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丹麦SHL建筑事务所打造 颠覆传统汽车展厅的NIO House 蔚来中心第1张图片

NIO House by Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects reinvents the automotive showroom

丹麦建筑事务所Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects,完成了NIO House蔚来中心位于上海的第一期空间设计。这是丹麦SHL建筑事务所为电动汽车品牌NIO蔚莱打造的一座颠覆传统的汽车展厅。通过在空间中运用花旗松、缎面不锈钢、水磨石和织物等不同触感的材质,设计向用户引出一个问题:我们能够将汽车作为家的延伸吗?

Danish architectural firm Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects has completed the first phase of NIO House, an unconventional showroom for electric car company NIO in Shanghai. Through simple use of tactile materials such as Douglas fir, satin stainless steel, terrazzo and fabrics, the space intends to pose a question to the user: Can we make the car an extension of the home?

丹麦SHL建筑事务所打造 颠覆传统汽车展厅的NIO House 蔚来中心第2张图片

中国,上海 – 2018年02月27日 – 丹麦SHL建筑事务所为创新电动汽车公司 NIO蔚来 打造的NIO House 蔚来中心,颠覆了传统汽车品牌展厅。NIO蔚来一是家成立于中国的国际型初创企业,设计并研发高性能、高品质的电动汽车及自动驾驶汽车。

SHANGHAI, CHINA—February 27, 2018—Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects has reinvented the traditional car showroom with the opening of NIO House, a new design-centric concept for innovative electric car company NIO. A global start-up based in China, NIO designs and develops high-performance, premium electric and autonomous vehicles.

丹麦SHL建筑事务所打造 颠覆传统汽车展厅的NIO House 蔚来中心第3张图片

本月开幕的空间是NIO House蔚来中心位于上海兴业太古汇店的第一期新型展示空间。店内展示了NIO蔚来汽车的ES8和EP9车型,设计通过空间与材质,让消费者理解并感受NIO蔚来的品牌哲学。

This month’s opening is the first of two phases of NIO House, a new kind of automotive showroom located in Shanghai’s high end Taikoo Hui shopping mall. The car manufacturer’s ES8 and EP9 models are on display in an environment that allows the consumer to understand and experience the philosophy of the brand through the space and its materiality.

丹麦SHL建筑事务所打造 颠覆传统汽车展厅的NIO House 蔚来中心第4张图片

“NIO蔚来拥有强大的企业文化,我们希望将NIO的 DNA引入这个空间当中,”丹麦SHL建筑事务所资深建筑师、项目主创German Roig表示。“ NIO不仅仅是一家汽车公司,SHL设计的初衷是为他们打造一座超越传统意义的汽车展厅。以NIO品牌核心理念 -- 发现、探索和影响为灵感,我们将NIO House设想成一个可以让客人去触摸、感受,带来惊喜和受到启发的场所。”

“NIO has a strong company culture and we wanted to bring that company DNA into the space,” said German Roig, Senior Architect and Project Lead at Schmidt Hammer Lassen. “They are much more than a car company and we set out to design more than a car showroom for them. Using some of their key brand pillars such as discovery, exploration and influence, we envisioned a place car buyers can go to be surprised and inspired, to touch and feel.”

丹麦SHL建筑事务所打造 颠覆传统汽车展厅的NIO House 蔚来中心第5张图片

源于自然的设计|Design rooted in the environment

NIO的品牌哲学源于自然,以自然的主要元素 -- 水、太阳、地球和风为灵感,公司的中文名“蔚来”,取意于“蔚蓝天空即将到来”。这一理念也展现在NIO的品牌标识中,上半部分代表天空,象征开放、未来与目标;下半部分代表延伸向地平线的路面,象征方向、行动与向前的动力。


NIO’s brand philosophy, which centres on the environment and its main elements of water, sun, earth and wind, is reflected in the company’s Chinese name WeiLai (蔚来) which translates to ‘Blue Sky Coming.’ This philosophy also comes through in NIO’s logo that combines the notions of moving into the future with the imagery of driving into the horizon, and taking action to achieve its vision.
Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects utilized a material palette that brings a sense of nature, home and the future into the space.

丹麦SHL建筑事务所打造 颠覆传统汽车展厅的NIO House 蔚来中心第6张图片



Light coloured terrazzo, a solid material representing the strong foundation of the NIO brand, was selected for the wall and floor surfaces of the car exhibition area. The customised terrazzo includes three types of mid-sized pebbles and creates a warm stone feeling in the space. Emphasizing the perfection that customers can find in NIO’s products, the design creates a perfectly curved terrazzo surface, connecting the wall and floor seamlessly.
In contrast, a softer material palette was chosen for the configuration area. Douglas fir wood boards and a custom-made fabric bench create an area for visitors to rest, as well as view and select various car features on the display wall that is designed with flexibility for future changes. Its calm, warm palette and precise detailing bring more focus to the displayed products.

丹麦SHL建筑事务所打造 颠覆传统汽车展厅的NIO House 蔚来中心第7张图片

天花的设计和细节处理,则是非常干净的表达—— 镜面不锈钢背衬蜂窝板,安装在定制的悬挂系统中。其中部分面板将活动式照明融入了天花,灯光可以根据汽车的位置灵活调整。天花的镜像反射形成了“盗梦空间”般的效果,让客户能够从各个角度观赏汽车。

“展厅内的天花诠释了地平线的概念。”SHL合伙人Chris Hardie说道,“人们在进入展厅后,会感受它所创造出的不一样的空间感。即使展厅里挤满了人,镜面天花也可以让每辆车都展示出它的全貌。”

The ceiling, designed and detailed to conceal for a clean expression, was constructed using honeycomb panels with a finished layer of stainless steel chrome, mounted onto a custom-made hanging system. Some of these panels cloak track lighting that is integrated into the ceiling, allowing the lighting to be changed freely according to the position of the cars. A mirrored reflection creates an inception-like effect, allowing visitors to view the car from all possible perspective.
“This idea of horizon is portrayed in the ceiling of the new showroom.” said Chris Hardie, Partner at Schmidt Hammer Lassen. “Upon entering the showroom, it grabs your sense of space. Even with the showroom full of people, the reflective ceiling allows each vehicle to be seen in its full dimension.”

丹麦SHL建筑事务所打造 颠覆传统汽车展厅的NIO House 蔚来中心第8张图片

让车成为家的延伸|The car as an extension of the home

NIO以一种非传统的视角看待汽车行业。它的产品在兼顾尖端工艺和技术的同时,也具备着舒适性和家一般温暖的感觉。如NIO所设想,汽车将成为家的延伸,SHL则将这个概念体现到NIO House 蔚来中心的购车体验之中。

NIO takes an unconventional view of the automotive industry, breaking away from the idea of looking at the car as a cult object. Its products are sharp and technical while at the same time comfortable and homey. As NIO envisions it, cars will become an extension of the home, and Schmidt Hammer Lassen extended that concept to the car buying experience with NIO House.

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全新的展厅是上海兴业太古汇NIO House蔚来大型客户体验中心的第一期空间。第二期将于2018年5月开幕,是一个为NIO会员打造专用的两层俱乐部式空间。它将包含会客区、休息区、图书馆、会议和工作区、开放式厨房和儿童探索区。与第一期展厅一起,组成上海首家NIO旗舰店。NIO House蔚来中心将成为一个探索、聚集、休闲和享受的空间 —— 成为NIO会员们的“第二个家”。

The new showroom is the first phase of a larger, holistic cuomer experience space at NIO House at Shanghai Taikoo Hui. The second phase, to be completed by May 2018, will be a club-style space with a number of dedicated areas for members spread out over two levels. It will include a living room, lounge area, library, meeting space, work lab, an open kitchen, and a discovery area for children. Together with the showroom, it will become the first NIO flagship store in Shanghai. NIO House will become a space to explore, gather, relax and enjoy with the whole family—a home away from home for the owners of NIO products.

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关于丹麦SHL事务所|About Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects

丹麦SHL建筑事务所于1986年创立于丹麦奥胡斯,公司的合伙人团队成员有驻地丹麦的Morten Schmidt、Bjarne Hammer、John F. Lassen、Kim Holst Jensen、Kristian Lars Ahlmark以及驻地上海的Chris Hardie和陆蓉。三十年的发展历程中,秉承创新与可持续的设计理念,设计屡获殊荣,是斯堪的纳维亚地区最富盛名的建筑事务所之一。 公司目前在丹麦哥本哈根、奥胡斯和上海设有办公室,我们在全球范围内提供专业的建筑服务,在国际上拥有诸多享有口碑和影响力的设计。主要设计领域和项目实践有:文化公建和教育建筑、办公建筑、商业及零售建筑、多功能建筑及城市综合体、改造和城市更新设计。我们提供完整的设计方案,从室内设计到整体设计,从概念设计到总体规划,从建筑细节到城市发展、景观规划。我们在图书馆、文化和大型公建项目上尤其经验丰富,拥有许多地标性的设计。我们的设计根植于开放包容的斯堪的纳维亚建筑美学传统,将美感、光线的利用、可持续性和社会责任紧密结合。我们在建筑设计上的创新性、可持续性和开放性吸引了许多国际上的关注,也为我们赢得了100多个国内外著名的奖项。2018年,SHL加盟Perkins+Will(全球建筑设计事务所。获取项目更多信息,请前往

Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects was founded in Aarhus, Denmark in 1986 and is led by founding partners Morten Schmidt, Bjarne Hammer, and John F. Lassen, along with senior partners Kim Holst Jensen and Kristian Lars Ahlmark, and partners Rong Lu and Chris Hardie. The firm is one of Scandinavia’s most recognized and award-winning architectural practices. Working out of studios located in Copenhagen, Aarhus, and Shanghai, the firm provides skilled architectural services all over the world, with a distinguished track record as designers of international high-profile architecture. Cultural and educational buildings, offices, commercial, retail, and residential, often in mixed-use developments and complex urban contexts, are cornerstones of the firm’s output. The practice has extensive global experience in the design of libraries and other public and cultural landmark buildings, and its innovative, sustainable, and democratic approach to architecture has attracted global attention, winning more than 100 national and international awards. In 2018, Schmidt Hammer Lassen became part of global architecture and design firm Perkins+Will ( For more information, visit

丹麦SHL建筑事务所打造 颠覆传统汽车展厅的NIO House 蔚来中心第11张图片

丹麦SHL建筑事务所打造 颠覆传统汽车展厅的NIO House 蔚来中心第12张图片

项目概况FACTS /

建筑设计:Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
承包方:Chang Hong Construction Co.
团队:Chris Hardie (Partner), Rong Lu (Partner), German Roig (Project lead), Dong Liang, Jidi Pan, Carrie Cheung

Architect: Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects
Client:  NIO  
Total GFA: 193m2
Lighting Supplier: ViaBizzuno
Display Supplier: Krion
Contractor: Chang Hong Construction Co.
Status: Direct commission, Completed 2018
Team: Chris Hardie (Partner), Rong Lu (Partner), German Roig (Project lead), Dong Liang, Jidi Pan, Carrie Cheung

媒体联系Media Contact/
连娓镱 Mavis Lian
Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects上海办公室
T 021-3325 3327
M 131 2240 2173



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