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studio roosegaarde's smog free bicycles purify pollution as you pedal


荷兰艺术家和发明家Daan Roosegaarde长期以来致力于减少世界上的雾霾,尤其是一些污染较为严重的城市。其背后的智囊团Roosegaarde设计工作室从2014年开始也一直在反复推进他的“无霾工程”,他的除霾设施除霾塔已经在鹿特丹和北京相继运用,近期除霾塔也将在天津亮相。目前,污染整治项目又添加了新成员,它的形式将更加小巧而且也更加个人化——一辆不起眼的自行车。无霾单车——这个极具创新性的单车概念,工作原理是通过单车吸入被污染的空气,并在内部将其净化,再随着人们踩动脚踏板将净化空气释放。这个想法由艺术家Matt Hope和来自清华大学的杨教授在北京举办的无烟雾工作坊中共同提出,该工作坊促进了新思想和新发明的产生与发展。这辆自行车将在天津新除霾塔的开幕式上在众人面前亮相。

dutch artist and innovator daan roosegaarde has long since been on a mission to reduce smog in some of the world’s most polluted cities. the brain behind the eponymously named studio roosegaarde made waves with his ‘smog free project’ back in 2014, and his smog free towers have since cropped up in rotterdam, beijing, and most recently tianjin. yet the latest addition to the pollution-punishing project takes the form of a smaller, more personal item—the humble bicycle. the innovative bike concept, dubbed the smog free bicycle, is designed to inhale polluted air, clean it, and release fresh air whilst you pedal. the idea was born out of the smog free workshop held in beijing with artist matt hope and prof. yang from tsinghua university, which led to the development of this new creative output. the bike was then launched alongside the opening of the new smog free tower in tianjin.

无霾自行车被设计成像吸尘器一般将被污染的空气吸入、净化,随后使骑行者呼吸新鲜空气/the smog free bicycles are designed to inhale pollution like a vacuum cleaner, clean it, and exhale fresh air. images courtesy of studio roosegaarde


supported by the chinese central government, studio roosegaarde’s smog free project aims to clean up urban skies in some of the world’s most polluted capitals. the bicycles are designed use the same technology as the smog free tower, vacuuming in pollution and breathing out clean air, simulataneously combatting both traffic congestion and issues with smog in the city. roosegaarde’s technology uses positive ionization to remove large fractions of particulate matter from the air in its immediate surroundings. the smog free bicycle is currently in its first stage, yet is already intended to become a medium for smog free cities—generating clean air simply by pedaling. its philosophy corresponds with a growing number of bike sharing programs such as mobike that are cropping up around china. it’s easy to imagine the impact it could have if all these were smog free bikes instead, cleaning up polluted air whilst in motion.

除霾单车概念出现时,自行车共享网络在北京各地越来越受欢迎/the bicycle concept has been unveiled at a time when bike sharing networks are growing in popularity around beijing

“北京曾经是一个以自行车作为主要交通工具的城市。”Daan Roosegaarde解释道,“我们希望回归自行车时代——不仅作为中国的文化标志,更是作为解决雾霾城市问题的解决途径。”Roosegaarde的除霾工程使市民参与到解决环境问题的过程中去,而不是成为问题的产生者。该项目将在中国天津市实施,结合创造力与技术,以改善许多人的日常生活。Daan Roosegaarde本人曾登上福布斯杂志封面,同时他也是一名优秀的发明家和改革家。

‘beijing used to be an iconic bicycle city,’ explains daan roosegaarde. ‘we want to bring back the bicycle—not only as a cultural icon of china, but also as the next step towards smog free cities.’ roosegaarde’s smog free project sets out to solve urban problems by making people part of the solution, instead of the problem. designed for implementation in the chinese city of tianjin, the work combines creativity and technology to improve the daily life of many. daan roosegaarde himself has even been featured by forbes and good 100 as a creative change maker.

拍摄于天津,除霾塔的高效率已被埃因霍温科技大学的教授证实/the high efficiency of the smog free tower, pictured here in tianjin, has been confirmed by professor blocken of the eindhoven university of technology





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