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华润银湖蓝山座落于深圳银湖片区,三面环山,坐拥美景。作为Dariel Studio室内设计事务所的创始人及首席设计师,来自法国的Thomas Dariel先生亲自为该建筑的顶层复式进行订制设计,为整个银湖蓝山项目再添华笔。

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整个空间的室内设计的灵感源于对Art Deco Movement(装饰艺术运动)的崇高致敬,结合建筑结构自身特有的一些加州风格,通过超凡的装饰艺术展现空间的艺术美学以及现代感。

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作为装饰艺术的发源地,法国,在设计过程中,Thomas Dariel先生回顾了其在二十,三十年代,这些艺术史上装饰艺术最盛行以及法式高雅风靡的年代中最具代表的一些建筑及艺术元素,从中汲取灵感,结合自身的巧妙构思将艺术融入进室内设计中。

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对于Thomas Dariel 而言,银湖蓝山不仅仅是一处充满活力,生意盎然的理想居所,他更是传递着艺术及高雅生活方式,在顶层复式的每个空间,都弥漫着一种对艺术充满热爱的生活环境。明亮强烈的色彩,装饰性的表面纹饰,不对称的线型和形状都蓄意带来一种奇特而有趣的氛围。

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如此一间集文化及艺术于一身的雅致幽所也定能吸引对于生活有着独到品味及眼光的人们,他们可能也会与我们一样欣赏着Koloman Moser的画作,亦或是像Kay Sage, Francis Picabia 或者 Ettore Sottsass这些艺术巨匠。

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Thomas Dariel希望能够将这一种生活理念通过设计来传递。空间中反复出现的几何线条,高雅深邃的蓝色及绿色宛如窗外景色一般,青山,蓝天,相互辉映。这些存在于空间中的点滴细节,无一不诉说着一种沉静,一种雅致。

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Thomas Dariel 创作的空间中不仅仅完全呈现了装饰艺术美学,同样,作为一个巴黎人,在整个设计过程中他也融入了巴黎式有的高雅品味。而风格化的当代艺术作品不时的点缀着整个空间,带来了无与伦比的艺术气息,也更好的反映了热爱艺术和设计的生活态度。

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设计公司:Dariel Studio
设计师:Thomas DARIEL

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Thomas DarielBorn and educated as a Designer in Paris, Thomas Dariel is the Founder and creative mind behind Dariel Studio. As great grandson of a French furniture designer, grandson of a jazz musician and son of an architect, his family heritage has always brought him strength, inspiration and a curiosity nourished by all artistic fields. If Dariel Studio is focused on Interior Design, Thomas Dariel draws his creativity from different worlds as design, fashion, gastronomy, visual arts and luxury. This desire for diversification is reflected in his clients’ choice. With a tailor-made, personalized and human approach of each project, Thomas treasures to collaborate with individuals of all kind of expertise to benefit from each other skills and enrich his own design.

Thomas Dariel’s style is playful, colorful, bold and provocative. His signature is, in its search of new forms, in constant evolution. Through his way of creating interiors, a new language occurs on each project, driven by a passion for turning upside down traditional codes and clichés. By confronting heritage and cutting-edge innovations, combining French design heritage with Eastern cultural influence, his open approach unfolds original perspectives while observing clients’ demanding standards.

Since 7 years, Thomas Dariel originality and creativity allow him to be widely recognized on the interior design market and to be awarded (among others): Best International Designer 2012 – Andrew Martin Awards, Outstanding Designer 2012 – Modern Decoration International Media Awards, Top 40 Young Design Talents under 40 – 2013 Perspective 40 Under 40, Top 100 talents in Architecture and Design – Architectural Digest Magazine (AD) 2013.



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