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竞赛:2018 NOVA设计奖——未来的居住空间第1张图片

Call for Submissions: NOVA DESIGN AWARD 2018 - Future Living Space




NOVA Property Investment Co. Ltd是中国领先的资产管理与投资平台,致力于相关方面的创新发展,NOVA认为,这些问题非常值得思考与深究。在过去的3年里,秉持着具有前瞻性的设计理念,NOVA创新了许多商业模式以及全新的物理空间,另外,NOVA也希望将这些理念用于解决当前所存在的问题,从而促进未来发展的新纪元。

本次NOVA Design Award竞赛希望参赛者能够全面的展开想象,构思未来居住空间的物理原型。因此本次设计方案需以单个居住单元为基础,建筑面积不大于50平方米,高度不超过6米,并且建筑选址需位于中国一线城市的高密度环境之中。







(3)注册开放时间为2018年6月1日,结束时间为2018年7月1日北京时间晚11:59(GMT +8:00);未注册团队的作品视为无效。
(4)注册网站。在注册之后,参赛者将通过注册邮箱接收注册代码及其他相关文件,其中包括团队信息确认表(Confirmation on Team Information)和原创声明(Declaration of Originality)。
(7)作品提交截止日期为2018年7月31日北京时间晚11:59(GMT +8:00)。晚于提交时间或严重抄袭的作品将视为无效。
(9) NOVA DAY是针对本次竞赛的一日特别活动,同时还有相关论坛和颁奖仪式,本届NOVA DAY将于上海举办,届时也将公布本次竞赛的最终获奖团队。


2018年7月1日北京时间晚11:59(GMT +8:00):注册结束
2018年7月31日北京时间晚11:59(GMT +8:00):作品提交截止
2018年8月25日:NOVA DAY(最终入围者现场演说、设计论坛、颁奖典礼)




在2015年,王先生与Warburg Pincus共同创立了NOVA地产投资公司,该公司迅速成为中国一线城市的股票、地产投资以及资金管理的企业,与此同时,NOVA公司也是当前中国唯一整合了收购、创新、运营的资产管理平台。为了更好地组织NOVA公司的战略规划、年度企业计划和品牌发展,王先生成立了NOVA实验室(NOVA Lab),该项目主要用于组织、维持、发展重要的政府资源,并且与城市共同发展。

王先生是NOVA公司的董事长和联合执行董事,同时兼任中国房地产开发公司和投资者联合会(China Real Estate Developers and Investors Association ——CREDIA)的副会长和总负责人,以及中国房地产商会(China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce——CRECC)城市改造与创新部门的副会长。


Carlo Ratti:麻省理工大学Senseable City实验室负责人,Carlo Ratti Associati工作室联合创始人

Carlo Ratti教授于麻省理工大学执教,精通建筑与工程,同时负责Senseable City实验室的指导工作,并且也是国际设计与创意工作室Carlo Ratti Associati的联合创始人。针对技术对城市生活的影响,他有着杰出的观点,其作品已经在全球各地展出,其中包括威尼斯双年展、纽约当代艺术中心、伦敦科学博物馆以及巴塞罗那设计博物馆。他的两个代表作Digital Water展馆和Copenhagen Wheel被纽约时代周刊誉为是“年度最佳创意作品(Best Inventions of the Year)”。他甚至被美国《连线》杂志列入“智能名单:50位即将改变世界的人”。

他是当前世界经济论坛的全球未来城市委员会(Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization)的联合主席,同时担任欧洲城市创意委员会(Urban Innovation to the European Commission)的特别顾问。

Anouk Legendre:建筑师,XTU联合创始人

Anouk Legendre是XTU建筑设计公司的联合创始人,该公司于2000年成立于法国巴黎,其业务范围广泛,不仅有住宅项目与文化建筑项目,还有相关的学术与环境研究。Legendre获得了Knight of the Order of Agricultural Merit的荣誉称号,并且是EDF Ville et Energie机构的成员,同时还是2018年国家木建筑委员会(National Jury of Wood Construction)主席。从2002年至2007年,她在Ecole Nationale d’Architecture de Paris Malaquais任教。

她的设计作品在巴黎的多个展馆展出,其中有首尔建筑学院、巴黎蓬皮杜艺术中心等等。Legendre也完成了一些民用建筑的设计工作,其中有韩国的Jeongkok Prehistory博物馆、波尔多葡萄酒博物馆,以及2015年米兰世博会的法国展馆。近期,她完成了位于法国斯特拉斯堡的首个能源住宅项目。

Becky Quintal:ArchDaily的首席负责人

Becky Quintal是ArchDaily的首席负责人,她主要负责监督ArchDaily的日常发行工作,及其英语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语、中文等板块。在ArchDaily就职之前,Becky Quintal曾经担任过OMA/AMO建筑事务所、BIG(Bjarke Ingels Group)建筑事务所、Reiser+Umemoto建筑事务所,以及普林斯顿大学建筑学院的编辑人员。她近期获得了哈佛大学设计学院的硕士学位,其主要研究领域集中在纽约纸质传媒中的早期高层建筑。另外,她曾经也获得了普林斯顿大学的建筑学学士学位。





SPACE 10:(待定)





评审团最终选出5个入围团队,这些团队将有资格参与NOVA DAY,在这一天将会有设计论坛与颁奖典礼,并且,团队代表也将进行投票,来选出最终获奖者。













NOVA地产投资有限公司由王谦先生和战略投资者Warburg Pincus于2015年共同成立。2016年,NOVA公司对房地产创新增值服务公司Yicheng Creative进行了股权收购,并将该公司的专业优势与NOVA公司的收购、创新、运营、资产管理模式相结合。在2018年,新加坡政府投资公司(Government of Singapore Investment Corp——GIC)和NOVA正式签署了股东协议。


当前,NOVA公司拥有41个运营或在建项目,总价值超过120亿元,项目面积约400000平方米,这些项目覆盖了北京、上海等中国一线城市。NOVA公司的运营品牌包括有BASE和N2 Creative,其目的是建立满足不同市场需求和目的的各类相关品牌。

NOVA公司当前拥有超过180名员工,其主要合作方有万科、中国Infrared南丰地产、远洋地产、金谷信托公司、天同宏基、融创地产、上海金外滩集团等知名品牌。在2017年11月,NOVA公司与宝马集团的MINI品牌合作设计了世界上第一个共享城市空间——MINI LIVING。

地点:中国 上海 徐汇区 钦州路528号

We live in a time of great change. As paradigmatic shifts in technology, social networks and the physical environment constantly reshape our way of living, we can foresee that the living space of the future in 10 or even 5 years will be drastically different from what it is today.
How will we live in 2025 with updated basic needs and redefined living spaces? Perhaps, physical space and distance will further give way to digital connectivity, while inter-personal relationships will be complicated by our latest affair with artificial intelligence. Or, unsustainable urban development and the celebration of all things virtual will come to a halt and humans will engage in a renewed conversation with each other and the environment.
With a firm dedication to innovation, NOVA Property Investment Co. Ltd, a leading Chinese property investment and asset management platform, believes that these questions are worth investigating. In the past 3 years, NOVA has created novel business models as well as new physical spaces, and by initiating an annual design award program, NOVA hopes to further its mission in solving current problems and ushering in an era of positive change.
The inaugural NOVA Design Award invites applicants to imagine future living spaces in an urban setting, and intends to build a subsequent physical prototype to promote such creative thinking. It calls for new design proposals based on a single living unit, with a suggested gross floor area of no more than 50 square meters and a clear height not exceeding 6 meters, as part of a high-density context in a first-tier Chinese city.
NOVA hopes that this exercise will stimulate innovation and open unlimited possibilities. The future is now.


1. Language and Units
The official language of the competition is English. Submissions should use metric units.

2. Submission Format:
Submissions shall include boards, completed competition forms and other optional files, to be sent as one digital package. The total size should be under 20MB (exclusive of optional video file).
Names of submitted files shall start with the team ID and note the type of the file, e.g. "NDA0001_boards.pdf", or "NDA0001_video.mp4".
Boards shall be combined into one single PDF, including 2-4 boards in A2 size (420mm×594mm)and in landscape layout.
Boards shall have a 3mm white margin all around, with the team ID noted on the upper-right corner as "ID-number", e.g. "NDA0001-1".

3.List of required materials:
2 or more section drawings
2 or more perspective drawings
Name of the scheme and a “Manifesto on Future Living” as the design description (no less than 250 words)
Completed competition forms
Optional materials to sufficiently showcase the design scheme, including but not limited to: video (no more than 2 minutes long), analytical diagrams, isometric drawings, details or drawings describing the material and/or construction aspects of the scheme, photos of physical models, plans for physical constructions.
Except for optional video and completed competition forms, all other materials shall be incorporated into the boards.

4. Competition procedure:
(1) The competition is open to the public and no prerequisite is required. Each participating team shall consist of no more than 5 members. Please provide detailed information of the team through the Confirmation on Team Information form.
(2) Each team shall appoint 1 contact person throughout the competition.
(3) Registration opens on June 1, 2018 and closes on July 1, 2018 at 11:59PM Beijing time (GMT +8:00); Registration is mandatory. Teams who don’t register will not be able to participate.
(4) Registration is through the website: After successful registration, the participant will receive a registration number and other information at their registered email address, including forms such as Confirmation on Team Information and Declaration of Originality.
(5) Entries shall be submitted digitally, including forms which should be completed, signed and scanned. Please package all files as one zipped package, upload it onto file-sharing sites such as Baidu Cloud or WeTransfer, and provide the download link to the competition organizing committee. Please ensure that the link will work for a week following the deadline.
(6) Please submit a link to download the submission package, along with the registration number, on; the Organizing Committee will confirm the receipt of the submissions within 24hrs via email.
(7)The deadline for submission is 11:59PM Beijing time (GMT +8:00) on July 31, 2018. Hard copy or late submissions will not be accepted.
(8) With the assistance of the competition organizing committee, the Jury will review the entries. Five finalists will be announced on August 6, 2018.
(9) NOVA DAY will be held in Shanghai as a one day event featuring a design forum and the awards ceremony, where the jury will announce the final awards after on-site presentations by the finalists.

June 1, 2018: Free Registration opens
July 1, 2018: Registration closes at 11:59PM, Beijing Time (GMT +8:00)
July 31, 2018: Submission deadline at 11:59PM, Beijing Time (GMT +8:00)
August 6, 2018: Announcement of finalists
August 25, 2018: NOVA DAY (finalist presentations, design forum and awards ceremony)

Qian Wang
Co-founder, Chairman, Co-CEO of NOVA Property Investment Co., Ltd.
After studying at School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Mr. Qian Wang studied overseas and obtained dual Master’s in Architecture & Urban Planning and Real Estate Development from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
In 2015, Mr. Wang co-founded NOVA Property Investment Co., Ltd. (NOVA) with Warburg Pincus. As a stock and real estate investment and asset management company based in China's first-tier cities, NOVA is currently the only investment and management platform that integrates assets acquisition, renovation and operations in China. To organize NOVA’s strategic planning, annual business plan, and brand development, Mr. Wang established the NOVA Lab as a platform to build the organization, maintain and develop important government resources, and to reach out to urban companies in order to grow.
Mr. Wang served as Chairman and Co-CEO while also serving CREDIA (China Real Estate Developers and Investors Association) as Vice President and General Secretary, and the CRECC (China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce) Urban Renewal and Renovation branch as Vice President.
Mr. Wang has long been enthusiastic about charity and public welfare undertakings, sponsoring groups such as the Shanghai Guangci Welfare Institution and supporting children's education in less developed areas of Yunnan Province through the Xuzhou Charity Federation of Jiangsu Province.

Carlo Ratti
Director, MIT Senseable City Lab
Founding Partner, Carlo Ratti Associati
An architect and engineer by training, Professor Carlo Ratti teaches at MIT, where he directs the Senseable City Laboratory, and is a founding partner of the international design and innovation practice Carlo Ratti Associati. A leading voice in the debate on new technologies’ impact on urban life, his work has been exhibited in several venues worldwide, including the Venice Biennale, New York’s MoMA, London’s Science Museum, and Barcelona’s Design Museum. Two of his projects – the Digital Water Pavilion and the Copenhagen Wheel – were hailed by Time Magazine as ‘Best Inventions of the Year’. He has been included in Wired Magazine’s ‘Smart List: 50 people who will change the world’.
He is currently serving as co-chair of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on Cities and Urbanization, and as special advisor on Urban Innovation to the European Commission.

Anouk Legendre
Co-founder of XTU
Anouk Legendre is the co-founder of XTU, an award-winning architecture and design firm founded in 2000, located in Paris, France. The company specializes in academic and environmental research in addition to residential and cultural buildings. Legendre holds the distinction of Knight of the Order of Agricultural Merit, is a member of think tank EDF Ville et Energie, and was president of the National Jury of Wood Construction in 2018. She taught at Ecole Nationale d’Architecture de Paris Malaquais from 2002-2007.
Her work has been exhibited in several architecture galleries in Paris, the Academy of Architecture in Seoul, the Centre Pompidou in Paris, at Archilab, and more. Legendre has completed several civic buildings including the Jeongkok Prehistory Museum in South Korea, Museum of Wine in Bordeaux, and the French Pavilion at the Milan Expo in 2015. She recently completed construction on the first energy positive residential building TED in Strasbourg, France.

Becky Quintal
Head of Content, ArchDaily
Becky Quintal is the Head of Content of ArchDaily, where she oversees the publication of ArchDaily and its global sites in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese. Prior to assuming her role at ArchDaily, Becky worked as an editor for OMA/AMO, BIG(Bjarke Ingels Group), Reiser+Umemoto and the Princeton University School of Architecture. She recently graduated from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, where her research focused on the portrayal of early skyscrapers in New York’s newspaper. She also holds an architecture degree from Princeton University.

Han Zhang
the Country manager and Executive editor of ArchDaily China
Han Zhang is the Country manager and Executive editor of ArchDaily China. She is responsible for the opening up of Chinese architecture to the international architectural discourse. With over ten years experience as an architect and business consultant, she is the key to making cross-cultural creative ideas a reality. She holds a degree in Corporate Finance from Monash University and a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Architecture from the University of Melbourne.

global design and innovation company
(to be confirmed)
IDEO has roots dating back to 1978. Today, IDEO is an award-winning global design and innovation company. We create positive impact through design by taking a human-centered approach to helping organizations in the public and private sectors innovate, grow, and bring to market new ideas.

(to be confirmed)
A future-living lab on a mission to design a better and more sustainable way of living.

1. Innovation
2. Relationship with Technology
3. Sustainability (not limited to environmental performance)
4. Prototype Feasibility
*Criteria above are for reference only and arranged in no specific order. The competition is open to all creative ideas.

The Jury will select 5 finalist teams, who will be invited to attend NOVA DAY - the culmination of the competition including a design forum and the awards ceremony. Teams will also be asked to pitch their entries to the Jury at the ceremony, where the final awards will be determined.
All finalist teams will receive a cash award and a NOVA Design Award certificate. Finalist entries will be published on acclaimed media platforms. NOVA welcomes all members of the finalist teams to the events, but will be responsible for travel and lodging expenses for only 1 representative from each finalist team.
Winning entries may result in a physical prototype by NOVA in 2019.

Final awards:
1 First prize: 6000 USD
1 Second prize: 3,000 USD
3 Honorable Mentions:1,500 USD each
Total cash awards: 13,500 USD
*The amount of the awards are exclusive of Chinese domestic tax and fees and that of the country of the participant.

1. Individuals or groups who sign up for the competition shall be deemed to agree and comply with the Rules & Regulations; the organizer has the final right to interpret the Rules & Regulations.
2. All boards submitted by participants shall remain anonymous. Boards may not contain words or patterns in relation to designer identity, name, institution or company. Participants who do not comply with the regulations will be disqualified.
3. Each team or individual shall only submit one entry. The same entry may not be submitted twice. Creative works that have been built, realized, awarded in other competitions (honorable mention included) or published in public or in public media are not allowed to participate in this competition. Participants who do not meet requirements will be disqualified.
4. The intellectual property of participants’ work will be assigned to NOVA on the day of submission, participants only have publication right, the right of authorship, right of modification, right of integrity and other personal right. NOVA is entitled to use the design idea or partial scheme on this project, to reproduce, publish, exhibit, compile and disseminate to information networks the works, and to introduce, display and evaluate the works through media, books, newspapers, advertisements and the Internet, without obtaining consent of the author or any payment.
5. Participants assure that all material, drawings and work results submitted during the competition do not infringe on any third party's patent right, copyright, trademark right or any other legitimate rights and interests. Participants shall bear all responsibilities and expenses raised by any disputes, claims and proceedings arising from any third party related thereto, and compensate for all loss to NOVA (including but not limited to legal cost, attorney fees, investigation fees and damages to third party paid by NOVA).
6. The jury shall not participate in the competition or guide any students participating in the competition. Any team receiving guidance from a jury member will be disqualified.

1. Is there a registration fee associated with the competition?
No, the competition is completely free to participate.
2. Who can participate? I am not a designer, can I participate?
Anyone can participate, so long as the team has no more than 5 members. NOVA encourages multi-disciplinary teams.
3. Can I submit a scheme that was created for a different purpose, such as a class or another project?
Please see Rules & Regulations point no.3. Valid schemes shall not have been built, realized, received any other awards (honorable mention included), or have been previously published.
4. Will adding a video or other drawings increase the chance of winning?
Judging will be based on the design scheme, so any representation methods that can best showcase the scheme will increase the chance of winning. It is up for the designer to determine the type of optional deliverables.
5. Does the submission have to be in Chinese?
No, English submission will suffice.

1. Why 2025?
The timeframe of a near future ensures that the assumptions and predictions from the schemes are relevant, and the schemes themselves can have a meaningful impact on the status quo. It is up for the designer to imagine the state of living space in 2025.
2. Does the scheme have to fit in 50 sqm? Is it one floor?
There is no strict area requirement. However, the designer may take into account that the intended physical prototype will have a gross floor area of max. 50 square meters and a clear height of max. 6 meters (measured from the top of the bottom structure to the bottom of the top structure), for considerations of feasibility.
3. What is the high-density context that the unit is part of?
The designer can determine the specifics of the context if it helps the design.
4. Which first-tier Chinese city is the space in?
The designer can determine the city if it helps the design.
5. Who is the occupant of the designed living space? How many occupants?
Up for the designer to decide.
6. Will adding a video or other drawings increase the chance of winning?
Judging will be based on the design scheme, so any representation methods that can best showcase the scheme will increase the chance of winning. With the anticipated level of participation, designers are advised to go beyond the minimum required list of drawings to best illustrate the schemes.

Any other questions, please write to:
To ensure fairness, NOVA will compile all submitted questions and answers and publish them on the website. Please pay attention to website updates.

NOVA Property Investment Co., Ltd. (NOVA) was founded in 2015 by Mr. Wang Qian and strategic investor Warburg Pincus. In 2016, NOVA completed the equity acquisition of Yicheng Creative, a real estate renovation and value-add service provider, and in doing so integrated its professional experience into the NOVA model acquisition, renovation, operation and asset management. In 2018, The Government of Singapore Investment Corp. (GIC) and NOVA officially signed Shareholders Agreement.
With its strong capital and operational capabilities, NOVA has rapidly developed its portfolio of assets in China’s first-tier cities. NOVA’s focus is to invest in assets in prime locations and then tailor the renovation of the apartments, offices and retail to suit the local landscape. When completed, the properties are internally operated and asset managed. An expertise in product innovation and multi-format operations is one of the core competencies that set NOVA apart from its peers.
Currently, there are 41 projects operating or under constructing with a total investment value of nearly RMB 12 billion and a project area of 400,000 square meters. The projects are in the first-tier cities of Shanghai and Beijing. NOVA’s operating brands include BASE and N2 Creative. NOVA’s aim is to build brand alliances to meet the diverse needs of different markets and targets.
NOVA now has more than 180 employees. Its main partners include Vanke, Infrared NF Greater China Real Estate Fund, Sino-Ocean Real Estate, China Jingu International Trust Co., Ltd., TIANTONG CHINA, SUNAC, and the Gold Bund Group. In November 2017, NOVA and the BMW Group’s MINI brand collaborated to create the world's first MINI shared urban space - MINI LIVING.

Title: Call for Submissions: NOVA DESIGN AWARD 2018 - Future Living Space
Type: Call for Submissions
Registration Deadline: 01/07/2018 11:59
Submission Deadline: 31/07/2018 11:59
Venue: 528 Qinzhou Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China
Price: Free




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