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Norm Architects has created the latest sweet spot in Copenhagen for close and intimate gatherings called Nærvær. Nærvær means “Presence” and is about exactly that — the thing that we are all longing for; time for each other, being attentive and making eye contact. In its essence, Nærvær is about being in the moment, being present.With the ambition to create a local wine bar and restaurant emphasised by an intimate and cosy atmosphere that underlines a sense of presence, Nærvær is located in a fairly new and contemporary building. Situated in a prime location of Christianshavn overlooking the canal with a beautiful view Copenhagen’s old city centre, this new place hosts a local winebar as well as an intimate and high-end gourmet restaurant with seating for no more than 10 people. Welcoming Copenhageners as much as the rest of the world, it is a spot where locals and foreigners alike can share great and affordable wines from around the world, as well as a taste of the french kitchen.

邂逅美好时光 – 哥本哈根餐厅第1张图片

With a humble and intimate approach to the interior, Nærvær is formed by a casual atmosphere with small spaces and niches for guests to enjoy. With an interior design defined by an array of stone, wood and metal, the materials are all natural and have deliberately been altered in order to create dark and industrial surfaces that matches the mood of the place. This conscious focus on tactility brings a warm, material richness to the interior that naturally compliments the raw concrete walls and industrial framework of the space.

▼朴素的工业化氛围,the humble and intimate interior

邂逅美好时光 – 哥本哈根餐厅第2张图片

邂逅美好时光 – 哥本哈根餐厅第3张图片

Paying respect to the existing features of the space and surrounding area, the colour palette reflects the exterior of the building, bringing a dark and warm spectrum of colours into the space that intensifies the intimacy. This contrasting use of materials, colours and objects ultimately enhances the intimate experience and sense of presence that was the initial catalyst for the project.

▼低调柔和的色调 ,the soft palette

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邂逅美好时光 – 哥本哈根餐厅第9张图片

该餐厅由丹麦著名厨师Yves Le Lay经营。他希望餐厅的厨房可以向用餐区开放,让厨师与客人相对而坐,而非局限于两个封闭的环境中。餐厅的所有者希望打造一个平价的酒吧。一系列私人的饮酒区以来自各地的葡萄树装饰,鼓励他们探索新的葡萄酒酿造方式,同时,服务人员的热情招待将给予用餐者最贴心的选酒建议。
Presence also the also lies at the essence of Nærvær’s gourmet restaurant run by well known Danish chef Yves Le Lay. His vision was to have an extraordinary experience within the inner part of Nærvær where he would not be hidden away from guests behind steaming pots in the kitchen. Instead, he wished to be out in the open, facing each and every guest — all night.  The idea of creating a series of private wine boxes that always could be filled with new grapes from different regions, rewarding regulars and allowing them to explore new wines at affordable prices. In addition, a laidback, friendly yet knowing staff is always there to help you choose the right wine.

▼葡萄架装饰的私人饮酒区,the independent space for wine

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