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Made With Love, Literally: 3D Printing Your Emotions Into Gold


巴西建筑师Estudio Guto Requena最近推出了一款收集情感的应用程序,并用这些情感创造出独特的首饰。该技术可以直接获取人们的情感,导入到应用程序中并生成设计,再用3D打印的工艺呈现出来。用这项技术创造独特的吊坠,最终呈现出的产品是一个复杂的编织的金色饰品,可以送给自己或亲人。

Brazil-based architects Estudio Guto Requena has launched an app that collects emotions to create a unique piece of jewelry. That, and some 3D-printed craftsmanship direct from the design you generate via their new app. Coined the Aura Pendant, the final product is an intricately woven golden pendant that can be gifted to yourself or a loved one.

Courtesy of © 2016 Estudio Guto Requena

“当你回想起你生命中的爱情故事时,你的身体反应都会随着你的情绪波动。现在,你可以捕捉这些情绪,并将他们变成独一无二的珠宝。——Estura Guto Requena写于吊坠上。”

“When you remember the love story of your life, all your body reacts with your emotions. Now you can capture those emotions and turn them into unique jewellery – Estudio Guto Requena on Aura Pendant.”

Courtesy of © 2016 Estudio Guto Requena

Courtesy of © 2016 Estudio Guto Requena


The pendant app instructs the user to find a quiet spot to begin the design process. To create the pendant, the user must place their index finger on the camera of their phone, and “tell their love story” by speaking into their phone while the app records. Sensors capture biofeedback from your smartphone: the emotions generated from your voice, as well as measuring the heartbeat from your finger. The emotional data collected controls the behaviour of particles (velocity, thickness, attraction, and repulsion) to shape the pendant. Finally, with the design sent off, the pendant is first 3D printed, then cast into 18k gold.

Courtesy of © 2016 Estudio Guto Requena

该应用程序是根据用户生成的数字化工艺的新功能,并且是Estudio Guto Requena的爱情项目的一部分 ——意在弥补数字技术与情感之间差距的一系列项目。

The app is a new foray into user-generated digital fabrication, and is part of  Estudio Guto Requena’s Love Project - a series of projects aimed to bridge the gap between digital technology and emotion.

Courtesy of © 2016 Estudio Guto Requena

“该项目指出,在未来,将鼓励每个用户在自己整个生命的各个阶段创造出独特产品来记录每个人独有的故事,从而将深刻有意义的作品与可持续设计结合起来。它旨在将用户纳入整个创作过程中,作为参与者,从而使交互式数字技术的使用普遍化和定制化—— Estudio Guto Requena爱情项目。”

“The project suggests a future in which unique products will bear personal histories in ways that encourage long life cycles, thus inherently combining deeply meaningful works with sustainable design. It seeks to include the end user in the process of creation itself, as participants, thus democratizing and demystifying the use of interactive digital technologies – Estudio Guto Requena on Love Project”.

Courtesy of © 2016 Estudio Guto Requena

Courtesy of © 2016 Estudio Guto Requena

Courtesy of © 2016 Estudio Guto Requena





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