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Rudy Ricciotti获得2017年彩色混凝土工程奖
Rudy Ricciotti Wins Colored Concrete Works Award 2017


德国朗盛集团在柏林为著名的建筑师颁发了第三届彩色混凝土工程奖,以表彰他们在彩色混凝土的使用中所取得的特殊的成就。今年获奖的项目是Rudy Ricciotti在法国南部马赛的“欧洲文化遗产博览会”(MuCEM)项目。该建筑物共由1,100立方米的混凝土——预制混凝土板和250立方米的现浇混凝土构成。深灰色调是由朗盛颜料的Bayferrox 330和Bayferrox 318所呈现。

LANXESS presented its third Colored Concrete Works Award in Berlin to a distinguished architect who has achieved something unique in the use of colored concrete. This year’s award goes to Rudy Ricciotti for his “Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée” (MuCEM) project in Marseille in the south of France. The building is constructed of a total of 1,100 cubic meters of concrete – in the form of prefabricated concrete slabs – and 250 cubic meters of in-situ concrete. The dark gray color tone was provided by the LANXESS pigments Bayferrox 330 and Bayferrox 318.






今年的获奖项目“欧洲文化遗产博览会”由国际评选专家选出,其中包括:德国建筑师事务所副所长Ralf Niebergall教授、德意志民主共和国总编辑Ulrike Kunkel、Visionary建筑实验室创始人Tobias Walliser教授、Agenda4协会会长Bernd Heuer、建筑和房地产行业的专家学者,以及朗盛专家Thomas Pfeiffer和Carsten Rosenhahn博士。




在这样的地理环境下,建筑的立面涂层无法长时间保持。因此,建筑师决定使用朗盛集团的Bayferrox 330和Bayferrox 318颜料来调整整体色彩。由于其具有特殊的光稳定性和耐候性,这些着色颜料特别适用于预期至少100年的混凝土材料。

Composition of meaning, function, and color
From all the entries, the jury selected the “Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée” (MuCEM) as the winner. The museum is one of the most spectacular in France and among the 50 most visited in the world.
The aspects of function and color equally influenced the jury’s decision. The airy, mesh-like concrete structure enveloping the MuCEM is open to the Provençal sun, creating unique light effects. Situated on the outer tip of the Old Port, in the cultural and historical center of Marseille, the MuCEM with its dark color is an attractive contrast to the beige of the historical Fort Saint Jean that guards the entrance to the port. In this historically significant location, Ricciotti’s building draws its own identity from the textbook squareness of the plot and the horizontal profile.
Ricciotti had all the prefabricated slabs and 384 panels produced and prepared near the construction site so as to minimize environmental impact by keeping distances short and to enhance the identification of local residents with the museum by employing local craftsmen and specialists.
The international jury of experts that selected the “Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée” as this year’s winning project included: Professor Ralf Niebergall, Vice President of the German National Chamber of Architects, Ulrike Kunkel, Editor-in-Chief of “Deutsche Bauzeitung,” Professor Tobias Walliser, founder of the Laboratory for Visionary Architecture, Bernd Heuer, President of the agenda4 Association, a network of companies and universities in the building and real estate industry, and LANXESS pigment experts Thomas Pfeiffer and Dr. Carsten Rosenhahn.

Airy lightness and solid permanence
Ricciotti deliberately chose black concrete as the building material for this project. Made of ultra-high-strength concrete, the building shows how airy lightness and solid permanence can be united in technological brilliance.
It was essential to Ricciotti that his distinctive building does not compete with the fort but still stands out from its surroundings. At the same time, he wanted to make sure that its appearance and surface texture remain flawless in the long term, despite weather influences such as the moist, salty ocean air.
In a location like this, a facade coating would never have lasted long enough. The architect, therefore, decided to integrally color the concrete with Bayferrox 330 and Bayferrox 318 pigments from LANXESS. As a result of their excellent light stability and weather resistance, these color pigments are especially suited to the life span expected of concrete of at least 100 years.


彩色混凝土工程 ——现代建筑颜色设计的实例

通过彩色混凝土工程计划,朗盛集团希望能够激发建筑师对彩色混凝土工程的灵感。庆祝CCW获奖者Rudy Ricciotti的全新MuCEM案例研究现已上线,网址为

“欧洲文明博览会”位于马赛港口。 该建筑共由1,100立方米的混凝土——以预制混凝土板的形式和250立方米的现浇混凝土构成。通风型网状混凝土结构的深灰色色调运用的是朗盛集团的颜料Bayferrox 330和Bayferrox 318。摄影:Agence Rudi Ricciotti。

Colored Concrete Works – practical examples of color design for modern buildings
Through the Colored Concrete Works initiative, LANXESS wants to inspire architects with ideas for working with colored concrete. The brand new MuCEM case study celebrating the work of CCW Award winner Rudy Ricciotti is now online available at:
The “Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée” at the Port of Marseille. The building is constructed of a total of 1,100 cubic meters of concrete – in the form of prefabricated concrete slabs – and 250 cubic meters of in-situ concrete. The dark-gray color tone of the airy mesh-like concrete structure was provided by the LANXESS pigments Bayferrox 330 and Bayferrox 318. Photo: Agence Rudi Ricciotti.


特种化学品公司朗盛集团在2017年5月17日在柏林向著名的建筑师颁发了第三届彩色混凝土工程奖,表彰其在彩色混凝土领域取得的特殊的成就。今年的奖项是Rudy Ricciotti,获奖项目是法国马赛的“欧洲文明博览会”(MuCEM)。图为Rudy Ricciotti建筑事务所工作的MuCEM项目的建筑师Tilman Reichert在该化学公司的柏林办事处接受了这一奖项:(左起或右边:Jörg Hellwig:朗盛无机颜料业务部门负责人,Tilman Reichert、Rudy Ricciotti, Chris Kühn:主要演讲嘉宾、德国议会议员(MdB)。

Specialty chemicals company LANXESS presented its third Colored Concrete Works Award on May 17, 2017, in Berlin to a distinguished architect who has achieved something unique in the use of colored concrete. This year’s award goes to Rudy Ricciotti for his “Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée” (MuCEM) project in Marseille, France. Tilman Reichert, an architect on the MuCEM project who works at Rudy Ricciotti Architects, accepted the award at the specialty chemical company’s Berlin offices: (from left or right: Jörg Hellwig, head of the Inorganic Pigments business unit at LANXESS, Tilman Reichert, Rudy Ricciotti Architects, Keynote Speaker Chris Kühn, Member of the German Parliament (MdB).






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