菲利普・斯塔克打造的 “奇异又超现实” 的橄榄油磨坊及博物馆
Philippe Starck creates "strange and surrealist" olive oil mill and museum
法国著名建筑设计师菲利普・斯塔克(Philippe Starck)打造了一座醒目的红色立方体建筑,其内部设计有LA Almaraza橄榄油磨坊、博物馆和餐厅。整座建筑装点着诸多别具深意的标志,这些标志皆巧妙地援引自安达卢西亚(Andalusia)地区丰富的文化遗产。
该建筑坐落于龙达附近一处占地 25 公顷的庄园内,四周环绕着橄榄树林。它专为橄榄油生产商LA Organic设计,属于一个旨在推动该地区“油旅”(基于橄榄油生产的旅游业)的大型项目。
French architect Philippe Starck has created a red cube to house the LA Almaraza olive oil mill, museum and restaurant in Andalusia, decorated with symbols referencing the area's heritage.
Surrounded by groves on a 25-hectare estate near Rona, the building was designed for oil producer LA Organic as part of a wider project to boost oleotourism – tourism based on olive oil production – in the region.
Starck finished the otherwise plain building in large symbols celebrating the "magic and poetry" of the area, including a bull's horn in Corten steel and a carved eye referencing the area's historic connection with the surrealist movement.
▲ 菲利普・斯塔克在安达卢西亚完成的橄榄油磨坊、博物馆和餐厅
Philippe Starck has completed a mill, museum and restaurant in Andalusia
“LA Almazara周围环绕着大片的橄榄树林,使其沉浸在安达卢西亚强烈而温暖的光线之中。”斯塔克说道,“这让我感受到了在做这个项目时必须具备的一种激进感。一切都得不同寻常、不合常规,带点奇异和超现实的感觉。这个地方充满了丰富多样且令人惊喜的元素,它们都体现着安达卢西亚的特色标志。”
"LA Almazara itself is surrounded by acres of olive groves, bathed in powerful and warm lights of Andalusia," Starck told Dezeen.
"This gives a kind of sense of the radicality I had to come up with for the project," he continued. "Everything had to be out of the ordinary, out-of-scale, a little strange and surrealist. The place is full of fertile surprises that reflect Andalusian symbols."
"On the outside, it is a huge monolithic red block, as if fallen from the sky," added Starck. "An enormous eye at the facade illustrates the vigilance of the great Andalusian surrealist artists, the smoke that emanates from it is totally surrealist and reflects mystery."
▲ 雕塑性标志贯穿于整个中心
Sculptural symbols are used throughout the centre
LA Almaraza的内部空间就如同一件“可供栖居的艺术佳作”,延续了建筑外部那些超大尺寸且极具雕塑感的标志性元素。
一个露台从这一空间向外延伸,采用悬挑式结构,从建筑的一侧向外伸展,其下方看似由粗壮的金属链条牢牢支撑。从露台望出去的景观与LA Almaraza昏暗的室内形成了鲜明对比。
The interior of LA Almaraza is designed as an "inhabitable work of art", continuing the oversized, sculptural symbols found on the exterior.
Its restaurant area sits beneath a suspended metal pipe and funnel that allude to the production of oil and a wing-like form that references the Andalusian scientist thought to be the first human to fly.
A small seating area around a fireplace is positioned beneath an oversized bullfighting sword leaning against the wall, while the horn and half-olive forms on the exterior also project inwards below a large mural that covers the entire ceiling.
This space opens onto a terrace that cantilevers out from one side of the building, appearing to be supported by large metal chains. It has views of the landscape that provide a dramatic contrast to LA Almaraza's dark interior.
▲ 一只牛角穿透餐厅的一面墙
A bull's horn punctures a wall of the restaurant
"As soon as you enter, you are struck by the contrast in lights. In the building, it is dark and cool, to respect and enhance the delicate process of olive oil production," said Starck.
"Yet the inside shadows hold strong symbols as well, such as monumental half-olive embedded in the rusty steel wall, a metal pipe penetrating the building without ever coming out," he added.
▲ 博物馆与生产空间设置在其他楼层
A museum and production space are hosted on the other floors
Across the other two floors of the centre are a museum space and facilities for the production of extra virgin olive oil. Outside, the building is surrounded by a wider programme of walking trails, sculptures by Starck and other visitor facilities.
Other architectural projects recently completed by Starck include the renovation of a hotel in Saint-Tropez that draws on mid-century references and a São Paulo penthouse inside a tower by architect Jean Nouvel.
摄影:Alfonso Quiroga Ferro
The photography is by Alfonso Quiroga Ferro.
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