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雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)和大卫·贾诺特(David Gianotten)在墨尔本完成了Mpavilion项目
Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten of OMA complete Mpavilion in Melbourne


雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)和大卫·贾诺特(David Gianotten)已经在澳大利亚墨尔本完成了2017年的Mpavilion项目。这是一个临时的建筑,设计灵感来自古老的露天剧场,由两层平铺的体量组成,一个是固定的,另一个则可移动。屋顶由浮动的结构板覆盖,旋转的看台能够满足人们不同的视角,并且让建筑在视觉上与花园和城市景观相结合。该建筑建立在墨尔本历史悠久的维多利亚皇后花园里,建筑师通过模糊观众和表演者之间的角色,从而巧妙地运用了古代竞技场的传统布局。

Rem Koolhaas and David Gianotten of OMA have completed the 2017 Mpavilion in Melbourne, Australia. The temporary structure is inspired by ancient amphitheaters and is shaped by two tiered grandstands — one fixed and the other moveable. Covered by a floating roof structure, the rotating grandstand allows interaction from all angles and for the pavilion to open up to the garden and broader cityscape. Erected in melbourne’s historic queen victoria gardens, the structure puts a twist on the configuration of ancient amphitheaters by blurring the roles of audience and performer.

每年在墨尔本市都会建造不同的Mpavilion项目/A different Mpavilion in built each year in the city of melbourne. image © timothy burgess

当地的一系列公共文化活动将于OMA设计的Mpavilion中举行,在Naomi Milgrom基金会委托下,这些活动将由墨西哥城和维多利亚州政府提供支持。项目拥有一个采用半透明两米深的网格式顶盖保护屋顶,并通过先进的照明技术为公共活动提供了一系列光照条件。建筑师在结构上采用静态和动态元件,19×19米铝包层结构能够搭配多种配置。每天黄昏,场馆将会发出由声像设计师Philip Brophy和 Bluebottle的照明设计师Ben Cobham合作开发的视听交响乐。

Set to host a range of public cultural events, the OMA-designed Mpavilion was commissioned by the naomi milgrom foundation with support from the city of melbourne and the victorian state government. Overhead, a two-metre-deep gridded, machine-like canopy with a protective translucent roof embeds advanced lighting technology for the series of free public events. With both static and dynamic elements, the 19 × 19 meter aluminum clad structure allows for multiple configurations. At twilight each evening, the interactive pavilion will erupt into an audiovisual symphony developed in collaboration with sound designer Philip Brophy and lighting designer, Ben Cobham of bluebottle.

临时建筑的设计灵感来自古老的露天剧场/The temporary structure is inspired by ancient amphitheaters. image © timothy burgess

“我们设计的2017年Mpavilion的目的是通过可配置的性质和与其环境直接相关的物质性来激发各种活动。”雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)和大卫·贾诺特(David Gianotten)解释说,“另我们高兴的是,作为城市剧场,Mpavilion可以为墨尔本的公民话语权做出贡献。”

‘Our design for Mpavilion 2017 is intended to provoke all kinds of activities through its configurable nature and a materiality that relates to its direct surroundings,’ explains rem koolhaas and david gianotten of OMA. ‘We are happy that Mpavilion can perform as a theater of debate around the city and its development, and contribute to the ongoing civic discourse of melbourne.’

该设计由两个分开的体量组成/The design is shaped by two tiered grandstands. image © john gollings

“这是一个难得而且特别的机会,让OMA的雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)和大卫·贾诺特(David Gianotten)设计今年的Mpavilion。”Naomi Milgrom补充说,“Rem和David的独特眼光和洞察力为墨尔本带来了这个特别的建筑。”作为第四届年度夏季馆,这里将于2017年10月至2018年期间举办免费的相关活动,本次活动为期四个月。在季末,Mpavilion将搬到墨尔本的一个城市综合体,成为城市的一道亮丽风景线。

‘It is a rare and privileged opportunity to have rem koolhaas and david gianotten of OMA design Mpavilion 2017,’adds naomi milgrom. ‘Rem and david’s profound vision and insight has resulted in an extraordinary new pavilion for melbourne.’ As the fourth-annual summer pavilion, the site will host a free, four-month program of events from october 2017 to february 2018. At the end of each season, Mpavilion is moved to a permanent new home within melbourne’s CBD, creating an ongoing legacy in the city’s architectural landscape.

该建筑由浮动屋顶覆盖/The scheme is covered by a floating roof structure. image © john gollings

这个亭子建造于墨尔本的维多利亚皇后花园/The pavilion is erected in melbourne’s queen victoria gardens. image © john gollings

屋顶支撑骨架为一个两米深的格栅,科技化的天篷形成一个具有保护作用的半透明屋顶/A two-metre-deep gridded, machine-like canopy forms a protective translucent roof. image © john gollings

旋转的看台能够满足人们不同的观看视角/A rotating grandstand allows interaction from all angles. image © john gollings

19×19米铝包层结构中包含有多种配置/The 19 × 19 meter aluminum clad structure allows for multiple configurations. image © john gollings

今年的MPavilion将继续向公众开放,直到2018年2月4日/This year’s MPavilion will remain open to the public until february 4, 2018. image © john gollings

该建筑主要用于公众辩论和设计研讨会/The structure will provide space for public debate and design workshops. image © timothy burgess

该项目于2017年6月首次亮相/The project was first unveiled in june 2017. image © john gollings

客户:Naomi Milgrom基金会
合伙人:David Gianotten,Rem Koolhaas
团队:Laurence Bolhaar,Miguel Taborda,Paul Jones,Fedor Medek,Eve Hocheng
建筑商:Kane Construction
建筑勘察:Gardener Group

Project info:
Name: MPavilion
Status: Completed
Clients: Naomi Milgrom Foundation
Location: Queen Victoria gardens, Melbourne, Australia
Program: Museum / Gallery
Partner-in-charge: David Gianotten, Rem Koolhaas
Team: Laurence Bolhaar, Miguel Taborda, Paul Jones, Fedor Medek, Eve Hocheng
Structural engineer: Arup
Builders: Kane Construction
Building surveyors: Gardener Group
Landscape architects: Tract





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建筑 (13847 articles)

临时建筑 (14 articles)

剧场 (21 articles)

澳大利亚 (521 articles)

墨尔本 (131 articles)

2017 (891 articles)

Rem Koolhaas (2 articles)

OMA (72 articles)