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Smart, Energy-efficient Shelter Transforms into Shiny Beacon on Bulgaria's Vitosha Mountain


Lusio Architects赢得了节能智能避难小屋的设计竞赛,该项目位于保加利亚Vitosha山。在天气条件恶劣的情况下,小屋创新的结构设计可以使它变成灯塔,通过灯光和声音令其即使在浓雾中也能被轻松发现。

Lusio Architects wins competition with energy-efficient, smart shelter to be built on Bulgaria’s Vitosha Mountain later this year. The innovative structure is designed to transform into a beacon when weather conditions are bad, with lights and sound that make it extremely easy to find even in the thickest of fogs.

小屋的地基与地面极少接触,但是它坚固的结构足以承受恶劣的天气/It was crucial that the shelter’s foundations had minimal contact with the ground and that its structure was rigid enough to withstand the harsh weather

“2050年建筑”竞赛的获奖作品由“”组织评选。竞赛要求该项目结合建造技术、能源可持续策略,并采用零能源模块结构,让整座建筑满足预制生产的需求,同时可以通过直升机进行运输。此外,通过扩展研究,团队解决了此类建筑的另一个关键问题,即对环境的破坏。这座避难小屋使用铝涂层来反射周围的环境,并把自身 “隐藏”起来。建筑极为轻便,设计者从航天工业与飞行传感器中汲取灵感,满足不同天气状况,同时设置有多种操作模式。

The winning entry of the ‘architecture of 2050’ organized by, the mountain shelter responds to the competition’s brief for a cutting-edge design in terms of building technology, energy and sustainability, requiring a zero-net energy modular structure, that can be produced in a lab and put in place by a helicopter. In addition, through extended research, the team addresses another critical problem that mountaineers regularly encounter: vandalism. The shelter uses aluminum coating to reflect its surroundings and ‘hide’ itself from unwanted visitors. Its extremely lightweight body takes its cues from the airplane industry and sensors for weather conditions and occupancy govern the shelter’s different modes.

智能传感器可以检测到恶劣的天气并点亮避难小屋,使游客能够看到它/Smart sensors detect bad weather conditions and light the shelter to make it visible to tourists


The shelter’s floor heating is automatically activated when a person walks inside, and in case threatening human behavior is detected, a signal is immediately sent to the local mountain service and establishes a video connection. The low-positioned windows invite visitors to sit on the warm floor and in the case of a large group, integrated hammocks into the walls can be easily pulled out.

覆盖铝涂层的高容量绝缘墙壁 /Wall with aluminum sheets coating and high- capacity insulation

建筑所需能量通过太阳能电池板和风力涡轮机产生,并存储在高容量电池中,但仅限于紧急情况的使用。这座建筑被分成多个模块,这些模块将由直升机运送并在现场组装,使建筑易于扩展和运输。如果设计方案成功实施,另一个避难小屋将设置于南极基地,这座小屋的委托方则是保加利亚南极研究所(Bulgarian Antarctic institute)。

Energy is produced through solar panels and a wind turbine and stored into a high-capacity battery; its use is prioritized only for emergency cases and critical life support. The structure is divided into modules which will be transported by a helicopter and assembled on site, making the design easily scalable and transportable. If the prototype is successful, another one will be commissioned by the Bulgarian Antarctic institute for their base in Antarctica.

避难小屋很好地融入到周边环境中/The shelter blends perfectly with its surroundings

在天气良好的情况下,避难小屋自然融入周边环境,形态非常低调/In good weather conditions the shelter blends with its surroundings in order not to attract negative attention.

避难小屋形态变化示意图/Shape formation diagram

空间示意图,为了获得更大的空间容量,吊床可以从避难小屋的墙壁拉出供人休息/Capacity diagram in order to gain more space, hammocks are pulled out of the shelter’s walls

吊床示意图/Hammocks diagram

交通运输流程图/Transportation diagram

避难小屋由4个模块组成:模块a - 防雪走廊,模块b - 入口,模块c – 中间区域,模块d - 能量存储空间/The shelter consists of 4 modules: module a – Snow protection porch, module b – entrance, module c – middle module, module d – energy module

避难小屋有3种功能模式:在恶劣的条件下,“找我”模式可以自动点亮灯光,使之可见;“救我”模式可以启动地板采暖并连接救援服务/The shelter has 3 modes of function: ‘find me’ mode lights it and makes it visible in bad conditions; ‘rescue me’ mode starts the floor heating and connects to the rescue service

能源生产图:1.风力发电机组2.柔性光伏膜3.雨水收集器和过滤器/Energy production diagram: 1. Wind turbine 2. Flexible photo- voltaic film 3. Rain water collector and filters





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