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10 Cities That Are Reinventing Their Relationship With Nature




Over the past decade an environmental movement has taken over the world in an attempt to restore the natural environment and prepare for the extreme effects of climate change. Major cities are turning to nature as a strategy to adapt, and are racing to prepare before the storms strike. Why the emphasis on nature? Healthy ecosystems regulate the climate naturally, and reduce our vulnerability to the damaging effects of climate change. That being said, strengthening the relationship with nature will strengthen the resiliency of our cities.
Traveling to 10 cities around the globe, we look at how a strong relationship with nature has helped them to become some of the most sustainable cities in the world!

1. 南非开普敦


1. Cape Town, South Africa
As a coastal city, Cape Town is especially vulnerable to climate change effects such as extreme weather and sea-level rise. To combat this as well as reduce their carbon footprint, the city developed an “Energy and Climate Change Action Plan,” emphasizing the use of renewable energy and conservation of green space. With an estimated 290 square inches of green space per person, Cape Town ranked well above average in the land use category of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) “African Green City Index (2012).”
Valuing their land and recognizing the importance of nature in the city’s ability to adapt to climate change, ecosystem mapping is used as an important strategy to identify and protect natural ecosystems. Some of their renewable energy strategies also include solar and wind farms and installing solar water heaters.
克斯坦布希的树冠走道/Kirstenbosch’s Tree Canopy Walkway. Photo credit: Adam Harrower


Tree Canopy Walk – The natural environment of Cape Town is abundant with biodiversity, and is known for their extraordinary nature reserves, containing some of the rarest plant species in the world. At the Kirstenbosch Arboretum visitors can explore and observe some of the world’s most endangered plant species while walking along Mark Thomas Architects’ serpentine Tree Canopy Walk. This creative walkway is made out natural wood and lightweight steel, providing for the future growth of plants and placed so it is barely touching the preserved canopy.

2. 新加坡



2. Singapore
Fresh water is essential to both our health and in maintaining a healthy natural ecosystem. This can be problematic in cities like Singapore where there is a lack of access to it. To overcome this, the city developed a water purification strategy called “NEWater.” Singapore’s innovative strategies and policies towards improving the natural environment are part of what makes it Asia’s Greenest City, ranking highest overall in all environmental categories on EIU’s “Asian Green City Index (2012).”
Environmental initiatives such as Singapore’s “Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC)” also contribute to the continuation of a green city, with their overall vision, “to distil, create and share knowledge on liveable and sustainable cities.”

碧山公园/Bishan Park. Photo courtesy of Atelier Dreiseitl


Bishan Park – Displaying a lush and healthy ecosystem within Singapore, Bishan Park, designed by Atelier Dreiseitl is a rich natural ecosystem located right in the heart of Singapore. The naturalized river is an important aspect of the park that helps reduce the urban heat island effect and is a safe place where people can just step on in. Imagine that lunch spot during a tough work day in the office!

碧山公园/Bishan Park. Photo courtesy of Atelier Dreiseitl.

3. 中国香港


土地掠夺之城—城市农场——为了吸引更多团体加入,同时也为了更好的宣传环保意识,城市建筑双年展同时在深圳香港领地举行。土地掠夺之城之城市农场是一个独特的装置艺术作品,由建筑师Joseph Grima、Jeffrey Johnson以及 Jose Esparza的共同完成,旨在让城市居民意识到他们所忽视的农业可以让城市焕发新的活力。这个设计囊括了整个市中心,而面积则以出产的粮食足够设计范围内居民生存需要为准。

3. Hong Kong, China
Hong Kong; a hub for trade, economy…and green space? Yes, most of its residents live within walking distance of parks, hiking trails, public gardens and other forms of green space. This doesn’t make it a surprise that one of the city’s strongest environmental categories on EIU’s “Asian Green City Index (2012)” is land use. Nature conservation is a centerpiece in Hong Kong’s city policies and plans for the future. This helps to protect and manage nature, as well as ensure the continuation of community access to it.
Landgrab City – Urban Farm – To involve the community and create environmental awareness, initiatives are also taking place in Hong Kong. Landgrab City Urban Farm, designed by architects Joseph Grima, Jeffrey Johnson, and Jose Esparza is a unique installation that gives the urban community awareness of the overlooked world of agriculture that is needed to keep cities alive. The design includes a map of the downtown area, and a parcel of cultivated land built to the same scale needed to provide enough food for the population living within the area on the map.
土地掠夺之城:深圳城市建筑双年展组委会/Landgrab City copyright : Shenzhen Biennale of UrbanismArchitecture Organizing Committee

4. 澳大利亚悉尼


4. Sydney, Australia
The city of Sydney has created a vision called the “Sustainable Sydney 2030,” with plans to become as “green, global, and connected as possible by 2030.” Sydney’s “Greening the City” and “Urban Ecology” action plans are two strong parts of the overall plan, and are important in creating a stronger relationship with nature. Part of the “Greening the City” vision is planting more trees all over the city, eventually growing into a canopy that is 50% larger than it already is.
This could eventually cool the city temperature by 2 degrees Celsius, and benefit community health through cleaner air. “Urban Ecology” aims for biodiversity of plants and animals. This promotes the creation of more parks, wetlands, gardens, and plant life throughout Sydney.
悉尼高线公园/The Goods Line. Photo credit: Florian Groehn


The Goods Line – Planting more trees one project at a time, The Goods Line, designed by ASPECT Studios, connects Devonshire Tunnel under Central Station, Chinatown, and Darling Harbour. From an industrial site to a breathable green space, the site re-utilizes a former rail corridor, connects the space, and brings Sydney one project closer to the green, global, and connected future city of 2030.
悉尼高线公园/The Goods Line. Photo credit: Florian Groehn

5. 瑞典斯德哥尔摩


5. Stockholm, Sweden
Stockholm was the first city that the European Commission named as a European Green Capital in 2010, and serves as a role model for Sustainable cities. Ranking 1st in the buildings and transportation categories of EIU’s “European Green City Index (2012),” the city placed an extra tax on vehicles that drive within the city in order to cut down on car emissions which are harmful to the environment.
This effectively reduced car emissions and increased more active lifestyles through biking and walking. The city is committed to energy efficiency, a healthy environment, and a healthy community.

皇家社区/Royal Neighbour. Image courtesy of ADEPT



Royal Neighbour (Royal Seaport), to be fully developed by 2030, is an example of Stockholm’s effort in creating energy-efficient communities with access to nature. Developed through a design competition by ADEPT and Mandaworks, Royal Neighbour is going to be one of the largest sustainable neighborhood developments.
Trees and vegetation are woven throughout the urban community, connecting the people with water, parks, and vegetation throughout the streets. Goals for the area include cutting back on carbon emissions, so that there are less than 1.5 tonnes per person by 2020. By 2030, Stockholm also hopes for the Royal Seaport to be fossil-fuel free!
皇家社区/Royal Neighbour. Image courtesy of ADEPT

6. 丹麦哥本哈根

哥本哈根在2014年被欧盟评委欧洲绿色首都城市,在EIU发布的“欧洲绿色城市指数(2012)”中整体排名位于欧洲首位。哥本哈根计划到2025年达到碳中和,多重环保政策和生态社区的建设为这个目标提供了有力的保障。哥本哈根市市长Ritt Bjerregaard说:“通过举办各种活动促使市民们逐渐改变生活方式是一个有效的途径,同时我们也努力向市民们征求解决环境问题的意见,鼓励他们积极参与进来。”

6. Copenhagen, Denmark
Named the European Green Capital in 2014 by the European Commission, Copenhagen’s environmental plan is highly ambitious with a goal to be carbon-neutral by 2025. Ranking 1st overall in Europe on EIU’s “European Green City Index (2012)”, environmental governance and community have been the strongest tools toward their goals. As Ritt Bjerregaard, major of Copenhagen said, “Campaigns to motivate lifestyle change are an important tool. We are also working hard to involve the citizens in developing solutions to the problems.”
以色列广场/Israels Square by COBE in Copenhagen, Denmark. Photo credit: Sweco Architects


Israel’s Square and H.C. Orsteds Park – Israel’s Square, designed by COBE Architects creates an open space of activity between the busy market and the inviting urban forest within H. C. Orsteds Park. In combination these spaces benefit active life styles, environmental health, and biodiversity. Together they provide a little something for everyone amongst nature in the midst of a busy part of town.

7. 挪威奥斯陆



7. Oslo, Norway
Another European city with ambitious sustainability goals, Oslo has been aiming to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% between 1990 and 2030, and greenhouse gas emissions by 95%! The city ranks 1st in both the Energy and CO2 Emissions categories on EIU’s “European Green City Index (2012),” largely due to their use of alternative and renewable energy sources and efficient energy policies.   
In order to also achieve climate resiliency, Oslo has developed a “Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.” According to the Oslo City Council, “The development of green spaces that effectively improve storm water management will be a key instrument.” Oslo uses the implementation and preservation of nature as a way to manage and regulate healthy ecosystems.
Grorudparken by LINK Landskap. Photo credit: Tomasz Majewski

Link Arkitektur 设计的Grorudparken通过使用自然因素防洪排涝、净化水质。设计师采用的策略叫做fytosanering,通过植物吸收污染土壤中的有害物质,在2-3年内起到净化土壤的作用,而且收集的雨水也预先通过生物净化,才排入公园水体。

Grorudparken, designed by Link Arkitektur, shows a project in Oslo aiming to combat flooding and improve water quality through the use of natural elements. To do this they used a strategy called fytosanering, which employs vegetation to absorb toxins from contaminated soils, cleaning the soil within 2-3 years. Biological treatment plants were also used to clean stormwater before it drained into the site.

8. 加利福尼亚州旧金山



8. San Francisco, California
Starting as the founding place of the “Sierra Club,” San Francisco has been an environmental haven for years and has topped off every city in North America overall on EIU’s “US & Canada Green City Index (2012).” What makes San Francisco the greenest city in North America? An environmental act San Francisco is widely known for is their distinguished emphasis on recycling and “Zero Waste” policy.
Residents are required to separate their recyclables, compost, and landfill trash. The policy must be effective, because they recycled 72% of their waste in 2009!   
What does recycling have to do with nature? By reducing landfill, energy consumption, and air pollution through recycling, it reduces elements toxic to nature. This in turn provides for healthier environmental growth, a healthier community, and a cleaner living environment.

加州大学旧金山医疗中心/University of California San Francisco Regional Medical Center. Photo Credit: Tom Fox

Renzo Piano设计的加州科学院是唯一一个获得LEED白金认证的研究机构,代表了可持续绿色建筑的最高水平。这个绿色建筑位于金门大桥公园,其生态屋顶延伸约有2.5英亩,主要的设计概念就是将建筑置于土地下方,打造一个自然、动态、可持续的作品。

The California Academy of Sciences, designed by Renzo Piano is the only facility to earn an LEED Platinum certification, which is the highest level of sustainability. Located within Golden Gate Bridge Park, the sculptural green building’s living roof extends across 2.5 acres! The concept was literally to lift the land up and place a building underneath it, creating both a natural and dynamic sustainable masterpiece.

9. 加拿大温哥华


9. Vancouver, Canada
Vancouver, the birthplace of Greenpeace in 1970, has kept up with its environmental legacy, ranking 2nd overall on EIU’s “USA & Canada Green City Index (2012).” Vancouver’s “Greenest City Action Plan” aims to make Vancouver a global leader in urban sustainability. The 3 main overarching goals of the plan are: zero carbon, zero waste, and healthy ecosystems. Each area has a set of goals for 2020, including “to ensure that every person lives within a 5-minute walk of a park, greenway, or other green space.”(City of Vancouver)
温哥华绿色高架桥的空中部分/Aerial shot of Vancouver landsbridge. Photo credit: Bruce Forster

温哥华绿色高架桥,由Jones & Jones景观设计事务所设计,充分展示了人与自然的和谐相处。这个标志性设计的主要特点是一条环绕着各种本土植物的人行步道,不仅是拓展了原有的自然景观,而且将温哥华的旧堡和哥伦比亚河连接在一起。设计师精心挑选的植物让你在不知不觉中发现自己已经走过了好几个不同的植物生境。这座绿色高架桥不仅连接历史,直通哥伦比亚河,而且在高速公路上为行人提供了一个安全的人行通道,这些是自然无法做到的。

The Vancouver Land Bridge, designed by Jones & Jones Landscape Architecturedisplays the importance of access to nature in Vancouver. This iconic design feature is a natural pedestrian walk of native plants that extends the existing natural landscape and connects the Old Fort Vancouver with the Columbia River. With a careful selection of vegetation, you will find yourself walking through several different habitats. Here, the natural environment not creates historical connections, waterfront access, and a safe pedestrian crossing over the highway.

温哥华绿色高架桥/Vancouver Land Bridge. Credit: Lara Swimmer

10. 哥伦比亚波哥大



10. Bogota, Colombia
At the 5th UCLG World Congress in Bogata, city officials launched the “Public Space Policy Framework,” including a Natural Environment and Sustainability section addressing the importance of public green space and that it is essential in maintaining a sustainable and resilient city. The utilization and creation of public green space was recognized as an important strategy in adapting to climate change and improving public health.
As quoted from the UCLG Committee on Urban Strategic Planning, “A good network of open green public spaces, when well-designed and well-managed, have the ability to combat urban heat islands and their impact on the urban microclimate phenomenon.”

波哥大国家中央行政中心/Mixed use at Bogotá Centro Administrativo Nacional. Credit: OMA

Centro Administrativo Nacional (CAN)——作为波哥大城市设计框架的一部分,设计师们会在居住区周围的公园内设计大量的绿地。而Centro Administrativo Nacional (CAN)就像一条绿色的脊柱,将所有的绿色区域连接在一起,在政府部门、住宅区域、教育机构、零售行业和文化中心之间创建了一个和谐的绿色空间。




Centro Administrativo Nacional (CAN) – As a part of Bogota’s urban designing framework, designers must leave a certain amount of green space for more parks around homes. Hence the masterplan for Bogota’s Centro Administrativo Nacional (CAN) includes a green spine linking all of the zones together, creating a harmony of green space throughout government, residential, educational, retail, and cultural developments.
What Else is Going to Make Our Cities More Resilient?
We have seen that nature is an essential part of the rich system that makes up cities, but so is community involvement. Strong communities and environmental initiatives were a strong key to the success of each of these cities. The smallest actions of good can create a big impact in the long term, as we have seen in San Francisco through the simple act of community recycling.
Think about the city you live in, what could improve your community’s connection with nature? Think simple; is there something small you can do to begin the domino effect of long-term change?

原文出自Jeanne Connolly的《盘点十大绿色宜居城市》
转载自LAN 2017年1月12日在Landscape architecture Posts上发布的帖子

Posted by LAN on Jan 12, 2017 in Landscape architecture Posts
Article by Jeanne Connolly – We explore 10 cities that are reinventing their relationship with nature and creating better places to live.





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