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Houston, United States: October, 10, 2017 – Today the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston celebrated a construction milestone for the Glassell School of Art as construction reached full height. The event this morning was marked with a
traditional topping out ceremony, including the nailing of an evergreen to the highest point of the building, as well as some barbeque for everyone on site.

休斯顿,美国:2017 年 10 月 10 日- 休斯顿艺术博物馆于本月十日庆祝了格拉塞尔艺术学校施工封顶的新里程碑。庆祝活动由传统的仪式开启,包括插枝常绿树在楼顶以及现场的 BBQ。

SHA Senior Partner Chris McVoy recognized the construction workers: "this is a special topping out because the building's structure—made of planar, etched concrete 'stones'— is the facade and the form; the building's exterior and the public space it shapes are already here! As an educational building it tells us how it was made, important for an art school where all ages, from junior school kids to adults to emerging artists will learn the making of art."


The new Glassell School is the first phase in the museum’s long-term plans to expand its campus as an integral experience open to the community. The ‘L’ shaped building creates space for the Brown Foundation Plaza, which will extend the space of the Lillie and Hugh Roy Cullen Sculpture Garden by Isamu Noguchi. The inclined plane of the roof shapes an amphitheater and a public path to a rooftop sculpture garden that will overlook the whole MFAH campus. The structure will house three gallery spaces, a Forum, informal learning spaces, a 75-seat auditorium, 31 flexible studios, and a café.

作为博物馆园区长远开发计划中的第一期项目,新格拉塞尔艺术学校将重塑校园的完整体验并向社区开放。“L”型建筑为布朗基金广场创造出新空间,同时也延伸了野口勇的卡伦雕塑公园。屋顶斜面构建了一个圆形露天剧场以及一条通往屋顶雕塑花园的小径,在那里可以鸟瞰整个休斯顿艺术博物馆。该建筑勾勒了主要三个展览区域、一个公共集会场所、非正式的学习空间、75 座位配备的礼堂、31 个灵活的工作室空间以及一个咖啡馆。



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