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Retirement Community on a Shoestring Ideas Competition 2017


注册: 2017年9月21日

该竞赛与Grand Designs Live(GDL)合作开展,面向所有人开放,要求设计方案能够实际建造施工,我们寻找低成本高效益、绿色美丽的设计作品。所入围的参赛作品在GDL展出,获奖者共享5000英镑奖金!我们每年都举办竞赛:如五月份的民族习俗与自我建立,截止日期为九月份,同时十月份将在伯明翰举行获奖者颁奖典礼。



NasCSBA认为是时候在英国的更多地区推出这类项目。这就是我们每年5月6日在Grand Designs Live上推出“低成本自我建设”(Self Build on a Shoestring)的原因,旨在让设计师发挥充分想象,同时设计出创新的低成本“附属建筑”。而设计师也需为人们展示如何将30个房屋组合在一起,创造全新的退休社区。

单座房屋的造价必须低于4万英镑,另外,整个社区需能够容纳30个家庭,同时还需配备一系列的配套设施,总造价必须低于150万英镑。有三位英国顶尖的电视节目主持人将成为今年的“低成本”设计竞赛的评委,分别是George Clarke,Piers Taylor和Charlie Luxton。其他评委有设计和自建专家以及在英国协助建立第一个项目的顾问(今年开启的北伦敦“新地面”计划,为单身老年妇女提供22座新房)。



竞赛的详细简介可以点击竞赛网址查询,作品提交的截止日期为2017年9月21日。获奖者名单将于10月在NEC的Grand Designs Live Exhibition上公布,届时还将展出优秀的入围作品。


Submission: September 21, 2017
Registration: September 21, 2017
Language: English
Location: Concept – UK
Prizes: £5000 prize fund
Type: Open

A unique ideas competition, run in collaboration with Grand Designs Live (GDL), open to all, where you have to design homes that can be built for a measly amount. We look for cost-effective, green and beautiful designs. Selected entries are displayed at GDL and the winners share a £5000 prize fund! We run this competition annually: the launch in May during National Custom & Self Build Week, the deadline in September and the winner’s ceremony at the GDL event in Birmingham in October.

In mainland Europe scores of modestly priced retirement communities have been built by local people who have formed a group, commissioned an architect to design what they want and then hired a contractor to construct the homes for them. The properties are tailored to each resident’s requirements and the communities encourage interaction, healthier lifestyles and the mutual support of each other, thereby reducing the need for social care.
NasCSBA thinks it’s about time we saw more projects like this happening in the UK. That’s why our annual Self Build on a Shoestring competition – launched on the 6th May at Grand Designs Live – challenges designers to devise an innovative low cost ‘granny annexe’. And the designers also have to show how 30 of the homes could be grouped together to create an innovative retirement community.
The individual homes must be constructed for less than £40,000, or the whole community of 30 homes – which must also include a range of shared/community facilities – has a maximum budget of £1.5m.
Three of the UK’s top TV presenters have agreed to be Judges for this year’s ‘Shoestring’ competition including George Clarke, Piers Taylor and Charlie Luxton. Other judges include design and self build experts and the consultant who helped set up the first project like this in the UK (the ‘New Ground’ scheme in North London, which opened this year and provides 22 new homes for single elderly women).

Anyone can enter the competition – architects, designers, modular construction specialists, timber framing experts, custom build developers, innovation or technical gurus, or members of the public. Entrants need to provide good technical information (and robust costs data) together with high quality visual material, so non-professionals are encouraged to team up with others to ensure they match the high standards.
A full Brief for the competition can be downloaded by clicking the banner above, and the deadline for submissions is 21st September 2017. The winner will be announced at the Grand Designs Live Exhibition at the NEC in October, where there will also be a display of the top finalists.
competition’s website:





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