吉达,是andrew bromberg of aedas为安利捷集团(ALJ)设计的公司总部大楼,目前正在建设中,预计2018年竣工。ALJ是全球最大的独立的丰田经销商。

located in the city of jeddah, saudi arabia, andrew bromberg of aedas has designed the corporate headquarters for abdul latif jameel. currently in construction and scheduled to be completed in 2018, the company is the largest independently owned toyota distributor in the world.

ALJ总部大楼/andrew bromberg of Aedas第2张图片
吉达是红海附近最大的港口城市,也是麦加的主要门户/jeddah is the largest port city located on the red sea and is the main gateway to mekkah. image © AsymmetricA



sited within a prime 21-hectare site north of al-badad, the historical area in jeddah, the vast plot is owned by ALJ and contains a range of existing uses including a vehicle service center, workshops and general offices, training centers. over the years, facilities have been added to meet the business demands and this overhaul will see the site is undergo a new masterplan.
the two façades of the complex are used as a buffer for the working ‘living’ spaces of the complex. influenced by the traditional buildings in jeddah, these ‘protective’ plaster faces are more solid in appearance, and limit the penetration of the harsh western light into the building as well as mitigate the noise from the busy streets.

ALJ总部大楼/andrew bromberg of Aedas第3张图片
办公空间主要集中在三个体量中,用过渡空间相互连结,为员工创造更多的聚会休闲场所/office floors are stacked in clusters of three with intermediate interaction zone floors where users can have more casual meetings or breaksimage. © AsymmetricA


these faces evolved to independent ‘l-bar’ volumes, which contain all support services including cores, conference facilities, canteens, a gym, prayer rooms and toilets. it allows adjacent offices, separated by an atrium, maximum efficiency through open planning with ultimate flexibility of space. in contrast to the bars facing the streets, the office space is contained in a soft, flowing, and highly transparent skin, reflecting the ethos of the company. the building is topped with a podium roof with a communal garden as well as a running track that meanders in and out of various spaces within the development.

ALJ总部大楼/andrew bromberg of Aedas第4张图片
夜景/建筑位于总体规划的21公顷基地西北角/night view / the building will anchor the northwest corner of a 21-hectare master plan also developed by the company. image © Labtop Rendering


developed with sustainability at its core, the project is designed to optimize its relationship to the intense desert sun. western oriented glass is minimised and the heavy massing resists heat penetration. the open office spaces are protected from the light by overhangs and outdoor decks. additionally, the stepped glass elevation allows overshadowing and vegetation is planted on all roof surfaces and terraces to further mitigate solar gain and enhance user comfort.
ALJ总部大楼/andrew bromberg of Aedas第5张图片
image © Aedas

ALJ总部大楼/andrew bromberg of Aedas第6张图片
image © Aedas

ALJ总部大楼/andrew bromberg of Aedas第7张图片
image © Aedas

ALJ总部大楼/andrew bromberg of Aedas第8张图片
image © Aedas





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建筑 (13847 articles)

办公建筑 (844 articles)

总部大楼 (35 articles)

沙特阿拉伯 (17 articles)

吉达 (3 articles)

2018 (970 articles)

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