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Architecture students build community hall in Utah desert using repurposed materials


一个大型的白色天篷为这座建筑提供遮阳效果,建筑主要材料为热轧钢材,这是由美国科罗拉多( Colorado)大学生设计建造,该项目的最大挑战在于其周围崎岖的环境。

A large white canopy helps shade this building clad in hot-rolled steel, which was created by university students in a Colorado design-build programme that is known for its work in rugged settings.



项目场地位于科罗拉多丹佛大学建筑与规划学院(University of Colorado Denver's College of Architecture and Planning)内,该团队已经在偏远地区完成了一系列特色的项目,其中包括热轧钢材森林小屋,以及在纳瓦霍保护区(Navajo Reservation)建造的一座由风化金属和谷仓木材建成的住宅。

The project, called Confluence Hall, was designed and built in 19 weeks by a team of 27 graduate students from the Colorado Building Workshop.
The design-build programme, which is housed within the University of Colorado Denver's College of Architecture and Planning, has completed a number of distinctive projects in remote locations, including forest micro cabins clad in hot-rolled steel, and a pair of dwellings on the Navajo Reservation made of weathering metal and barn wood.


该小组的最新项目位于犹他州 Moab区域外的沙漠地带,西邻Wingate悬崖,与东部的La Salle山接壤。这座建筑是科罗拉多实践训练学校(Colorado Outward Bound School)的一个社区场地,这个非营利组织十分专注野外实践教育。


The group's latest project is situated on a desert site just outside of Moab, Utah, and is bordered by the Wingate Cliffs to the west and the La Salle Mountains to the east. The building serves as a community venue for the Colorado Outward Bound School, a nonprofit focused on wilderness education.
Training sessions, course briefings and community meals all take place in the new structure, which was designed to be highly flexible and contextually appropriate.


科罗拉多建筑研讨会(Colorado Building Workshop)负责人说:“学生们与科罗拉多实践训练的工作人员、指导老师一起工作,设计建造了一个能够为人们提供最佳服务的成功作品。”该小组总结,Confluence大厅应该成为一个公共空间,功能可以灵活安排,为使用者遮风避雨,建筑结构高效合理,并使用一些自然的材料,同时与基地外部相连接。

"The students worked with the staff and instructors of Colorado Outward Bound to create a successful structure that would best serve the organisation," said the Colorado Building Workshop. "The team concluded that Confluence Hall should become a communal space that allows programmatic flexibility, mitigates the sun and wind, provides structural efficiency, and uses a palette of honest material while contextually linking to the rest of the site."




Rectangular in plan, the building was constructed on the site of an old doublewide trailer, which was sold to help finance the project. The trailer's foundation, patio, and existing infrastructure were reused to reduce construction time and help keep costs low.
Exterior walls are wrapped in hot-rolled steel panels with a hand-rusted patina, taking cues from nearby buildings clad in weathering steel. Retractable glass walls enable a seamless connection between inside and out.



To shade the west and north sides of the building, the team installed a large white canopy supported by slender columns. The canopy was constructed using four-inch (10-centimetre) insulated wall panels that were left over from another construction site.



"The inherent structural capacity of the panels is leveraged to span large distances, minimising the amount of steel structure required," the team said. "Using a Grasshopper script [for algorithmic digital modelling], the spacing of canopy panels and structure was determined to allow for maximum sun penetration in the winter while allowing minimal sun exposure in the summer."



The east side of the structure is lined by a walkway that helps minimise the need for indoor circulation. A concrete wall borders part of the walkway, blocking views of an adjacent parking lot while still allowing vistas of the cliffs. On the north, a hung steel staircase connects to a rooftop deck.




The building is organised into four programmatic zones: exterior gathering, interior gathering, cooking, and bathing.
Walnut millwork helps define the thresholds between each zone while also facilitating different functions. A wooden partition between the kitchen and dining room, for instance, can be closed up to turn the eating area into a workspace or meeting room.



Confluence大厅是美国建筑学生设计建造的众多项目之一,其他项目有堪萨斯州立大学(Kansas State University)学生制作的金属廉租房,以及由耶鲁大学(Yale University )Jim Vlock设计的康涅狄格州(Connecticut)的预制住宅。

摄影:Jesse Kuroiwa

In the bathroom, referred to as "the spa", a large sink overlooks the bluffs to the west. A two-person shower was placed outside, "allowing guides coming in from the field a place to rinse off before heading into the building".
Confluence Hall is among numerous design-build projects created by architecture students across the US. Others include a metal-clad home for low-income tenantsthat was produced by Kansas State University students, and a prefabricated dwelling in Connecticut that was created by Yale University’s Jim Vlock First Year Building Project.
Photography is by Jesse Kuroiwa.











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