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Bay Book House San Francisco Competition


注册日期:2018年 4月13日
奖励: 请参阅下面的细节



1849年,在加利福尼亚淘金热时期,当时名叫耶尔布埃纳(Yerba Buena)的小型交易站成为世界各地成千上万名猎头运输船的入境口岸。仅一年时间,这里的人口从400人增加到25000人。这里的商机是如此诱人,许多人来到这里进行淘金,因此在旧金山港口留下了许多废弃船只。由于采矿活动,泥土和沙砾被倾倒入海湾,以被动填海的方式不断地扩大着城市边界。

随着第二次世界大战的爆发,旧金山港口几乎成为所有码头的军事后勤中心,舰船和部队以及军舰停靠在Embarcadero一带。战后,由于海湾大桥的建设,同时随着集装箱船只的发展,奥克兰港口(Port of Oakland)也承载着商业运输功能。而那些废弃的码头则主要用于货物存储。



本次比赛面向建筑学子与新兴建筑师,旧金山海湾图书馆(Bay Book House ——BaBH)包含有文化交流的空间,能够为旧金山历史港口的码头注入活力。





Kim Herforth Nielsen -  3XN建筑事务所的联合创始人兼负责人
Ada Yvars -  Mangera Yvars建筑事务所负责人
Sara de Giles -  MGM Morales de Giles建筑事务所负责人
Vanessa Vielma -  《ArchDaily》墨西哥分部总监
Manuel J. Feo-  ETSAETSA Las Palmas de Gran Canaria教授
Diego Botella,álvaroJiménez,OmarPáez和YacmeMangrané  - MoAN埃及比赛冠军团队


6375欧元奖金+免费订阅 1年Arquitectura Viva杂志+ 免费订阅1年WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell杂志+ 获奖作品将于Plataforma Arquitectura、Arquitectura Viva、 Metalocus、WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell电子出版物刊登。


Submission: April 27, 2018
Registration:  April 13, 2018
Language: English
Location: Miami, USA
Prizes: Please see details below
Type: Ideas competitions

San Francisco is the fourth largest city in the State of California, with a population of around 860,000 distributed over 121 km2. It is located on the West Coast of the United States, on the north end of the San Francisco peninsula, with the Pacific Ocean to the west and connected to the mainland to the south.
San Francisco is one of the most important cities of the United States, one of the most well-known cultural, technological and financial centres of California, at the leading edge of research in biotechnology and biomedicine, where the opportunities generated by the internet revolution continue to attract residents and skilled workers with high salaries. It also welcomes more than 16 million tourists a year, drawn by the iconic image of the city. Its music, cinema and monuments are recognized around the world.
It was in 1849, during the California Gold Rush, when the small trading post known as Yerba Buena became the incoming port for numerous ships transporting thousands of fortune hunters from all over the world. The population grew from 400 to 25,000 residents in just one year. The promise of great fortunes was so tempting that the crews of the arriving ships deserted them and hurried to the gold fields, leaving the Port of San Francisco filled with ghost ships. Mud and gravel was dumped into the bay due to mining activity, extending the boundaries of San Francisco 10 blocks out from its natural border.
With the outbreak of World War II, the port became a military logistics centre involving nearly all the piers, with ships and troops and warships docked all along the Embarcadero. After the war and the arrival of container ships, commercial traffic moved to the Port of Oakland, thanks also to the construction of the Bay Bridge. The piers fell into disuse and were relegated to storage or abandoned.
Today, the north-eastern shore of San Francisco has been reborn as a walking path flanked by palm trees and with a trolley, where numerous piers have been transformed into restaurants, office buildings and commercial areas. There are plans to build a museum, a cruise ship terminal and other services and attractions for residents and visitors.

The objective of this competition for students of architecture and young architects, Bay Book House (BaBH) San Francisco, consists in proposing a space for cultural exchange that will activate one or several of the unused piers of the historic Port of San Francisco.
Thanks to its privileged location, the proposed space will seek to become an international  meeting point for students and researchers, as well as for lovers of culture and general knowledge, where consultation, open-air reading or technological innovation will attract inhabitants or visitors.
The BaBH aspires to be the future of traditional libraries, an evolution in the how we understand, use and enjoy this source of knowledge, a museum of (not) books adapted to today’s world, and where culture becomes a unique sensory experience.
In a city filled with iconic images known around the world, this new space should become the new cultural reference of San Francisco, the flagship of the strong shoreline that is currently flowering.

Kim Herforth Nielsen – Co-founder and Principal of 3XN Architects
Masahiro Harada – Co-founder of MOUNT FUJI ARCHITECTS STUDIO
Ada Yvars – Principal of Mangera Yvars Architects
Sara de Giles – Principal of MGM Morales de Giles Arquitectos
Vanessa Vielma – Director of ArchDaily Mexico
Manuel J. Feo- Professor at ETSA Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Diego Botella, álvaro Jiménez, Omar Páez & Yacme Mangrané- Winner team of MoAN Egypt competition

€6,375 in prizes + 1 year free subscriptions to Arquitectura Viva magazine + 1 year free subscriptions to WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell magazine + Digital publication in Plataforma Arquitectura + Digital publication in Arquitectura Viva + Digital publication in Metalocus + Publication in WA Wettbewerbe Aktuell.

competition’s website:





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