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打破常规,T.A. Saint-Germain图书馆改建采用克制的设计方法第1张图片

T-A-St-Germain Library / ACDF Architecture


ACDF 建筑事务所很荣幸地向您介绍新落成的 T-A-St-Germain 图书馆,这个图书馆位于魁北克省圣海辛特市中心。新图书馆功能多样、充满活力,鼓励人们在温馨宁静的环境中进行自发接触、非正式交流,以及自我提升。这座占地 52,200 平方英尺的文化中心超越了以阅读学习为主的传统图书馆模式,在三层楼中提供了丰富多彩的活动。主要功能包括 2 个多功能厅、1 个展览区、1 个联合办公空间、多媒体创作工作室(FabLab)、1 个计算机实验室、1 个咖啡厅、1 个露台,还为儿童、青少年和成人划分了明确区域。圣夏金特市政府希望能够保留城市的悠久历史,为此在市中心核心区批划了一块战略要地。这个地块毗邻亚马斯卡河(Yamaska River)和Barsalou大桥,是居住在河西岸的社区通往市中心的重要通道。ACDF 总裁 Maxime-Alexis Frappier 解释说:“这个项目是致力于改善亚马斯卡河的大型城市发展项目的起点。因此,我们决定将新图书馆建在一个新的 1.5 英里步行和自行车河道走廊上的艺术和文化区域的中心。”

ACDF Architecture is proud to present the newly inaugurated T-A-St-Germain Library, located in downtown Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec. Versatile and dynamic, the new library encourages spontaneous encounters, informal exchanges, discoveries, and self-fulfillment in a warm and tranquil environment. Going beyond the traditional model of a library focused on learning through reading, this 52,200 sqft. cultural hub offers a varied program spread over 3 floors. Key functions include 2 multi-purpose rooms, an exhibition area, a co-working space, multimedia creation studios (FabLab), a computer lab, a café, a terrace, and well-defined zones for children, teenagers, and adults. The first stone of a new waterfront corridor - In line with the City of Saint-Hyacinthe's structuring vision to stem the exodus of merchants and residents from the historic downtown area to new urban development hubs along major roads and highways, the City of Saint-Hyacinthe has acquired a strategic site in the downtown core. Bordering the Yamaska River and the Barsalou Bridge, the site is an important point of access to downtown for communities living on the west bank of the river. “The project serves as the starting point for a major urban development project dedicated to the enhancement of the Yamaska River,” explains ACDF President, Maxime-Alexis Frappier. “The decision was therefore made to position the new library at the heart of the arts and culture section of the new 1.5-mile pedestrian and bicycle river corridor.”.

打破常规,T.A. Saint-Germain图书馆改建采用克制的设计方法第2张图片

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打破常规,T.A. Saint-Germain图书馆改建采用克制的设计方法第4张图片

保留一栋仍然可以使用的建筑 - ACDF 首先受托开展了一项前置的功能设计和多项研究,以确定是否必须拆除或完全改造现有的空置了几年的办公大楼,从而创建统一且具有象征意义的新文化项目。ACDF 凭借其在改造现有建筑方面的经验,确保建筑师必须以保护环境为前提,尽一切努力保证建筑的稳固,最终证明了保留现有建筑的可行性。尽管存在一些重大但并非不可克服的制约因素,比如楼层净高较低、流线不够清晰、缺乏美感以及场地占地面积大,除此之外,室外空间面积也较小,“但我们还是决定保留它。”Frappier 说,“建筑结构完好,围护结构依然稳固,前院种植的植被成熟且质量上乘,这些都使得拆除的理由不成立。我们也想迎接挑战,设计一个能够成为圣夏金特市中心北端文化灯塔的地标性建筑,同时尽可能多地保留现有建筑,从而实现减少碳排量,比如与基础设施相关的部分”。

Preserving a healthy building - ACDF was first commissioned to carry out an avant-garde functional program and various studies to determine whether the existing office building, vacant for several years, would have to be demolished or completely transformed to create a unifying and emblematic new cultural project. Drawing on its experience in transforming existing buildings, and convinced that, in the name of the environment, architects must make every effort to keep buildings healthy, ACDF was able to demonstrate the viability of retaining the existing building. That decision was reached despite significant, but not insurmountable, constraints, including low floor clearance, a universal accessibility issue related to site topography and floor positioning, uninspiring aesthetics, and a large footprint on the site that left only minimal space for outdoor functions and parking areas. "The structure was sound, the envelope was still effective, and the planted forecourts were mature and of fine quality, which nullified the justification for demolition,” says Frappier. “We wanted to embrace the challenge of designing an emblematic project capable of acting as a cultural beacon at the northern end of downtown Saint-Hyacinthe, while preserving as much of the existing building's components as possible, thus reducing the carbon impact associated with the realization of such an infrastructure.”

打破常规,T.A. Saint-Germain图书馆改建采用克制的设计方法第5张图片

一种简洁、平衡的方法 - 建筑师们希望以适度的手段为这座城市建造一座地标性建筑,因此他们希望这座建筑足够简洁,专注于简单的体量表达,而不是以宏伟而华丽的空间为设计重点,因此,建筑师建议采用可持续的建筑设计理念,对位于圣夏辛特历史街区中心的一座 1987 年的后现代建筑进行修复。

ACDF 提出了一种结合实用主义和创造性的双重思维方式,他们并没有拆除仍然完好无损的现有建筑,也没有建议完全更换仍然完好的外墙。扩建部分采用白色玻璃外墙,在傍晚时分犹如一盏明灯,从原有建筑中巧妙地呈现出来。它的体量沉稳,玻璃围护结构与原有建筑的模块相似,形成了一个连贯的整体。呈现出的效果是平衡的,也做到了最初所追求的简洁,并很好地应对了当前世界所面临的环境挑战。

放大、照亮了原有建筑 - ACDF建议保留原有建筑,包括其所有优点和缺点,增加一个扩建部分作为补充。这样,建筑师就能够放大原有建筑的建筑特质,比如它的尺度、高效的笛卡尔几何形状和对称性,同时使其适应此类文化场馆的新标准。为了抵消图书馆异常低的净高和条形玻璃窗,扩建部分提供了采光充足的空间,可以欣赏到亚玛斯卡河的壮丽景色,还可以通向室外露台,与现有建筑相比,扩建部分营造了与众不同的环境。

Maxime-Alexis Frappier强调说:“尽管扩建部分的空间采用了大量的玻璃窗,但现有建筑的玻璃比例较低,因此从热能角度来看,这是相对合适的开窗比例。这种双分隔结构所提供的各种氛围极大地丰富了用户体验”。

A sober, balanced approach - In keeping with the desire to create an emblematic building for the city, with modest means, the architects committed themselves to designing an architecture imbued with a certain formal and tectonic sobriety, focusing on simple volumetric articulations, rather than considering an architectural approach focused on creating grandiose gestures or flamboyant architectural expressions. Accordingly, the recommended approach adopts a sustainable vision of architecture by rehabilitating a modest 1987 postmodern building located in the heart of Saint-Hyacinthe's historic district. Rather than demolishing the existing building, which was still very sound, or proposing a complete replacement of its envelope, which was still in very good condition, ACDF proposed a dual mindset approach combining pragmatism and creativity. Clad in a whitish glass skin that acts as a beacon in the evening landscape, the extension stands out subtly from the existing building, without imposing itself on the space. Its volumetric sobriety and glass envelope, with modules similar to those of the existing building, create a coherent whole. The result is a well-balanced integration that bears witness to the architectural frugality initially sought, and which responsibly addresses the environmental challenges that the world currently faces. Magnifying and illuminating the existing building - ACDF proposed the retention of the existing building, with all its strengths and weaknesses, and the addition of an extension to complement it. The architects were then able to magnify the architectural qualities of the existing building, such as its gauge, its highly efficient Cartesian geometry, and its symmetry, while adapting them to the new standards of such cultural venues. To counteract the unusually low clearance heights and strip fenestration for a library, the extension offers light-filled spaces with extraordinary views towards the Yamaska River, access to an outdoor terrace, and distinctive environments compared to those contained in the existing building. “The low percentage of fenestration in the existing building allows us to maintain a very interesting ratio of total openings from a thermal point of view, despite the generous fenestration of the spaces in the extension,” emphasizes Maxime-Alexis Frappier. “The variety of ambiances provided by this bipartite composition contributes greatly to the user experience.”

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打破常规,T.A. Saint-Germain图书馆改建采用克制的设计方法第10张图片

一个多功能的、有吸引力的体量 - 扩展区域分为两个部分,可以通过滑动,形成宽阔的走廊,将各个入口连接起来,这个多功能大厅作为接待区、前功能区、咖啡厅和连接空间,可以增加参观者之间的流畅互动。横向的大厅,以及它创造的透视效果,会吸引路人的目光,引导他们进来。格子木天花板为整个空间提供了一种温暖、友好、有吸引力的氛围。

一楼有三个多功能厅,每个多功能厅都可以从走廊进入。就像从布尔达什大道(Bourdages Avenue)可以看到的文化展示厅一样,这些多功能厅也有助于活跃未来的Gérard Côté城市长廊。建筑的媒体空间在图书馆闭馆时也能使用,大厅的咖啡厅也可以用作休息区或特殊活动的服务区。建筑而成有着一个室外露台,可以看到壮观的景色,这是一个可以放松和享受Yamaska河的空间,而上面的体块是成人藏书专区。

各种室内空间和氛围 - 现有建筑和扩建部分的结合产生了各种空间,最重要的是营造了有针对性的多种氛围。每一层的布局都围绕核心服务区和书架,周围是阅读和工作空间。休闲区被合理地安排在外围,沿着现有窗户的狭长地带,景观视野更加集中,照明更加柔和,有利于集中注意力。现有建筑的天花板高度较低,利用净高有效地划分了阅读区和工作区,使这些区域在尺度上更加柔且人性化。


A versatile, inviting volumetry - The expansion concept takes the form of a volumetric structure divided into two fragments, which slide over each other to create a majestic hallway linking the new pedestrian entrance to the cultural center and the vehicular entrance near the river. This multi-purpose hall serves as a reception area, a pre-function area, a café, and a crossroads, encouraging fluid interaction between users. The transversality of the hall, and the perspective effect it creates, catches the eye of passers-by and draws them inward. The coffered wooden ceiling provides the whole with a warm, friendly, and inviting feel. The ground-floor volume houses three multi-purpose rooms, all accessible from the large hallway. Like cultural showcases visible from Bourdages Avenue, the multifunctional rooms will also help to enliven the future Gérard Côté urban promenade. The design concept allows media spaces to be used outside of library opening hours, and the café occupying the lobby can be used as a service area for vernissages or special events. The volumetric translation allows for the creation of an outdoor terrace on level 2, offering spectacular views and a space to relax and enjoy the Yamaska River, while the upper volume houses areas dedicated to adult collections. A variety of interior spaces and atmospheres - The combination of the existing building and the extension results in a variety of spaces and, above all, a variety of atmospheres to suit all tastes. On each floor, the layout revolves around a core of services and shelving, surrounded by reading and workspaces. The relaxation areas are logically positioned at the periphery, along the narrow band of existing windows, with more focused views over the landscape and more subdued lighting, which is conducive to concentration. The low ceiling height of the existing building (8'-2''), and the low beams at the edges of the building, effectively delimit the reading and working areas, which are more subdued and human in scale. Conversely, the enlarged space is generously bathed in light, and immersed in nature, with lower shelving to enable greater enjoyment of the landscape. This duality between the old and the new accentuates the contrast of perspectives for users: the vastness of the river and the framing of the city-culture interface. These various solutions optimize the use of space, providing flexibility and natural spatial fluidity. On all three levels, the dialogue between the existing structure and the extension is reflected in a threshold treated as a black absence. Easily spotted by users, thanks to its monochromatic black appearance, this gap groups together the main vertical circulations.

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一座新的文化灯塔 - 新的圣日耳曼 T.A. 图书馆犹如一座灯塔,矗立在圣夏金特历史悠久的市中心。它已成为所有圣夏金特居民的必游之地,并为重新打造老城区做出了贡献。这个项目是 ACDF 所倡导的建筑设计方法的最好例证,即在效率和美学之间取得完美平衡,并且明确建筑设计中的必要需求。

Maxime-Alexis Frappier总结说:“我们提倡一种设计方法,注重资源的优化组合,创造出有意义的建筑,创建出可以构建社区并为社区做出贡献的场所。我们希望在这个扩建和改造项目中采用的可持续策略,能够提高人们对保护建筑遗产的认识,在设计特殊建筑时,我们所采用的手段要有所节制。”

A new cultural beacon - The new T.A. Saint-Germain library rises as a beacon on the landscape, establishing a structuring presence in Saint-Hyacinthe's historic downtown area. It has emerged as a must-see destination for all Saint-Hyacinthe residents and contributes to efforts to requalify the old downtown area. This project is a prime example of the architectural approach advocated by ACDF, which consists of striking the perfect balance between efficiency and aesthetics to design projects of the highest architectural quality while knowing how to define what is possible and what is necessary. “We advocate a design approach that focuses on a more optimal mix of resources to create meaningful architecture, and to create places that structure and contribute to their communities,” concludes Maxime-Alexis Frappier. “We hope that the responsible and frugal approach employed in this expansion and transformation project can serve to raise awareness of the merits of conserving our built heritage and exercising restraint in the means we employ to design exceptional places.”

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建筑师:ACDF 建筑事务所
类型:图书馆 文化中心
面积:52200 平方英尺
摄影:Adrien Williams
客户:Ville de Sainte Hyacinthe
建筑团队:Maxime Alexis Frappier, Christelle Montreuil Jean-Pois, Laurence Lebeux, Martin Palardy
项目技术:Denis Lavigne, Pierre Louis Beneche,
高级技术员:Michel Thompson, Ghislain Noel

Architects: ACDF Architecture
Area: 52200 ft²
Year: 2023
Photographs:Adrien Williams
Civil Engineering: CIMA+
Landscape Architecture: BC2
Client: Ville de Sainte Hyacinthe
Architect Team: Maxime Alexis Frappier, Christelle Montreuil Jean-Pois, Laurence Lebeux, Martin Palardy
Project Technician: Denis Lavigne, Pierre Louis Beneche,
Senior Technicians: Michel Thompson, Ghislain Noel
Structural, Mechanical & Electrical Engineering: CIMA+
City: Saint-Hyacinthe
Country: Canada




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